10B DESERET NEWS, Friday, June 21, 1967 IllHelp Wanted Men 1p Wanted Men 11Hdp Wanted Men iiHelp Wanted Men 1 '11Help WantedMen PELIABLE man knows ty fcr gcca cean ng inn. Ssrre knowlede of nepfui. Earn.ngs averageH Mr, Harry, 322-1115, 'WANTED man fon manacer i trainee in restaJrant busi ness, Rely Box 0-4 care thle TIMET Senior Forum Thinking Twice "4 ofi: ti.t7 a''' Ail')( i 1 Located 10 miles Las Vegas, Nevada World's leading producer of 4th most common metal has immediate openings for: PRODUCTION FOREMAN opportunity for qualified production foreman. To supervise the liCtiviteS of 5 to 12 ettnoovers Co a rotating shift hesjs. Requires some formal training and 4 to 6 years of industrial experience, sppervising and or matntenance personnel represented by Vffian.
Techt.cai degree oreenred. rK irrmr Process Technician vr-k a moderd and Cwrt, Gn var'ous orotects reed q7fd-aTed have With sem COnduCtOr by vacuum or rltect crCi. or tw,) wears et CoHece. For on Write or GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP. Aiond R.
(-Ind D. Cente19 FACT 0A 'LAW) AVE SALT LAVE OITY, UTAH, 114115 PHONE 411-7783 An pnual onandunity PCA Npf-rds exner.rinced TV service tech nician. Excel. startind salary, progressive cav Increases, tree insur ance, 8 pd. holidays.
Appiy In Der-at 6,5 25th So, 2-7 pm. Free tr-ii nine Program, PA DI 0 CORPORATION OF, AMERICA AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1 COM FGE STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE ELECTRONIC CAMERAS Earn SI50 Weekly Wn Scholarship Extensive Travel Axallable tr os to Paris or Haeiall 9 a to I DO P.m. Call Mon Cr Tues. 363-5891 ACCOUNTANT and credit manager for Ford dealership Prosperous, arid rowing comrountv Exceilent opportunity for man with ambition, ond enthusiasm. Excellent earnirqs.i Paid vacation, sick leave and days, paid health, accident and 04,1 insurance Thomas F.
Redd, Ph. 618 3641, Blandino, Utah, Wanted Men MEN-PART OR FULL TiME -7,) sell Hope items. Akio neat and enjoy meeting people. Wili acce'Pt sthool grad'Jate. Sala ry Cr J.
For interv.en call 4844281 morns. 10.11:50 a 2 4 pm. WHO' co has 1 tmu for Cr A004 H. 0.q, Co 35C.G So UTE CAB Fill or Part Tm Wry Good 267 W. Trd South 2977fR OUSE reAN.
rnamtenahre Man wIth er parcd local comPany. Full-time work chance for advancement. Cad for aoPt. Thatcher Chereical 170 W. 4600 SovM, Murray.
MECHANIC Sa50 to $1011 salary per month plus fringe Pleata call SU 2., 7474 SeAttie. or write Cartnr Motor Inc 5202 lnary Ave, Seattle, Wash 98101, 1 DRIVE YELLON CAB 1 lull trot. or issrt Excel. summer busioes. estrunss, Se Mr Bovorran.
146 Vo. SOUt1 Temp e. PUBLIC SPEAKERS Faro a fortune Dart tirtte. rennuitien rnfl for a comoanv Phone 262.4903. 1 'DUMP truckers Wanted.
call; 299-4534. PROCESS ENGINEERS Challenging opportunity for Metallurgical, Chemical and Mechanical engi; neer interested in Process Development ard Assignments are plant-wide in scope with direr involvement in vaned enipneering problems. 35 degree and I to 5 years experience required. i t111. Sal el II I a 7 YOUNG l'AEN 47' Ull JOD HU II LI b'N BETTER QMy hteiband is 55, has 21 years of seniority lull 1 YOURSELVES his industrial firm and makes $8,000 a year.
lie warns Sales Trainees Managers Fur- nish own car Neat 5,500 per, to pull up stakes in the M'cittest and move to southern month salary to those who qualify, 0 us bonus. Arid Carpets. 724 SO California. 3rd East, 521-3230, 11 sharfH I PART-T1ME SALES I We own a home, with $11,500 equity in it. My hosTeachers, Engineers! Managers and Profersional-tyPe PeoPic Earn band would sell this, buy a mobile home for us around sloo-t2o0 ad uo comm.
pot. World's Largest Produc san Diego, then look for another industrial job. He er of Personal Motivation, Sales' Psychologi and Leadershlp Devel opment recordings and courses. I would use what is left of the house money to tide us rresfige Selling! An Exciting Busk over 1 until he gets the new job. ness! Limited Openings! Ph.
487-0232. I MN. J.RC. WANTEDI2 MEN I IMMEDIATELY ATell your husband you'll go alonr with his idea he can blame you for blighting his dreams for the rest SALARY $3.11 HR of his life if you don't but insist on one thing: NO EXPER. NECESSARY That he fly to California and pin down the new inh Call 3224008 Appliance repair and sale, 1 before you move.
Your husband, before giving up Ilk SALESMANSALES MGR. and its pension rights and what these mean OPoortunity for well qualified saleS man to work into sales manager to your future security should be willing to prove he Position. Commission plus over.ride. 1 Fast moving new program. can do what he thinks he can.
Peal estate or bu.lding experience helpful. For call Mr. McDougal, 364.5581, 25445016. IIASaii; Help Wonted 112Business Opportunities Diu ls For aopt, call Mr. Dougat, 364.5581, 254-0016.
On Job Change 44 We own a home, with $11,500 equity in it. My hu.s. band would sell this, buy a mobile home for us around San Diego, then look for another industrial job. He would use what is left of the house money to tide ul over until he gets the new job. MN.
J.RC. ATell your husband you'll go alonr with his idea-- he can blame you for blighting his dreams for the rest of his life if you don't but insist on one thing: That he fly to California and pin down the new job before you move. Your husband, before giving up his ilority and its pension rights and what these mean to your future security should be willing to prove he can do what he thinks he can. Help Wonted 112Business Opportunities ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER This position Offers a chalienging opportunity for an engineer with at least I to 2 years' expenence in solving air and water pollution oroblems. be involved in a long range development program to correct cer-i tain environmental problems associated with our TWET HENDERSON TECHNICAL WRITER RO's ON LY S1.000 Der wt.
commission. leads furnished, Idaho, Utah, Allied Carpets, 721 So East 52I-223C. It a.m. sharp. SALESMAN for Industrial, agrirul-- tural chemicals With marling local company.
Salary, fringe benefits. Call for appt. 266-5591 Thatcher Chemical 170 W. 4800 South, Murray. Iimet Henderson Is our sponae reduction and Ingot Melting plant.
It is constantiy undexgairg slnificant change as this young and dynamic industry expands and assumes a leadership roll in the Primary Metals market. Excellent fringe benefit program and relocation policy. So lary commensurate with qualifications. For Personal Interview CALL D. E.
DIXON Personnel Supervisor on Friday, June 2Ist and Saturday, June 22nd from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone (801) 328-1261, long distance call collect Thereafter submit complete College transcript and salary requirements to: Industrial Relations Department Titanium Metals Corp. of Americo P.O. Box 2128 Henderson, Nevado 89105 an equal opportunity employer Challenging position available for individual with background in of technical manuals, operating procedures, rovisioning documentation, ond proposal preparation.
Must be good typist. Prefer individual with some advertising experience Os work involves assisting in the preparation of standard product data sheets and trade magazine od ertising. 1 SALESMAN NEEDED FOR Expanding New and Used Car Denlership Full Training Program EDO WESTERN CORP. Jr. a Real estate career? You owe It Guaranteed Salary EXPANSION to yourself to Investigate our fan-i ta stic program where we can guar-1 0 7 I-' Vaca'a I il ll PROGRAM antee success.
278-4483 for interview. Insurance Benefits FOR immediate lease 4 level res- taurant in luxurious Seven I evels Demo Pion EXPERIENCED IN inn locered in Jackson Hole, Contact Mr. Daniel Hedrick at 0071 APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 733-3155 or write Seven Levels Inn. ASK FOR MR. LOUIE or Appliances REAL ESTATE SALESMAN CITY AUTO MART Opening for experienced sa'sman BROWN AND WHITE with one of Salt Lakes best known 2001 SO.
MAIN, SIC. reeltor firms. 364-6677 for aunt. SALESMAN: train, up to $600 486-9381 GOODS 1Sendmonthly salary with 100-year-old highly respected life Insurance co. MEN, WOMEN brief resume In own hod.
Ph. 2644496. BORED? DISSATISFIED WITH writing to Box C-57 this pope REAL ESTATE YOUR PRESENT ROUTINE? WHY Ideal permanent sales opening for 1 NOT CONSIDER THE EXCITE- TEXACO! WENT AND CHALLENGE OF, oKunaulditsioend, 2I7i8clinsi el end fosraaleosplatdy. Mr. REAL ESTATE? If you have initia- Be Independent and enioy the Profits owsi with IMV LsEl2A000DINGcommcorrespobonndvesn.ce2 "scnhoosel.
in in appearance and have your own five, desire to succeed, are neatic0f0YrnetonUiroeeitnrab in uisni les BE A TEXACO DEALER lected. Call 363-5446. car, let us help you discover YOUR on the lob guidance 10 more prof. real estate career. We will train.
Its strong advertising-Promotional sup. Income commensurate with desire' I and ability. port Our new office bulldicg at 231 So- outstanding retail stOres 13th provides the latest in real minimum investment estate facilities. Member of Multiple Nations number 1 credit card Listing Service. Join the real estate Get the facts today, call Ron Jar- op ml Call Meeks rett, days; 328-0511, 359-5748.
364-7851 Meeks I FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE (Ideal permanent sales opening for I Qualified licensed saleslady. Mr. Knudson, 278-4411, for acipt. LEADING correspondence school, $12,000 comm. bonus.
2 men lected. Call 363-5846. Guaranteed Salary Paid Vacation Insurance Benefits Demo Pion APPLY IN PERSON ONLY ASK FOR MR. LOUIE CITY AUTO MART 2001 SO. MAIN, S.L.C.
486-9381 EXPANSION PROGRAM EXPERIENCED L'ajor Appliances BROWN AND lArl-IITE GOODS Send brief resume in own hard-writing to Box C-57 this paper. AUTO MECHANICS For Foreign Domestic Cars Broadway Motors 5300 South Stale OUT of state manufacfurer of plastic laminate casework has need for Journeyman cabinet maker. Too wages, good working conditions. Union Shop, Reply Box 0-8. Care of this paper.
iTELEPHONE solicitors, experienced lonly, cit'rus tickets, phone 467-9180. 2645 South 2nd Weo SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH An Equal OpPortunity Envloyer i. FHoarni.ty disyiBnusiinnrm Business a to i in Guide, his Cal Help You. Information in this lsiness Service Guide, Call A Trained Ad-Writer Will $800 SALARY LIBERAL EXPENSES WE ARE A NATIONAL MULTI-MILLION I DOLLAR ADVERTISING CORPORATON in need of several tep salesmen for our Utah territory. We are interested In men woh promotional breeding, experienced in the sale of tangibles, or iniangiblm, sucrecsful background with tive figure earnings essential! Recent model car requirement, limited travet Protected territory.
FOR INTERVIEW SEE Mr. Kurtis FOR INTLRVIEW SEE Friday, 10 a and A 0 A hAr0, Saturday ID a M. and 4 P.m. sharp. AT HOTEL UTAH South Temple Main St.
Solt Lake City Marketing Specialists of America, Inc. No Phone Calls Accepted PHARMACIST Pharmacy Manager No Evenings No Sundays or Holidays 48-Hour Week Salt Lake Metropolitan Area State Age, Experience and previous employment All inquiries strictly confidential Reply to Box Y-36, paper TRIBUNE ROUTES AVAILABLE PART-TIME WORK EXCELLENT COMPENSATION Call Mr. Christison, 9 am. to 5 m. daliy except Sunday 524 2767 YOUNG MEN BETTER YOURSELVES Sales Trainees Manaciers flesh own car neat $500 Der month salarv to those who ouallfu plus bonus.
Allied Carpets 724 So 3rd East, 521-3230 ii a.m. sham. SIGN PAINTERS Work In fabulous Las Vegas, repainting some of the worlds largest signs land some of he smallest). Contact Young Electric Sign Co. 2576 East Charleston Las Vegas, Nevada.
88104 or phone 702-387-2720. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION MEN Rebuilders first class, PAO per hr. salary. Largest national organization, time and one half over 40 hrs. Paid holi (Ws and vacations, excellent condi! zions- apply A.A.M.0 366-6S66, Shaffer.
Coll between 3-6 tom. INVESTIGATOR Co. furnishing decisional Weir. motion to all types of businecses. Personnel scceemno.
Ins. investigation. needs emoloyee for Salt Lake City. Starting salary $650. Car a I low a nc e.
bonus and Irony emoloyee benefits. Legal age. Write P.O. Box 6299, S.L.C., or phone 472281. QUALIFIED WELDERS HEAVY PLATE ROLL OPERATORS An Equal Opportunity Employer EATON METAL PRODUCTS 841 So.
Chestnut St. ARCHITECT or architect in training, experienced, with strong design orientation. Permanent Position, small Montana firm with expanding work volume. Send resume, salary requirements and availability to Davidson Kuhr, P.O. Box 417, Great Falls, Montana 39401.
RIGHT OF WAY AGENT Permanent position with excellent fringe benefits and growth. Requires evpehence in right-el-way acquisition. Salary s562-s72 depending upon experience. Send resume to John W. Arrasmith, County Engineer, Spokane.
Washington. EXECUTIVE West Coast firm opening Utah of-i fices. We are looking for too salmi management People. For too corne phone 262-6023. MAINTENANCE MAN Permanent employment, imply to innkeeper at Holiday Inn, 1659 W.
North Temple. No phone calls please. COLLEGE student s. school feachers sPcial summer time franchise available as factory representative In appliance store. No investment.
too money. car helpful. Apply 1556 So Main. WANTED Mechanic for Utah's best eouiopeo transmission shop. Ideal working conditions and bone.
fits. Call in person, 1145 So. Main. See Mr. Chick Routi.
CLAIMS adjuster, minimum 1 year casualty and fire experience required. Company car furnished, fringe benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. Call $21-4150. JEWELER WANTED Experienced Jeweler wanted for work in fine store.
Las Vegas, start Se ppr hour wenn. Reply to Box D-14 In car. of this paper. Carl of this paper. 1 I I I I I l' 1 One ze 3nso.f taooltdt.tokce I lvdflitnhesItmssfinnieie business established.
Very good 3-bay facilities. With excellent credit card Realtor backing. Paid training and financial So. 13th East IS1-7833 assistance for qualified applicant. I call SYSTEMS SALES 1 OS AMERICAN OIL REPRESENTATIVE opportunity for oualifiedi Al-0695 or 487' 3C, SIC.
Realtor So. 13th East IS1-7833 SYSTEMS SALES REPRESENTATIVE Excellent opportunity for aualified Fast, Reliable Workmanship Call today for free estimate. 'Cement CUSTOM CEMENT BIG PROFITS ID R1VEWAY S. PATIOS. PLOCK WORK.
Lc. contractors, 486-1397 ARE MADE. Ell LISTING I aft 6 m. 255-7367. BIG PROFITS ARE MADE-el LISTING PA Painting, Papering, Cleaning SPRING SPECIAL inting, sPraved textured patch bonded contractor.
486-1397, dam I 7---7-- I Wc wilt do your sheetrock sanding 255-7367, eves. and finishing. 466-7929. ENAMEL BAKED ON 15011 Sand, Gravel, Fed. Any desired color kitr'len, cabinets and appliances, metal of.
fiat furniture, dental equipment, CONDIE BROS. SOIL CO. etc. Rex industries, Inc. 328-3176.
Beautiful Mouotain Loftin PAPERING and PAINTING Yards Graded 298-5173 298-4185 CLARK THOMAS, HU 54872 Free estimates. Work guaranteed. WAGSTAFF SOIL Wallpaper, Waltex samples. Special to Cottonwood. Midvale Mar.
WAGSTAFF SOIL Special to Cottonwood, Midvale WANTED: Cooks, butbovs, and dishwasher for operation. Interviews held 1 p.m -5 o.m. Mon. thru Wed. 2.1th-26th.
See Mr. Pizzo at MR. STEAK, 2181 So. 7th East. PART-TIME starion attendant, young married, with one Year experience, local references.
Shields, Texaco Service, 1250 S. 2100 East. You will earn your lst week 850 part time. (70 hrs.) with Fuller Brush or I will pay the difference Call Bob, 278-2861. Yffun't Texaco week $50 rs.) with the clif Your Service IN THIS DIRECTORY EVERY DAYFOR 30 DAYS 3-line Ad $27.00 4Line Ad $36.00 S-line Ad $45.00 2-line Ad $1800 IN ALL PAPERS Morning vv.
Evening Everyone Gets Results In "At Your Service' Dial 521-3535 JUSI SAY aViARGE ir I House Cleaning COST Complete housecleaningWall, dow, floor. carpet (done by ma chine) Expert painting Reas. "You always ed batter with a clean Guar. work. Free est.
Reas 278-4052, 278317 i I A-1 PAPERINGLow rates, lib. Free work guar. paper samples to your borne. 359-5266, 359-7389. Use your BankAmericard Instant Credit.
SMALL CONTRACT PAINTING Retired, state ficensed. terms, free Personalized Work. 355-9229. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Credit available. Low rates.
278-6502. 355-8494. avaiiapie. Low rates. 7154507.
355-8494. 10Schools, Training OPEN HOUSE AND LECTURE FriPAY, JUMP 28th 2 m. P) 4 pm. to 9 m. FASHION CAREERS ti5hion buyer fAthion consultAnt tAshion cesign decoratIng $500 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED PATRICIA STEVEN Career Cohege 1743 Fait 7100 South Salt Lake City, Utah Phone PBX RECEPTIONIST IBM KEY 10 Inch, Computer Tab Mitring, Proorammino, Cerkftvoist.
I Pool Sec Acrto Snorthong. Gen. Ott Pct. Secretarial. Low tuition.
Teitm, No A(IP INTERMOUNTAIN coLLF.r.,k 341 South Main Street 3S5-7S01 BARBER 0 Iltah Barber College, 466 0489 59 Easi lith Utah 1 0AWontedMen, Women EXCELLENT TEACHING POSITION OPFN Positions are open on the Naval In (lien Reservation for el- mentary end Secondary. Starifflo salarY with 6 pd. Index. Five tri) years prior service ailowed. Need man-wife combinations or nor-sons willing to share housing.
Pent $55 per month for modern 2-bedroom apartments, utilities fur fished. Cell or write to George E. Burns. Superintendent, Window Rock School District No. 8, P.O.
Box 559, Jort Defiance. Arimna lip 86504 Teienhone Area Code 602429-2495 or 229-2381. VACANCIES in elementary, secondary English, Home making, Science, Math, Spanish. Beautiful semirural community near Los Angeles and San Diego. stu dents.
1,400 high schools, 28 average class size. Beginning salary S6300 to ..:03,00 depending Cr) guatifica tons. 10 days sick leave accumulat ed. Excellent facilities, grad schools available, creative teaching Is recognized and encouraged. Apply Hemet Unified School 2350 Latham Hemet, California.
Phone WOMEN. all ages, needed for positions as telephone secretaries, train. log includes PDX switchboard, med-dental receptionist. gen. office practice, modeling and finishing.
Inquire 10 to 3 nt. weekdays. 138 So. 2nd East. Suite 204 or phone, 363-4501 for aPPL Exper.
Phone Solicitors 1820 Per wk. ouar. More-Lite bulbs, United Handicapped Sales. 484-9945, 484-5995. BOOKKEEPER Experienced.
Work. min. 20 hrs. per wk. Send resume to Box 0-11, care of this paper.
COUPLE, service station. cafe work. Riddle Bros. Service, Knolls, Utah 190 miles west of S.L.C. on Highway' 40).
No children. Ph. 466-3805. ENROLL NOW ----New classes In cake decorating, starts July I6115 thru 2eth Intermountain Cake Decorating School, 363-0714. RESIDENT Property manager.
LaSelle 312 So. 5th East Couple preferred. Call 486-6992, 1, for details. COUPLE to operate Boys' Home In Calif. Write Ettie Lee Homes, Box.
339, Baldwin Park, Calif. STUDENTS. choose own hours. aver-I age $2 per how commission. with Watkins Products.
Call 262-3376. OR PENSION CPU! car for apt. house In exchange for ''-room apt. Call EM 4-6785. INCREASE your Income.
Rawleigh Household Products. 363-5930. 11Help Wanted Men DRIVERS To run for permanent contractors. Must have a minimum of 4 years' over-the-road experience driving under I.C.C. Safely Regulations.
Contact Tom Smith, Little Audrey's Transportation P.O. Box 7216, 262,2511. TREATMENT PLANT SUPERVISOR. 2 years activated sludge treatment plant experience in supervisory Ca WIN. American citizen.
Class 5 Nevada certification or equivalent. Personnel 222 12th, Sparks. Nevada, by July 19, 1966. S773.5937. PERMANENT certified or experienced welders needed, 63.0447.33 per nour salary.
Fringe benefits Inc'ude vacation, sick leave and paid holidays. Apply at Mountain States Steel Geneva Lindon, Utah. CASUALTY UNDERWRITER Bterger proof stock company, 5 years heavy general liability and auto experience to head casualty droartment in Salt Lake City office. Reply, giving full particulars and sAiAr expected to Box 0.12, care of this paper. 4- MOONLIGHTERS and COLLEGE STUDENTS Earn Sr5 to $60 comm.
weekly work. Ins 'via. and Sets. Prviclad Faller Brush accounts. 467-2458, 2784458, 266 2356 bill of state manufacturer of Plastic laminate products, fixtures and cabinets has need for iddi iduai tied In detailing and production bill.
ino supervisory and organiza lion experience. lop wages. Good work Ina conditions. Reolv Box D-8 carrot this paper. MACHINE MINERS with underanatind mining experience for U.S.
Smelting Refining and Mining Cop U.S and lark Mine Al. 'ornate 5- and 5.day work weeks. Apply In person at mine office, Lark. Utah. Carpet Installers TOP PAY have contractors license, truck and equipment.
Ready to travel. A liied Carpets. 724 So. 3rd East. irot.
I E6E students end school teachers special ft a chise. Available factory representatives. No investment, top money selling applianCeS. Car helpful. Apply 1556 South Main.
PART4ime salesman for local home thrashings stOril to work Mon. and F'l from 6 pm. to pm. and Sat 0 30 to 6. Good wages for ttght man, excellent working conditions.
esperience.preferred. Send resume and custodial work In motel. 6 days a no drinks. Salon $175 a rno plus riot. and utils.
Apply 754 West No. Temple. furnace installers. Year 'round work. Good pay.
Fringe benefits. Wasatch Furnace and Electric. East 4800 So. 266-4447. Eves.
484-4767. MODEL MAKER for model and patterns for fiberoloss products Model cc body and fender experience helpful. Call 487-3276 tor appt. BETAILclerk, career possibilities for right man. Daytime work.
Soles expert preferred. Utah ref. red. Sift-gels. 76 East 2nd So.
ULL experienced diesel mechar.c, full or Dart time, too NV to confident mechanic. Truckers Service and Supply. 4755 So. 2nd West. SE RV IC station attendant, exp legal age, part-time weekend work.
Inc. rel. 2661855, 2664:027. Budget eil Co. W.
4TED experienced fiberglags laminator. too wages. aPPIV Golf' stream Boats, 1750 So. ath West. FOOD waiter wanted, see Tom, Club Manhattan, 7 RI.
No. 5 East 4th South. XPF R. furnace and sheet metal installer, MOUntilin Heating. 4774 South Redwood.
BARBER WANTED. Kearns-Granger area. Call 299-2045 before 6 D.M. After 6. call 298.6674 SERVICE station attendant, capable of managing.
Acidly In person at 2220 So. 9th East, rear. 'EXPERIENCED metal man, good steady work, must apply in person. Lee's Body Shop. 530 So.
2rd West. CLEANING lady for bunk 3 to 4 hrs. I day. Apply knot Serv ice. corner of 4th So.
and 2rd est ROOFERS to learn tile roof E4Per. bartile rooters preferred Apply 440 W. 3rd North. WANTED lourneyrnan furnace insteii, or. Call 264.7044.
1M East So EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER tor Harmon City. Call 2983577. 2-MEN NEEDED to assist fre In surance businuss 487.1653, 9.10 ain.i LOCKSMITH NEEDED, FULL TIME. TOP SALARY. 33-3411 i PATTERN MAKERS, model making.
exper. 4137.3726. ZOVNTERMAN for Work in trailer' Apply 1631 Sm. Stott. I I I I i I I I I BUGS? GUARANTEED top quality paintin CALL BOB (THE DEBUGGERS Trees, lawn, shrubs, etc Stale neat, clean, fair prices, licensed.
free est. 295-8393. 355-8025. Roger Coleman, 278-9974. Professional Pest Control PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Inside and Outside insured, large, smi.
lobs. Neat, Call Pennocks 328-0596 clean. Free est. Shields, 467-1840. PAPERING, PAPER FURN.
AL'S Insect Spray, free Painting, steaming, plastering, wall- Guaranteed results. 298-5667. tex; low rates. Jacobs, 467-0104. EXPERT horticultural soraYing.
rte. NUNLEY PAINTING sonable rates, 364-8845. EXPERT spray texturing, reas. Lie Free est. 262-1652 rates, HU 5-0604, 2624154.
EXPERT wallpaper, Walltex, remod- COMPLETE spray service. Free is-cling, repairing. Free est. timate. Rees.
rates. 571-3718. EXPERIENCED PAINTERS, S15 Sprinkling prinkling RM. 363-4192, 4854115. -3(PF121 MintinoreAs Nn wait inn PAINTERS, $15 RM.
363-1192, 85-8115. EXPERT paintingreas. No waiting, I SAI FS SALES MANAGER OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED DISTRIBUTORSHIP Over 550.000 annual income distributing snowmobiles, scooters, boats. to over 100 throughout WOO, Wyoming, Utah end Nevada. Over 1100,000 in ore-season riders are being prOtessed now.
515,000 cacn down pa vment reouired. Terms avail, on balance. 328-8626. 355-9564, 37S-3541. TOURIST CENTER BY OWNER Three-Pour drive to 5 ott barks and monuments, fishing and hunting, A real setup for a Omit," with MON, Who is Interested in small town lite with good air and water.
Call or write Chas. Farmer. Fnguitch. Leah. 676-8841.
GAS LIGHT RESTAURANT BeautifuII furnished and well equipped. for sale or trade for bare lend in duch*esne County. Write P.O. Box 131. duch*esne.
Utah. or Ph one, 7381702. FOR LEASE Dining room and coffee shop In one of Salt Lake's finest motor hotels. Consistently good vollme. Counter, booths and tables seat 225.
Meeting rooms, banquet room, room service offer added potential. Fully equipped. Send inquiries to Box C-55 th paper. I.H.C. FARM IMPLEMENT AND TRUCK DEALERSHIP 1-00.
SO. E. Idaho, log prosperous farming area. Est. over 40 lac mod.
brk. 1 acre lend. Should Investigate to scorer. value. Priced to sell, reas.
terms. May consider lease. Reply to Box Y7, care of this paper. $20,000 in 6 Months Distributing SNO MOBILES and other recreational equip. to dirs.
its north Utah and S.E. Nieto. $5 ON) Inv. dp. req.
Ph. collect (801) 359-3243, 355-9561. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 20-lane modern bowling alley, choice southeast oc. plenty of parking, a real money maker. Owners anxious.
4864331, 4841595, 467-5023. COLEMERE REALTY NOWMOB IL DEALERS WANTED Dealerships available for Utah, Wyoming, Nevada. Call 4461127 or write 1357 So. Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah.
ST. GEORGE LUMBER YARD and Hardware Store 10.000 sq. ft. of buildings on over 12-acre ground, close in town. Salt Lake owner wide open as to terms end price.
Knight Realty agent, 363 So. 6th E. 364.1 TEACHERS Interested in teaching I dult mot I vation and self-Improvement classes, $50 per night overage salary. Opportunity in Provo, Ogden or Salt Lake areas. Training program available.
CI1 for Interview, 262-6411, VENDING ROUTE 2 candy machines, 2 cigaretto machines, 1 canned OOP. $1,100 full Units Currently on location and producing. Call 4841184 for info OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS California manufacturing companY has opening for distributorships in Salt Lake and southern Idaho area. Above-average income. Investment secured Write Box D-18, care oi EXCEL.
business opportunity for aggressive sociable men and women. High returns. low investment. Leadership ability highly rewarded. training progrm incl.
Write Bo D-17, this paper. FINE GOING RESTAURANT And 15-unit motel. average over per month net. $3500 dn. Buyer must quality for spot359.5509.
WORKING director stockholder in bookkeeping and office manaoement, This eguiPment business has shown a gond steady growth tor the past 2 years. Reply Box D-15, Care of this paper. OWNER WANTS TO RETIRE. Cate and hotel, newly remodeled, pool family deal. Small dn.
Contact Edith Smith, Box 773. Randolph, Utah. 793.9115. FULLY -Quipped. well-established mower and cycle shop for immediate sale.
Average gross $70000. Excel. location. Reply Box Y-34. tTfAH'S most exclusive fashion school for sale, Investment return lst year.
Write to Box 0-7 In care of this newspaper. LAVA HOT SPRING17115A.HO. 5-unit furnished apartment house, cite center Call Soda Sirinos. Idaho, 547.42'75. TAKE over business todaY.
$150 buys Inventory. small variety store. Located in new shopping centpr, Sandy, 571.1308, 571-3027 HAIR dressers be your own boas. Nice salon for sale. Choice location opoortuni 1 for light person, 467-3335, 378-5226.
DEALERS wanted for Mooney Corn. Aircraft. Several areas still open. For interview contact M. Murphy.
Box 7096, Reno, Nevada 89507. EXCEL. dry cleaning and laundry buainess. Priced low. Large Plant and clientele.
278-1583 -BEAUTY SHOP, (mod room tor cyndnsion, prod business, plenty ot Parking space. 282-1205. SUCCESSFUL coin-op laundry and dry cleaning store in S.L.C. Excel, lent return. 467-9446 or 363.3039.
LOUNGE for sale Doing goad bust. 11,9. Widow must sell. 255-9856. 278.7409 FOR SATE or leaseFully nuipued restaurant, sitting capacity 100 Call Ron Bowers, 328.7476.
12-1INIT apt. nr. BTU, $47,000. Le4 pymts $10,000 dn. 225-5686.
Appliance Repair AL malor appliances repaired, reasonable. Ranges, washers, all gas appliances. Al APPLIANCE REPAIR, 2994333 Asphalt Pavin 9 ASPHALT paving. env sirs patching a specialty. 255-1405.
ASPHALT PAVING and patch driveways, parking erns. 487-1162. DRIVEWAYS our specialty, Call 4672035. ASPHALT driveways and patch work, etc. Free est.
262-2133. Auto AlignmentBrakes COMPLETE brake alignment service. All cars, truck. SAFETY Brakes 165 E. 6th S.
DA 84606. PACK, Alignment, drake Service, 1161 S. 2nd igest. 487-7777 'Auto Repairs t--- ANY CAR PAINTED. $3995.
Trucks, body, tender repairs. Uphol. and glass Work. While Auto Painting, 1552 S. 2nd West.
4861333. REBUILT generators, starters, $7 50 With exchange, day or night. 2911-1240. 3532 So. 2950 West.
VALVE lob, $10. o'hauL 575, trans. seals, $25, most cars. 328-2112. lBasem*nts lLEAKY easem*nts a problem? Work, guar.
277-5779, 298-2430. Brick, Concrete, Piaster CEMENT WORK FREE tsr. or small, patchwork. drivoe ways, patios. licensed.
262-1564. BRICK end block work. chimneys tree 486-645. 484-6534. BRICK.
block. any lob tfireol.) free est. 295-9187. 3282329. FIREPLACES.
garages. fences. brick, block and stone. 486-6437. CEMENT WORK ALL TYPES-- 484-7595 BLOCK LAYING, fences.
etc. Good work, reas. AM 6-2545. BRICK. BLOCKWORK.
Licensed. big sasem*nts I easem*nts a problem? Work, guar. 277-5779, 298-2430. Brick Concrete Piaster CEMENT WORK FREE tsr. or small, patchwork, drivi; waiis, p6lios, lipilsed.
2011504, 3RICK and block work. chimneys repaired, tree 4186-6475. 4844)3( i MICK, block. env lob Ifireol.) he 1 free est. 295-9187.
328-2329. garages. fences. brick, block and stone. 486-6437.
CEMENT WORKALL TYPES-- 184-759S HOCK LAYING, fences, etc. Good work, reas, AM 6-260. i iRICK. ALOCKWORK. Licensed.
big small lObS (tireol.) 466.5315 Cabinets MILL work end cabinetry of III kirds, repairs. 277-5724. I FORMICA. repairs. i BEESLEYS Booth Fix Co.
364-8189. Camera Repair MAKES reo.sired. Light meters, projectors, Camera Tech. House of Music, 156 South Main. Carpenters pay more for the best.
all', types remodeling end cabinet 5 pct. over cost, att. pm.1 'GUAR. remodeling. family alum.
windows. Patios. carports. flee est. NOW finish bsmt.
car-1 No Jeb too. Irrall 118509132 r6c1, rea-1 aft gas 266.4333 I I 1 i ge1 Screens SCREENS for Windows and Doors. and New. 291-0710. Pete's.
Renairs and New. 292-0710, Pete's. iheetrock Murray. 277-3870, 278-9795. HARPER'S top soil, sand, gravel, grading, claY.
255-1095, 277-6731. BLACK TOP SOIL DELIVERED 1 days a week. 266-8083, 263-3118. DARK clean mountain soil. Special price.
Fill dirt. 798-0847. Spraying EXPERT INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TONNESEN SPRINKLER CO. 270 East 13rd South 467-4213 QUALITY SYSTEMS AT LOW COST Free estimates on all types. TermS.
Regulated Sprinkler Co. 359-9333. Teaching BARBARA McKAY DAVIS Teacher of piano and organ 1155-1st 3554854 ART lessons, drawing and painting, call Bill Hawkins, 363-6400. Private and group. REAni NG problems, speed read, sml.
class or tutor. 278-0912. WILL teach Spanish to your family or group this summer. 466-6576. CERT.
Rem. Reading teacher. B.S.. S. Testing incl.
363-2146. ANYONE can Improve speech or singing. 355-7906. 35 E. 1st North.
CERT. Rem. Reading teacher. B.S., M.S. Testing Incl.
'rah. Teletision, Radio Repairing Calls $2.95 COLOR, BLACK, WHITE CITY NIGHT, DAY HOLIDAYS, SUN. VETERANS TV, INC. BANKAMFRICARDS WELCOME PHONE 299-0122 or 486-9365 3480 SOUTH REDWOOD ROAD Home Calls, Days or Night 9 a.m. to 11:30 P.m.
SPecialist in complete service and sales. Color, black and White TV, AMFAA stereo. Honest arid competent. Al Quality TV Stereo, Inc. 1496 Major St.
4135-8288 KEITH'S TV, CALLS $2.00 Color, $5 21-hr. service, 811 makes. Try us for quality. Bank AmaCi: card, 355-2185. Tile COUNTER TOPS.
WALL FLOOR TILE. Free est. 4673631. AVERAGE shower stall, multi. Ceiored.
11 1 c7119M FLOOR TILE. Free AVERAGE shower stall, multi. colored, SI15 571-3906. CERAMIC bath, cont. disc.
255-7951, 255-0161. Tree Removed FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE LICENSED contractor, bonded, In-mired. 28 vrs. EXP stump digger. 60-ft.
P.H. Crane. 4843011, 3634501. SWEDIN'S TREE EXPERTS Bonded, insured. tree estimate.
485-1860 4661109 A TREE StWICE, 3M-8845 TREES. SHRUBS, EVERGREENS TREES. SHRUBS, YARD WORK, FRFE ESTIMATE, Rees. 485-3014 EXPERT tree And yard work doi4-. Free est.
466-4936, 299-1248. -TREES TOPPED, removed. Free estimates, bonded. 4M-4285. Upholstering YOUR FURN.
remod. In Naugahvde. Kit. chairs. 1731 $.
State. IN 6.9900. -FURNITURE recovering. Also kitchen chairs, low as 55. 3646189.
UPHOLSTERING. ALSO REPAIRING 467.6503 Venetian Blinds WINDOW shades, Vsnet1an, vertical blinds Cleaned, repaired, pickup. Sanders, 2567 S. State. 4115-5011.
PAPER HANGING and PAINTING WE use newly Invented Von Schrad- i Reasonable HU er wail deterger producing perfect results, no muss no fuss no plastering bother, free ests. Happy Home Weill Cleaners. 3643960. PLASTERING. FOUNDA litotS housecleaning Mils, win.1 TIONS PLASTERED.
EM 4494 dows, upholstery, etc vr.w. I ALL TYPES PATCH PLASTERING carpets, at reduced low price, free Home repairs. free est. 364-49138 est. 486-7014, 466-2626, 266.2084.
IPLASTER repair. stucco. cement, WE CLEAN WALLS. WINDOWS. textured ceilings.
Plowing COMPLETE housecleaning service. ----------s ore Guar. work. Free est. 322-4451.
ROTOVATE, plow, dise aw I planning, Free ests. 278-3421. PAPER Cleaned, Washed -00tOVAtE, disc, grade, lawn Prompt. neat, reas. Vt-0940 orea.
Weed mowing. 278-3407. Joel-. wore. eree est.
322-4451. PAPER Cleaned, Wa'Is Washed Prompt. neat, teas. 3'3-0940 Ts' Prep- Planning' Free es ROTOVATE, glow, grade, laWn Weed mowing. 278-3407.
231 men, with a 50-year-old nationwide company which is a leader in the field of business systems manufacturino. Salary plus exoeses while training. Also profit sharing Program. If you have a background In sales. office management.
accounting or systems and Procedo-es, and would like to investigate the interesting field of systems selling, teleohone or write Mr. G. L. Moon, Acme Visible Records. Inc.
235 South 5th East. S.L.C.. Utah 114101. Tel. 322-0501.
An EOU81 Oonortunitv Emolover REAL ESTATE Expansion has created need for additional sales associates. MEN or WOMEN EXPERIENCE OR NOT will train you in practical Proven methods of successful real estate marketing. Long one of best known realtor firms. Top city location, attractive office. multiple listing member, no parking problems, group insurance.
Expel, ienced or not we wish to talk with you. All Inquiries held confidential. Days, 322-1373; Evenings, 44-5813. We Need 2 Salesmen Earn $1,000 Minimum on liberal commissions Management Opp. Leads Furnished.
Excellent Training Avail If You want above average Income you will succeed in selling this fin. est motivation and achievement courses. Call or come, 262-6441. 3838 So. Main Memorial Estates Seeks SCHOOL TEACHERS STUDENTS Why not turn some of those LEI.
SURE HOURS Into EARNING HOURS. Call 486-0151 and learn how You can earn money to cover Your Fall and Winter exoenses by repre senting MEMORIAL ESTATES pre-need program. Salary plus comm. and bonus plan. Full or Part time.
SAL A COMMISSION. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW PHONE 3289223. SALES TRAINEE Starting salary oluS commissions. First-year earnings of COMO plus Possible. Century-old, nationwide COMPIMV, 24-month program of in.
tensive training, Applicant must like people, have burning desire to succeed. College or equivalent, Cal 11 Mr. Bird for interview and aptitude test. 2647751. After 5 Si.m..
weekends. 278-3585. Equitable Life Assurance Society Equal Opportunity Employer Aft-E LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is seeking aggressive, personable young men for sales management trainee. Saler), to 8800 per month, olus bonus and commission. One of our new men who started recently earned an average of $948 per week during his first seven weeks.
Liberal retirement and health plans. Plus other important rings benefits To set PP an Interview, call Miss Smith, P36-2118. $1.60 Per Hr. Sal. Guarantee Oppor.
For Handicapped We have en opening for 8 Physically handicapped male or female in our order taking ept. This position is full-time and permanent. Rapid advancement. Also management cppor. Eterna 3 Southwestern (electric Iihting products), 363-2331.
Office in good location with exrel. advertising of homes. For spot. call Mr. McDougal, 3615561 or 2344016.
WILL be hiring full time cooks Aoo lv daily 2-4. Crnssroads ReStatt rant. Tremonton. Man 2571726. I2Business Opportunities LOCAL irtVill business desires enuilv Investment for expansion.
oriented to skiers and tourism. Alias Scaie Models SERVIC station evadable in prime southeast loc. Paid trainino, and financial assistance available. Contact Dunn Oil 3661609. LOCAL amusem*nt rides for salt, now Operating.
3S5-4501 Keys, Sates, Locks LOST your kevs? Who has them? GLEN changes locks on YOUR DOORS FOR DIFFERENT KEYS. and 1205 South State. Landscapin inter. Call John, 266-1112 QUALITY painting. all kinds.
ins. Fre est. 277-5029. 1THE BEST FOR LESS FREE EST. Low rates.
363-8522. 363-5261. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Low rates 298-1071 PAINTING and DECORATING, the best there Is. reas.186-8505. HAVE TRACTOR WILL PLOW ETC.
255-7406. DISC1NG, grading. landscapirg. clean UP. Roto-till.
Free est. 298-2805. plumbina PLUM9ING REPAIR WORK FAST AND EFFICIENT. Water Remodeling COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE FINISHED PATIOS ROOM ADDITIONS PANELING New Homes Commecial Building Repoli' Free Design and Estimate tow bank 13 yrs. to pay PRECISION BUILDERS I i I CONCRETE EXPERTS Lie tree est.
Also patch 3442672. PRICES RIGHT Cement work, CEMENT EXPERTS. All types pAto work, low rates. 363-0954. ALL TYPES CEMENT WORK Lro.
or sosall, free 364-4900. CEMENT ALL TYPES 262-1625 or Job WE SPECIALIZE 'Basem*nts under homes, digging and Fitzgerald and Webster, 255-7809. BAsem*nTS DUG. CEMENTED UNDER HOMES BY LICENSED CONTRACTOR. Terms to Call Fitzgerald, CR 7-4043.
NEW construction, remodeling, residential or commercial, custom cabi-I nets, tzsmt. Iic. CONCRETE cuttino also concrete Dia Cing. Dartt Construction 364-5053, 3e4-2386. REMODELING, new ccmst.
lic. J. E. Allred, Son, 486-0235. HU 4-6201.
KITCHENi----ROOM ADDITIONS. Finance, Don Munk, 278-0364. REMODELING, new construction, HU 202-4154. BAsem*nTS DUG under homes. Curtis 486-1909, 467-7342.
Detectives W-E IN-Y-LTTGATE all criminal, civil, divorce cases. 355-4646. Doarclosers, Checks GLEN'S complete REPAIR VICES. 214 and 3205 S. State.
Drafting Servics WORKING drawings, house Plans. Design Service, 266-3882. Dressmaking DRESSMAKI1G-487-0254 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Experienced.
466-2694. Driver Training A-1 DRIVER TRAINING State cert. school. dr. Ile.
9 days. day classes, 466-2444 494-2930. APPROVED DRIVERS Morning eVPning class. 464-6663 or 363 S024. State licensed.
Electricians ELECTRICAL WORK. VERY REAS. No tob too small. licensed. Free est.
Bonded. 262-0974, 266.7326. LARGE or sm. job. Free est.
bonded. Barnes, Elec. 4ee-9262. ELECTRICAL work done. Free estimales.
277-c127. Rees. LARGE OR SMALL JOBS. Rea U. censed, bonded.
Free est. 264-2626. Excavating BACKHOE end loader, 116rd-to-get-at lobs. large or mall. cement break.
rww2e .0. 01100, ing. 255.7809 BACKHOF loader. last and ON- Doier work, reaS. 266-1081 BACKHOE.
$8 IACKHAMMER, $10 HR. WE GO ANYWERE 3594413. ACK HOE AND DI'MPTRUCK WORK 466-2681, AM 6-2291 Fencing PECKY cedar, oraoestake chainlInk all tvoes, lowest 'noes. terms. Free est 262.2925, 278-0757 eves.
CHAIN link fencing, order now and ste. ACM Fence, 3310 So. West 47.74.il. Garages WE SPFCIALI7E in garages, car, ports, Ito, any sZ19, any styli, PO dcwn. 466-8972.
Hauling YvE CIE out bsonla barades, ds odd ions, haul trash. heavy ambage pickup and incinerator sery.ce. Cali any time, Mon. th'd Sat. 29919SI.
000 iobs, moving, haul trash, soil, sand, gravel hauled. No lob tco sma.l. 7 aavs wk. Free est. a84-2ee2.
TRASH HAULING Yard. garage. Clean-up and Odd iobs 1 TRASH HAULED Clean LID. odd tob. Reasonab.e.
IN 7.9701, 322.5058. YDS, trees, drt reas. Free est. 262-0441 WE can haul, clean bsm' ts. attics, etc and belts you rnove 266-9129 CLEAN attics, haul trash, very reasonable.
200642. CA'EEDINe-, ODD JOBS. 328108., Si 00 LOAD BAsem*nTS, DES CLEANED, 322-2311. 16E (LEAN Basr MENTS, gm ane, co ocd tots, haul 298.3761. YARDS.
osrnts You call, we'll haul. wporion.ed, tree est. 467.4672. YARD CI ANING, TRASH HAULS INC, 486 7329. HAUL artYthold, $4 D.
boy, or dump truck, 3634700. FLOOR care, ssASIlirICI, car. Pet cpanmg, fre.a est. 299.5648. TRASH HAULING, YARD CLEANING.
266-7710. 1 I I i I I I I I port, Pali, cement work. Contract FORK LIFT MECHANIC 00ORSKITCHENS. ADDITIONS 1 Good workind conditions and too All rvairs, 278-0364 wages. Heiner Equipment SO) REMODEL.add on.
Irg. or gmall. West 7th South. See Bob Gilson. xper tree est.
266-5812. WANTED Auto body repairman. KEMODEL, repairs. Formica. ce must be experienced and do tnpi menf work, frog est.
255-6036. work. Top conditions arid benefits. SPECIWI in remodeling and, See Dan, Dan's Body Shop, 47 East II jobs. -55 mg 1 sma IMO 328,0594.
liOUBNEYWAN Build. remodeld MAINIFNANCERetired person In repair, cabinets. Call 2984429. good health, part time. knoiledge Pt general moctiAnirAI ALL I 0F 121--M (3-6-FTVG of general mechanical maintenance, INEW LAWN SPECIAL 1 heaters a spec.
466-003, 355-4333. Landscaping, sprinklers, soil, fort -01-UMBrNG, laroe or small lobs. Pwr. pruning, cleanup, hfoul-1 Free es "mates. 47-2705.
I Ind Free est. 467.4072. PLUMBING WCRRIE COMPLETE gardening and land-1 soaping by Professional Gardener. probiems2 Call EM 3-6308. I 5 ns a II lion a 'Rain Guttering Call Larsen ElOral, 2621562 for esti- mate.
ICHUCK -ILLSLEY RAIN GUTTER. I Lowest prices in town. Free est. LOW COST LANDSCAPING 1 state licensed contractor. 20-5344.
Sprinkling soil fert, pruning GITITERNG INSTALLED, repaired. Pwr. rake, cleanup, 266-4506. I Aiso sm. rsinling lobs.
364-3762. 1 ROTOVATE, grade, cut and rake Refrigeration HARPER. Free esIlmate. 277-1167. weeds, truck and tractor tVATE RP ALLS i warr, Inc.
C. Steed, 484-6856. Indoors Outdoors 364-9033 I EMERGENCY night service, 17 Yrs. heaters a spec. 466-003, 355-4333.
PLUMBrNCTlarae or smell lobs. Free 481-2705. of wocd working factory oreterrod-: Reply 10. care this paPer. REMODEL repairs.
Formica. at- motIEL MAKER to sin desion ores-, men' w3rk' tree est' entation vale models. Must be xllent rtIsman and deta Carpets, furniture ece Cleaned 1 only. too waoes. Call! 401-3226 for Root.
SPECIALIZING carpet and MAN for work. night ghift. meat I cleaning, child proctmg True carver, experienced, willing to Melned by Scotch Guarclasg, 2year work, no phone calls, imply tn DO, guarantee. 163.4004. I son, 10:30 a rts.
or 2 p.m. 279 So. Main. REE-LST. Aver, i tarPet cteaned, $10 SO.
IS yrs. MALE HELP 1 Au work ova, dry foam meteod, win nn In Ze1-004 envure. 1 need 20 immed all? I 555 W. 3500 South lTree professionally toed and re. 3 2994273 moved.
any size. Let us keno your MODELING. room hedges and shrubs expertly garages, carports, kitchens; trimmed. Free and completeo, window Changing, ceii-1 Insured. 266.2614, ings lowered, bathrosms and siding.tEXPERT shrub or hedge trim.
Over 20 yrs. experience, we buy Trees topped or removed as low materials wholesale so we can save as $8,50 Free Estimate-277-0C32 you money. Lc. and bonded Corn tractor, all work guar. 485-5171 I FRANK J.
LARSEN LANDSCAPING, grading, clean-up. Roto-till. tree est. 29132805. -LAWN CARE, all types yard work.
Free estimate, 2554344. LANDSCAPING. Gardening, hauling, tree into. Dan, landscaping. by iob or hr.
209-1335. Lawn Care GARDENING, pwr. rake, prune, weed. 364.6037. PHIL'S LAWN SERVICE.
yd. min. tenance, tree est. 278-1926 486.0483. pwRRAKINGAERATING Rem price.
364-8249, 355-3780. LAWN care, vard work, fret stilrnae, 277-1012. LAWN CARE, YARD WORK 363 e287 Reasonable 769.5427 Lawn Mowers FAST LAWN MOWER SERVICE South Furniture Sugar House 434-8686 EXPERT sharpening. Prompt, efficient service. Harold 's Mower SoOP, 145 1 So.
23rd East. 484-712). GUAR. POWER and hand prec'sion sharpening, repairs. Pick up, del.
3 KEY, 7205 S. State, 155-3413. PRECISION sharpen. lubricate. tuneuo Pick W.
deliver. EL 9.0019. AL Jensen Repair LAVin mowers, sm. eng. 466-2'el, 809 Roosevelt.
Moving Storage BILLS moving, office and piano. MCVing our sPee. 46.0077. Pointing, Papering, Cleaning A PAINTING, ALL KINDS Lie, Insured, tree est. 4844384 H.
Fay Shields Painting, '2 price. 328-9581 men hr. 3S9.1793 Mr. Ross. Ct FAN OrCk.S.
unhot your Appliance ales service i lower trrsh absorbent method. FULL or part time sales and serv- rsa Doras'ean ice. Watkins Products. Apply 5,6 East EXP carpet turn. Orifoam cleaned.
4070 So a a.m. to It. noon. Toesdast dry 2 hrs. Free got 3S9.U319 and Friday 4.30 o.M.
to 5...10 -r m. Your horne, Erre demo. St 3.372A.. in SEWING mach.ne ---C-ALL. RUC.
CLEANFQS ienced preferred. excel. wcu good warms, 'lurdelt AnnAr el 5necl*t ratei 262 0134 Heber COY Call 65.1.033 Catering 1 00.3781. SLCeVes wanted tor i dealership. apply M.
Stock no. R.v. EXPERT catering for ali ettort Motor. 12741 So. 10 West sd our Gourmet Pantry.
1079 East, Riverton. I 21st So. 481.2162 cr .37 SOY. EXPERTE-N-C-ED LINE DIRTVERS 'Ceilings Between and Pecdic Coast states. Sleepe- operation.
ICC! -------t---------'------------- 1 carrier. 1007 So. AM West. CUSTOM CEILING CO. Sparkling sprayed, MANAGER for new dry textured ceilings.
tree est 255403. 9 Plant. ExPer. in soott.nq hc- and genera, plant ooerat.nns neces, TEXTURED St.RAYED sarv. Cell tor arset 460.0.74k.
I 46-2t411 485-5171. LOCAL factory branch sot has tor man th ambition for Cement Po earnings seHieg soniranz'os, Car helpful. Ca', ter BEST VORKBEST PRICES i JouRNEymAN sheet metal contractor to, al, types worker steads, 00OCI OrPOrtU-, comet work. Low rkps 0- tear nity fur ma'. Cad Pots and replace.
Cad tor flee esdOpden. Utah. mate. 2.51-enni. MOBILE Horee Sers ce Man vvE ar nd 5et up.
of cern nt Must quarts', A TRAILER MART 1 35 yrs! (' ex.perieuce.',;66,23.,57 3124 So. Stale driveways removed VardS i XPER. CHINf SE CQOK cleaned, etc. Free est. 262.2133.
'Anply kuong Jou Mil East EXPERT cement work. 21st SOuth patios, atCh work. 235 OlAS. 1 CLASS tourneyman NEED a cstnet, rem or drivewitY? ortlY Apo bt in Ix rson, eta Hod Call 255-9364. expert work.
clay Blvd. I Roofing WES GREEN ROOFING Need we say env more? 466-1173, FREE INSPECTION REPAIR $7, REROOF $150 BankAmericard ok. 24-hour service, bonded, free lest. Academy Roofing 328-1047 PAYLESS Home Improv. Experts in home remodeung, Garages, roofing, slting.
cement work. painting. 486-2154, day or night. RE-ROOF You home with a 15-year bonded roof labor and mitenals, 100 color. SI60 Repairs I7 wire TILE, GRAVEL, SHINGLES 'Repair rernoted.
Free est. WOrk guar, VALLEY ROOFING, 295,0151. WE FIX leaks cheap. All types, new roots. Prompt service, work guaranteed.
485-8762. ALL Noes rooting and repair. Free estimate work am 486-1661 0,,.