Dixon Evening Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois (2024)

Markets 0-J Noon Averages Rochelle Market NEW YORK (AP)-Dow HOG MARKET Jones noon stock averages: 30 Indus. 937.08 up 1.16 20 Trans. 204.70 off 0.17 15 Util. 96.95 0.44 65 Stocks 295.82 off 0.06 Stocks The following stock quotations, as of 1 p.m., are furnished by H. W.

Beeler and O. M. Nasather of Loewi and Sterling. Interested readers may call Loewi and Co. for desired quotations which are not listed.

AlldCh IntHarv Alcoa 53 IntNick31 A Brnds IntPap AmCan 36 ITT JCPen 48. Anacond 25 Johns-M 29 BethStl Litton Donld Pamida Chrysl 10 NSB DuPont ProctG Eastm 86 Sears Exxon SO Ind GenEl Texaco GenFds UnCarb Gen Mtrs UnitAir Goodyr US Stl HowJ Wstghs IBM Woolwo 21 BoiseCa Nicor Borg- 28 NW Stl CenTel OccPet 17 ClarkOil 14 Ozark ComEd HPratt Frantz 15 Ramad Hardee Tamp Hesst Woloh Chicago Mercantile Exchange Future trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange today. Quotations furnished by Heinold Commodities, Inc. Prev. High Low Close Close Live Beef Cattle Oct 40.15 39.70 39.80 39.97 Dec 41.90 41.35 41.67 41.80 Feb 42.10 41.60 41.90 42.07 Apr 42.75 42.40 42.52 42.75 Jun 44.10 43.70 43.77 44.05 Live Hogs Oct 34.20 33.80 34.00 34.45 Dec 32.95 31.90 32.12 33.22 Feb 32.45 31.70 31.75 32.62 Apr 32.08 31.20 31.25 32.00 Pork Bellies Feb 50.90 49.17 49.37 51.17 Mar 50.40 48.70 48.77 40.40 May 51.00 49.55 49.70 51.45 Jul 51.45 49.90 49.90 51.70 Soybean Meal Dec 181.50 177.10 177.50 181.20 Jan 182.90 178.00 179.00 182.50 Soybean Oil Oct 20.25 20.00 20.20 20.40 Dec 20.70 20.25 20.35 20.67 Grain Range Wheat Dec 294 286 289 295 Mar 3051.

299 306 May 312 306 308 Jul 315 310 312 Corn Dec 263 Mar 274 May 280 28014 Jul 28112 284 Sep 27614 275 277 Soybeans Nov 633 618 618 Jan 640 625 625 637 Mar 645 632 632 May 647 645 Jul 646 631 633 645 Joliet Livestock JOLIET (AP) (USDA) Hogs trading moderate Friday, butchers steady to 25 higher; 1-2 200-230 lbs 34.75- 35.25; 1-3 200-250 lbs 34.00-34.75; sows steady; 1-3 325-600 lbs 27.00. Cattle 900; trading moderate, slaughter steers steady to 50 higher, instances 75 higher; heifers steady on a limixted volume; choice with few prime yield grade 2-4 38.50-39.50, part load 39.75; load about 1,200 lbs at 40.00; mixed good and choice 2-3 lbs 37.00-38.50; choice 2-4 lb slaughter heifers 36.50-37.50; mixed good and choice 2-3 lbs 35.00-36.50. Interior Hog Market SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) (USDA) Interior Illinois hog prices (state-federal) Receipts demand moderate Friday, butchers steady to 25 higher; 1-2 200-230 lbs 34.00, few 34.25, few delivered to plants 34.50; 1-3 200-240 lbs 33.50-34.00, few 33.25; 1-3 240-260 lbs 32.50-33.50; sows mostly steady; 1-3 300-600 lbs 25.50- 27.00. Chicago Produce CHICAGO (AP) Midwest egg price report -wholesale buying prices Friday 1-large 62; Class 2-large 60; mediums 56; smalls 47: nest-run breaking stock 58; checks 50.

Cash Grain CHICAGO (AP) Wheat No 2 hard winter 2.78n Friday; No 2 soft red 3.76n. Corn No 2 yellow 2.50¼n (hopper) 2.45¼n (box). Oats No 2 heavy 1.50n. Soybeans No 1 yellow 6.0812n. No 2 yellow corn Thursday was quoted at 2.50¾n (hopper) 2.45¾n (box).

TELL SELL ITNewspapers Does a governor really need ex experience? By SKIP WOLLENBERG record of Associated Press Writer tor and SPRINGFIELD. Ill. (AP). state, the Democrats backing Michael campaign Howlett for governor often low- "We need er their voices and their eyes can't afford three terms as audione as secretary of principal Democratic slogans have become experience" and "We on the job train- 180-200 lbs 30.50-32.00 200-230 lbs 32.75-34.00 230-250 lbs 32.50-33.00 250-270 lbs 31.75-32.00 SOW MARKET 350-down 23.00-25.00 350-500 lbs 23.50-24.00 CATTLE MARKET Ch Steers 1000-1250 36.00-38.25 Gd Steers 1000-1250 34.00-36.00 Holsteins 30.00-32.00 Ch Heifers 900-1050 34.00-36.50 Gd Heifers 900-1050 31.00-34.00 About Town KSB Hospital Admitted: Gregory Glenn, Miss Rebecca Hereford, Mrs. Alice Levan, Mrs.

Jean Slair, Mrs. Florence Arend, Master Kenneth Tabor, Siebern Sieberns, Dixon; Sid Nelson, DeKalb; Frank Corley, Ashton; James Mumford, Master Donald Harrison, Polo; Mrs. Lela Stomberg, Oregon. Discharged: Roy Farster, Master Danny Flynn, Mrs. Sharon Adams, Howard Zeigler, Mrs.

Carol Terry, Mark Appleman, Dixon; William Cooley, Arthur Lenhard, Rock Falls; Jerry Bamborough, Polo; Miss Margaret McBride, Miss Debra McBride, Miss Pamela McBride, Miss Barbara McBride, Mt. Morris. Births, Oct. 14: A girl to Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Reynolds, Dixon. Licenses To Wed Marriage licenses have been issued by the office of John Stouffer, County Clerk, to James D. Hart, Ashton, and Debra A. Beran, 418 College and Charles M. Miller, W.

Third and Marcelline M. Shaffer, Rt. 2. Weather DIXON TEMPERATURES High Thursday, 71; low today, 42; 12:30 p.m., 51. Local Forecast This afternoon very windy and cool with partly sunny skies.

High in the upper 40s or lower 50s. Tonight partly cloudy and much colder. Low in the upper 20s or lower 30s. Saturday partly sunny and quite cool. High near 50.

5-Day Forecast Fair Sunday, possible showers Monday, fair Tuesday. Cool. Highs in 50s north and 60s south. Lows 30s north and 40s south. HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Susie Chamberlain, 19, today.

ers, visits and prayers; to Father Reuland and Chaplains for prayers; also Drs. Murphy and Hong and the efficient nursing staff. Everything is greatly appreciated. Justin Becker Card of Thanks Our thanks go out to everyone for their prayers and thoughtfulness at the time of the loss of our loved one, Leonard H. Metheny.

A special thanks to Pastor Robert Gridley and friends of the First Baptist Church for their help. Also for the food, flowers, cards and memorials and to everyone who showed concern. The Metheny Family My heartfelt thanks to my friends and relatives for the many cards, phone calls, flow- when they say it. the "We need a governor with ex- The three Illinois governors sistant perience," they say. who had been elected to admin- and But does a governor need ex- istrative jobs before they be- tions.

perience? came governor included two Of the eight Illinois governors Republicans. since 1941, only three have had William G. Stratton, governor previously been elected to ad- from 1953 to 1961, had twice ministrative jobs. been elected state treasurer, Even for Democrats Adlai and Richard B. Ogilvie, goverStevenson II and Otto Kerner, nor from 1969 to 1973, had been the governorship was their first elected Cook County sheriff and time either had been elected to president of the Cook County an administrative position.

Board of Commissioners. But this year, the 62-year-old Democrat Samuel H. Shapiro Democratic candidate for gov- was elected twice as lieutenant ernor faces an opponent who governor before he succeeded has never sought elected office Kerner as governor. Kerner re- And before. signed in 1968 with less than a er, Republican James Thompson, year left in his second term as attempt 40, was a U.S.

attorney until governor to take a federal second last summer. judgeship. lawyer Howlett, on the other hand, is Republican Dwight Green, 1972. completing his 16th year as an governor from 1941 through Louis elected state official. 1949, and Democrat Kerner, political And to emphasize Howlett's governor from 1961 to 1968, had western Hardly anyone could dispute the fact that Edward Democratic candidate for Lee County Circuit Clerk, is the champion of the campaign locally.

The ingenuity used in his name before the voters even extends to this floating tisem*nt in the Rock River between the Galena Avenue Peoria Avenue Bridges. (Telegraph Photo) Woman, 80, wins $200,000 Hurt in state lottery prize car crash CHICAGO (AP) my life I've been having kids and baby sitting," said Gretta Osborne, who captured the 000 top prize in the weekly 50- cent Illinois state lottery. "Now I'm going to give some of this money to my kids. And I'm going to spend some to take a trip to California to see more kids." 26 in cast for fall play at DHS Rehearsals for the Dixon High School fall play are now in progress. This year, 26 students make up the cast of the three one-act plays.

Starting off the program is "Sorry, Wrong Number," a drama written by Lucille Fletcher. Taking place in New York, it centers around a neurotic middle-aged invalid, Mrs. Stevenson, who overhears a murder being planned over the phone by a wrong number connected by the operator. She tries in vain to get the operator to redial the wrong number, or the police to listen to her story, but she i is so frantic and pushy that no one will listen. Ironically, the murder turns out to be her own.

"The Ugly Duckling," is a medieval farce written by A. A. Milne about a princess whose beauty is unnoticeable until her wedding day. This causes her parents to substitute the princess Camilla's beautiful attendant, Dulcibella, for Camilla when the prince from a faraway land comes to meet her for the first time before the soon-after wedding. But Prince Simon also is plain, so he substitutes his good-looking attendant Carlo for himself.

Camilla and Simon meet each other by accident and figure out the situation, but keep it to themselves. The entire plot is very mixed up and funny. "Plaza Suite" is a comedy by Neil Simon about Mimsey, a young lady on her wedding day, who locks herself in the bathroom and refuses to come out. Her parents go through practically everything to get her out, and finally call the groom to help them. The plot is original and hilarious.

Tickets go on sale Nov. 3 in the DHS auditorium box office. The dates of the plays are Nov. 12 and 13. been U.S.

District Democrat Adlai governor from 1949 to a number of federal some of them nature special secretary of the to the secretary delegate to the attorneys. Stevenson II, 1953, held positions, administrative in assistant to Navy, asof state United Na- Illinois Focus Democrat Daniel Walkdefeated 1 by Howlett in an for nomination to a term, was a corporate before his election in Masotti, professor of science at NorthUniversity, says ex- $25 fine follows guilty plea perience is probably necessary to be an "effective governor" during the upcoming two-year term. "The important thing to remember is that this is only a two-year term. Someone without experience may not have time to develop talents overonly two years," he said. A close association with a political party would help a candidate without prior administrative experience in state government, Masotti said.

"The party plays an essential role as one of the connecting pieces of the governmental mechanism," he said. A new governor who could rely on a close relationship with established political leaders in the legislative branch could be more effective than one without such ties, Masotti said. Illinois is just ending four years under a governor with neither close party ties nor previous experience as an elected administrator, he said. Masotti said he feels those two factors resulted in "an awful lot of unnecessary political conflicts" which may have damaged chances for creation of an "effective public policy." But Sam Gove, a political science professor at the University of Illinois and long-time state government observer, said he thinks the results are mixed on whether experience helps make a good governor. Stevenson had worked for the federal government, but is considered to have done well as governor, he said.

But the performances of Stratton and Ogilvie probably were better because of their elections earlier to administrative posts, he added. "The important thing is whether a person is Gove said. Governors must "rely on a lot of people" to operate effectively, he said. "You have to consider whether the candidate understands what the problems are and what kind of people he gets around him," Gove said. Deaths and Funerals Mrs.

Lucille Stouffer Alma B. Stone Lowell T. Thayer, 32, of 811 S. Galena pleaded guilty in Lee County Circuit Court Thursday to a charge of disorderly conduct and was fined $25. Thayer was arrested by Dixon Police Sept.

22 at Doug's Three Deuces after the bartender, Bob Janacek, signed a complaint. Janacek told police that Thayer swung a bar stool at him after a dispute over drinks. In another disposition, Donna Onken, 44, Sterling, was granted a two-year probation and ordered to pay $15 restitution on a charge of forgery. Onken was arrested Oct. 8 after she allegedly signed a $15 check made payable to the Ives Drug Store, Franklin Grove, using the name of Helen Pierson.

The offense occurred July 18. Telephone interruptions expected Beginning at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Central Telephone Company will begin putting a new 1,200 pair telephone cable in service. The area affected will the northeast section of Dixon and will involve principally that area east of Brinton Avenue and north of East Chamberlin Street. A total of 300 telephone subscribers will be affected by the change to the extent that each line will experience a momentary interruption of service.

Gene Gascoigne, Centel outside plant supervisor, indicated that the entire cutover will take one week to complete and will involve three cablesplicers in the field and three central office people in the Dixon office. He emphasized that work done on each line will cause only a momentary interruption of service. Leaf pickup schedule The leaf pickup schedule for next week has been announced by Dixon Street Commissioner Thomas A. Densmore. The northeast section of the city will be covered starting Monday.

Wednesday the leaf vacuum will be in the southeast section. Friday, the southwest section will be covered. Densmore said the new machine is enabling the Street Department to dispose of leaves' with only a two-man crew. In the past a considerable number of men have had to be used. He reminded residents not to rake brush into the same stacks with leaves because the machine is not able to handle such items.

A long line of leaves at the curb or property line is better than one large pile, he said. Anyone wishing a full truckload of leaves for mulch or compost may get one by calling the Street Department garage, 284-7743. Only a full load of leaves will be delivered, however, he warned. regarding the river itriver is a very complex discussed leaving Lowell and cross-country skiers prohibiting motor-driven was reached. Chamber of Commerce, assume the responsibility activities during the sumto tell the chamber it set up activities which park property.

OREGON- Mrs. Lucille. B. Stouffer, 73, of 106 Sixth died Thursday evening in her home following a short illness. She was born Sept.

28, 1903, in Eagle Point Township, the daughter of Burton and Hattie (Mcllnay) Bellows, and married George Bollinger who preceded her in death in 1929. She then married Harry Stouffer June 22, 1936, in Rockford. He preceded her in death in 1974. She owned and operated a beauty shop in her home for the past 45 years, and was a member of First Christian Church. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs.

John (Janet) Putnam, Oregon; Mrs. Lee (Vera) Gradert, Arlington Heights, and Mrs. Thomas (Sabra) Fox, Fullerton, 11 grandchildren; her mother, Mrs. Burton (Hattie) Bellows, Polo; four sisters, Mrs. John (Pauline) Abbas, Forreston; Mrs.

Steve (Meredith) Chorzempa, Mt. Morris; Mrs. Paul (Evelyn) Singley, Polo, and Thelma Bellows, Polo; and two brothers, Oliver Colona, and Alpha, Polo. Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in First Christian Church, Oregon, with the Rev.

Merrill Davis, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Elkhorn Church Cemetery, Polo. A memorial has been established for First Christian Church. Mrs. Mavis Dalton ROCHELLE- Mrs.

Mavis M. Dalton, 52, of 345 Irena died Thursday afternoon in St. Anthony's Hospital, Rockford. She was born Jan. 12, 1924, at Waubay, S.D., the daughter of Michael and Helen (Graves) Thennis, and married Charles Dalton.

She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Rochelle. Survivors include her husband; a son, Christopher, Rochelle; two daughters, Mrs. Rod (Mikel) Pensinger, Chicago, and Mrs. John (Becky) Kirby, St.

Paul, and a grandson. Services will be Monday morning in Watertown, S.D. Burial will be in Watertown. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 this evening at Cluts-Simes Funeral Home, Rochelle. A wake service will also be held.

Ticketed after Dixon accident Lee F. Saunders, 52, of 416 W. Second was charged with failure to yield while turning left, following a two-car accident at the intersection of First Street and Madison Avenue Thursday afternoon. Police said the westbound Saunders vehicle was turning left onto Madison Avenue when it struck a car driven by Norma J. Cook, 24, of 81 Van Buren Avenue, which was eastbound on First Street.

No injuries were reported. Correction Margaret Whiting, 19, Rt. 4, was ticketed on a charge of improper backing after an accident Wednesday in the Donut World parking lot. Thursday's Telegraph reported she was charged with leaving the scene of an accident. The Telegraph regrets the error.

OMVI charge Donald R. Anderson, 41, Rockford, was charged with driving while intoxicated by Illinois State Police Thursday night after a one-car accident on Ill. 2 one-and-a-half miles north of Mud Creek Road. Troopers said Anderson was northbound on Ill. 2 when his car went off the road on the right side, traveled across the road and went through a ditch, striking a fence.

No injuries were reported. OREGON- Alma B. Stone, 57, of 504 S. Sixth died this morning at Rockford Memorial Hospital following a short illness. She was born June 25, 1919, in Daysville, the daughter of Casper and Alma (Michaels) Orsted, and married Harmon Stone Aug.

17, 1946, in Oregon. She lived in Oregon her entire life and was a member of Oregon Church of God. A son and two brothers preceded her in death. Survivors include her husband; four sons, Larry Mick, St. Joseph, Robert Stone, Oregon; David Stone, DeKalb, and Gregory Stone, Franklin Grove; a daughter, Mrs.

Barry (Judith) Elliott, East Hartford, ten grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Carl (Hazel) Comstock, Clear Lake Oak, and three brothers, Andrew Orsted, Goshen, Ind, and Ole and Irving, both of Oregon. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Farrell Funeral Home with the Rev. Hollis Partlowe, pastor of Oregon Church of God, officiating.

Burial will be in Daysville Cemetery. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home. Memorials have been established for the Oregon Ambulance Association and the Oregon Church of God. Donald Black OREGON- Donald Black, 44, or 210 N.

Sixth died this morning in Swedish American Hospital, Rockford, following a short illness. Arrangements are being completed by Farrell Funeral Home. Hoping to float to election win? Conroy, sign getting adverand A 46-year-old DeKalb man was treated and released from Rochelle Community Hospital Thursdav afternoon after he was involved in an accident at the intersection of Ill. 64 and Garnhart Road. Illinois State Police said Gordon H.

Koehling was towing a truck with his wrecker when something broke, causing the wrecker to turn over on its top. Damage to the wrecker was estimated at $18,000. Youth charged in car crash Michael D. James, 19, of 1207 Ogletree Place, was charged with failure to yield at a stop intersection after a two-car accident at the intersection of Galena Avenue and Lowell Park Road Thursday night. Police said the James vehicle was parked facing east on Lowell Park Road when it proceeded ahead, striking a car driven by William R.

Kreps, 18, of 916 University which was southbound on North Galena. Police said both cars were extensively damaged. Park Board (Continued from page 1) cement from an intercept of a sewer line: "When the water is low, it's only about three feet under. Someone could easily get hurt," he said. Bob Knicl, another owner, told of the problem of vandalism.

"One of the reasons I kept my house unrepaired was so it would look like nothing was in it." He said that per-' sons often break into the houses to see what's inside. Magdich replied "You aren't going to be able to point to anything as to who owns the north bank. It's always been accepted as a tradition by the Park He was un- Additional charge Mrs. Osborne, 80, who won Thursday's drawing in Chicago, has seven children, 26 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Bulletin CHICAGO (AP) Here are the winning number drawn Thursday in the Illinois lottery's car-a-day-giveaway game: 57 626 Red Chevelle Missionfest at Franklin Grove FRANKLIN GROVE St.

Paul's Lutheran Church, Franklin Grove, will celebrate a missionfest at 8:45 a.m., Sunday. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Paul Bollman, Dixon. The Rev. Arthur Dumins and the senior choir will participate.

Rev. Dumins will be retiring at the end of October. A farewell service will be held at 8:45 a.m., Oct. 31. Holy Communion will be celebrated and the choir will sing.

OREGON -Michael Schoen-rock, 17, Stillman Valley, who was arrested with three other youths early Thursday morning on liquor and theft charges, was charged additionally with criminal damage to property this morning. The youths were arrested by Ogle County Sheriff's deputies early Thursday in connection with a burglary at Gene's Alignment, Stillman Valley. Schoenrock was given the additional charge after authorities found he had driven his car through a wheat field owned by Ronald Adams, Rt. 1, Stillman Valley, causing $100 damage. Schoenrock also took deputies to a site near Stillman Valley where they recovered several hundred dollars' worth of clothing, appliances and other items that Schoenrock allegedly took from a Rockford home.

Pleads guilty Vernon Dawson, 28, Polo, pleaded guity to a charge of theft Thursday in Ogle County Circuit Court. Dawson was arrested by Ogle County Sheriff's deputies Aug. 9 after he confessed to fabricating a story that he was robbed. He had reported to authorities July 8 that someone had entered the Friendly Tap in Polo, where he was employed as a bartender, taken money and tied him up. A sentencing hearing will be held Nov.

8. Rochelle Hospital Admitted, Oct. 14: Mrs. Oliver Goatcher, Portland; Miss Lori Ann Sword, Ashton; Mrs. Elizabeth Sealley, Mrs: Michael Wooten, Rochelle.

Discharged: Mrs. Bruce Ravnass, Rochelle, transferred to Rockford Memorial Hospital; Mrs. Josephine Tastad, Rochelle, transferred to Americana Nursing Center. Births: Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Wooten, Rochelle, a son. sure ot responsibility the thing. The board also Park open to hikers this winter, while vehicles. No decision Otto Kriva, of the requested to board of setting up adult mer. The board decided would be willing to were being held on.

Dixon Evening Telegraph from Dixon, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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