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Getting Started
Getting Started
Once NP-View Server is installed, the application will start automatically. Note that NP-Live has been Rebranded to NP-View Server. Several of the instructions still correctly refer to NP-Live as we migrate the installation services to the new product names.
If the Linux Administrator wishes to start and stop the application, two helper scripts have been included to aid in these tasks:
- Stop :
sudo /opt/np-live/
- Start :
sudo /opt/np-live/
NP-View Docker IP Conflict
If NP-View Docker is using IP addresses that conflict with addresses used on the local area network, the IP addresses used by Docker can be changed as follows:
Create a docker network with the subnet you would like to use:sudo docker network create --driver overlay --subnet x.x.x.x/x NP-Live_external
Navigate to the np-live install directory (default /opt/np-live):cd /opt/np-live
Add the following config to local-settings.yml (tab indented to reflect table below):
networks: | ||
NP-Live_external: | ||
external: true |
Replace all instances of the default network in docker-compose.yml to NP-Live_external:sudo sed -i 's/- default$/- NP-Live_external/g' docker-compose.yml
Stop and start the app:sudo sh ./ && sudo sh ./
#Note: docker commands (and the start/stop NP-live scripts) will require sudo unless you are the root user or your user is part of the docker group
Version mismatched between two compose files : 3.4 and 3.1
When starting NP-View Server, if this error is received, the version number in /opt/np-live/local-settings.yml
needs to be at “version: ‘3.4’”. If not at version 3.4, please replace the contents of the local-settings.yml file with the code listed in the Setting the NP-Live Virtual Appliance Time Zone section and set your application time zone accordingly. This file is sticky and will remain after future upgrades. After the update, start the server using the above command.
Upon initial start, the Welcome screen shows the configuration wizard to guide the Administrator through the remaining configuration steps which include:
- Authentication
- Licensing
- Users
Configure Authentication
The following authentication options are available to configure in NP-View Server.
- Active Directory / LDAP
- Radius
- Local
Active Directory or LDAP
For Active Directory or LDAP authentication we use LDAPv3 TLS over port 389. If the communication returns an exception, we attempt unencrypted communication. We do not support LDAPS. Before starting, note that setup requires a dedicated Credential Binding Account (LDAP Administrator). The Credentials Binding Account must be included in at least one of the system groups for NP-View Server to query and link the users.
An example of a properly configured LDAP screen on NP-View is below:
The setup page will allow for the definition of three system groups using a Distinguished Name. A Distinguished Name (often referred to as a DN or FDN) is a string that uniquely identifies an entry in the Directory Information Tree. The format of a DN is: CN=groupname,OU=grouptype,DC=subdomain,DC=example,DC=com
. Your domain needs to match the DC specified in your DN. For an example DN like above, the domain would be: ‘’.
For example:
ldap_group_admin = 'CN=NP-Live Admin, OU=Permissions, DC=ad, DC=np, DC=test'
ldap_group_write = 'CN=NP-Live WorkspaceAdmin, OU=Permissions, DC=ad, DC=np, DC=test'
ldap_group_read = 'CN=NP-Live Viewer, OU=Permissions, DC=ad, DC=np, DC=test'
group_translation = {'Administrator' : ldap_group_admin,
'WorkspaceAdmin' : ldap_group_write,
'Viewer' : ldap_group_read}
Reminder: The three CN names must be unique or roles will be overlapped in NP-View resulting in features being disabled.
To find the DN on Windows, open a Windows command prompt on your Active Directory server and type the command: dsquery group -name "known group name"
Users assigned to NP-View must login once to get setup within the NP-View database for sharing and transferring of workspaces. No users exist until after the first login.
Troubleshooting Active Directory Setup
If an error is returned when configuring Active Directory, the steps to troubleshoot are:
Step 1: From your Active Directory server, type the command below in a terminal after replacing the “CN=…” portion with the Distinguished Name of the group you’d like to check:
dsget group "CN=groupname,OU=grouptype,DC=subdomain,DC=example,DC=com" -members
Verify that the output shows the expected list of user(s) in that group. If it doesn’t, check your Active Directory group and user configuration.
Step 2: From your Active Directory server, type the command below in a terminal after replacing the “CN=…” portion with the Distinguished Name of the group you’d like to check, and also replacing USERNAME with your actual username:
dsquery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=groupname,OU=grouptype,DC=subdomain,DC=example,DC=com)(sAMAccountName=USERNAME))"
If the output is empty, verify that your user in Active Directory has the attribute sAMAccountName set. If not, set it and try the command again. Verify also that the sAMAccountName value matches your AD username value. You can also try to enter the username in the NP-View Active Directory configuration form with the format USERNAME@DOMAIN.
If the output shows the expected list of groups for that user, but NP-View still generates an error, then contact the NP support team.
Radius authentication requires your server address and secret. Once input, the user can test their connection using their personal login credentials for verification. Note that for Radius authentication, all users are assigned to the Administrator group.
Local Authentication
NP-View Server provides an internal mechanism for the administration of users. During setup, the screen will require the user to setup the Administration account by inputting a user ID and password. This account will be assigned to the Administrator role and will have access to all system features. An example of a properly configured Local Auth screen on NP-View is below:
User Management
NP-View Server provides a User Management function for users assigned to the the Administrator role. It can be accessed in the user menu at the top right of the screen either on the workspace page or from within a workspace.
User Management – Active Directory or LDAP
Clicking User Management will open a window that shows the LDAP setup information. The left half of the screen allows the user to change the NP-View LDAP settings. LDAP Auth credentials are required to update the information. The optional email field override is used as the default email address for the Notification Manager if no email address is provided as part of the LDAP credentials.
The right half of the user management screen allows for the testing of each LDAP user and will retrieve their LDAP settings for review.
User Management – Local Authentication
Clicking User Management will open a window that shows the user related information associated with this account, their account details, and their account permissions.
From this window Administrators can edit (pencil icon), delete (x icon) or add user accounts (create new user button).
A user’s ID should be the user’s email address (this will be used for notifications) and an administrator-defined password. Each user will need to be assigned to a role which will provide the user with system wide access.
- Administrator – Has access to all users, workspace and system administration functions including managing users and license functions.
- WorkspaceAdmin – Has access to all workspace administration functions.
- Viewer – Has read only access to the system.
Reset Authentication
The Administrator can also reset the authentication method entirely by selecting the “Reset authentication system” link. “Reset authentication” only resets the authentication and does not remove any workspaces or data. Note that workspaces are assigned to user id’s. If the authentication method (or user id format) is changed, the workspaces will no longer be available to users. The administrator or workspace admin must utilize the transfer workspace function to assign the legacy workspace to the new user id’s.
Password Reset
- Workspace Admin or Viewer user groups: Contact your Administrator who can manually reset your password through the User Management function on the system menu (upper right corner).
- Admins: connect through SSH to the NP-View server and remove the file db/auth_provider.cfg inside the NP-View application folder (by default: /opt/np-live).
- Refresh the NP-View web page to show the Welcome screen and reconfigure the authentication.
License and Terms
The Administrator can Show, Upgrade or Renew their license. Licensing terms and legal disclosures are available from the system menu where user management is found.
Configure License Key
After the authentication, the Welcome screen will guide the Administrator through reviewing the EULA and adding the license key. The license key should have been sent to you by email and also posted on the Network Perception portal. If you haven’t received a key, please send a request to Renewed or upgraded license keys can only be installed from the home screen (not from within a workspace) by members of the Administrator group.
Additional Configuration Features
Configure Automatic Updates
NP-View Server can automatically download new releases and update itself if you select “Automatically check for updates”. Alternatively, you can select “Update NP-View” from the upper right menu or update offline using the following steps:
- Download the latest release from the Network Perception portal.
- Copy the release file to the NP-View Server using SCP or WinSCP
- Connect to the NP-View Server shell using SSH and execute the release file with the command
sudo sh
Configure Shutdown and Startup Options
To speed performance on startup, NP-View terminates background processes that are running when the system is gracefully shutdown and clears out all tasks and jobs. If any processes remain upon startup, they are also terminated. To change the configuration,
- stop the NP-View Server application.
- in the docker-compose.yml file for the manager change
- in the docker-compose.yml file for the manager change
Note that the previous setting must also be set to True for this operation to work. - start the NP-View Server application.
Configure User Timeout
The system can be configured automatically time out a user after a period of idle days. The default is set to 30 days. To change the configuration,
- stop the NP-View Server application.
- in the docker-compose.yml file for the webserver\environment service, change
to any positive floating point number representing elapsed days. For Example:- 0.5 = 12 hrs
- 1.5 = 36 hours
- 30 = 720 hrs.
- If set to 0, user timeout will default to 30 minutes.
- start the NP-View Server application.
Timeout for connectors is 1 day and cannot be changed. Also, the timeout value is not static and will be overwritten by the next software update. Prior to restarting after an update, the timeout needs to be reset to the value of choice.
Configure Devices within a Custom View
The system can be configured to allow for more devices within a custom view. The default is set to 25 devices. To change the configuration:
- stop the NP-View Server application.
- in the docker-compose.yml file for the
- services : manager : environment, change
to a positive integer. - services : bgmanager : environment, change
to a positive integer. - services : webserver : environment, change
to a positive integer.
- services : manager : environment, change
- start the NP-View Server application.
Note: The limit is not static and will be overwritten by the next software update. Prior to restarting after an update, the limit needs to be reset to the value of choice. Note: NP has only tested the system to the default limit. Raising the limit is at the user’s risk as unintended consequences including data loss and the system exhausting system resources may occur.
Configure A Static IP Address on your Linux Server
To set a static IP address for your NP-View Server, follow the instructions in this document.
This section describes how to update the NP-View Server application and the underlying components if the OVF was used for the initial installation.
Updating the NP-View Server Application
To update an existing NP-View Application, the steps are:
- Download the latest release Linux Installer Release (not the .OVF) from the Network Perception Portal and copy it onto your NP-view server using SCP (or WinSCP from a Windows client)
- Login onto the NP-View server using SSH (or Putty from a Windows client)
- Get root permissions using the command:
sudo -i
- Prior to installing the new version, it is recommended to make a backup of your database (see below)
- Execute the new NP-View release file using the command:
(where is the name of the new release file downloaded in step 1). - Follow the guided steps of the installer, which will automatically start NP-View once the update is complete.
- Connect to the user interface of NP-View using your web browser and check in the bottom-left corner of the home page that the version number matches the new release
Get Version API call
To check the version update your server URL to the following
Backing up the NP-View Server Database
- Stop the NP-View Server (you can use the script
) - From the NP-View Server folder (by default:
, run the command:tar -zcf db_backup_$(date '+%Y_%m_%d').tgz db
(this command may take few minutes to complete) - Run the new release installer, which will update the containers and then launch NP-View Server
Updating CentOS 7 and Docker
If the OVF was used for the initial installation, that package included the CentOS 7 operating system and Docker. These applications must be updated separately from the NP-View Server Application using the below instructions. The instructions cover NP-View Servers that have internet access and those that do not have internet access.
CentOS will be EOL June 30, 2024. We recommend customers to transition to Ubuntu. Our new OVF uses Ubuntu and instructions for updating Ubuntu will be coming soon.
Updating when the NP-View server has internet access:
– stop NP-Viewcd /opt/np-live/
– run all updatesyum update -y
– reboot serverreboot
Updating when the NP-View server does not have internet access:
If NP-View server is installed in an environment that does not have internet access, a separate Centos 7 server with Docker that has internet access is required to create the update package. All commands below are case sensitive.
Network-Perception uses this mirror for CentOS updates and this mirror for Docker updates
Centos 7 that is online:
– make sure you are rootsudo su -
– create packages directorycd /root/
mkdir packages
cd packages
– download all packagesyum list installed | awk {'print $1; }' | tail -n +3 | xargs yumdownloader
– you should see docker included in the output list.
– compress archive (capital -C is important)tar czf /root/packages.tar.gz *.rpm -C /root/packages/
– Copy packages.tar.gz to the offline server. The user can use the below command to scp:scp packages.tar.gz root@ipAddress:/root/
Centos 7 that is offline running NP-View:
– make sure you are rootsudo su -
– stop NP-Viewcd /opt/np-live/
– create directory and extract the archivecd /root/
mkdir packages/
mv packages.tar.gz packages/
cd packages/
tar -xf packages.tar.gz
– install all updates:yum -y localinstall *.rpm
– reboot serverreboot
– now everything is up to date on the offline server.
If you get any docker swarm errors:
– make sure you are rootsudo su -
– leave and join swarm clusterdocker swarm leave --force && docker swarm init
Product Tutorials
Network mapping provides the Networking Team (Network Engineer, Network Security) with capabilities that allow users to:
- Visualize an accurate topology of the network architecture
- Identify and label critical cyber assets and critical network zones
- Easily review which devices are protecting which network zones
Visualize Topology
NP-View can be used to discover your network topology and the underlying control plane, including layer-2 and layer-3 configurations. Without leaving the topology map, you can review many aspects of the network’s design including Firewalls, Routers, Switches, Gateways, Networks, VPNs, Hosts and more.
Critical Assets and Zones
Each asset can be tagged with categories and criticalities as well as grouped into zones making it easy to review which devices are protecting which network zones.
Details On-demand
Selecting a node in the topology map will interactively display an information panel with detailed data about that node.
Firewall ruleset review provides Network Engineers, Network Security, and Compliance Analysts with functionality for:
- Easy review of firewall access rules and object groups using the Access Rules and Object Groups reports.
- Automatic identification of configuration risks using the Risks and Warnings report.
- Validating recent policy modifications as part of a configuration change review process using the Change Tracking report.
How to Review Access Rules
An independent review of firewall policies has to be periodically conducted to ensure that network access rules are correctly implemented and documented. It is important because lack of access rule review leads to unexpected network access vulnerabilities.
- Frequency: each time firewall policies are changed, and at least once a quarter
- How to do it:
- Step 1: given a workspace populated with network device configurations, open the Access Rule table from the main menu (top left)
- Step 2: leverage the “Column Search” feature or the “Compare” feature to show the rules in scope of your verification
- For instance, filter the “Device” column to only show rules for a specific device, or filter the “Binding (ACL)” column to only show rules bound to a specific interface, or use the “Compare” feature to only show rules added or removed recently
- Step 3: review values for the source, destination, service, binding, risk, and description of each rule in scope
- The “Description” column captures comment, description, or justification from the device configuration
- The “Risk” and “Risk Criticality” columns are populated by NP-View during the automated risk analysis
- Step 4: to identify rules that are not justified, sort the table by “Description”. Empty values will be shown at the bottom.
- Step 5: to document your review process, double click on the “Comment” or “Comment Status” cells to add your own comment. The comment status can be either “Verified” or “To Review” or “To Revise”
- Step 6: to save an evidence of your review process, export the table to Excel using the export options in the top right corner of the table
Access Rules Table
The Access Rules report provides the users with complete details on each Access Rule with the ability to add justifications and actions.
Object Groups
The Object Groups report provides the users with complete details on each Object Group with the ability to add justifications and actions.
Risks and Warnings
As modifications are made to the network, the Network Perception default Policies and Requirements identify potential risks. The Risks and Warnings report provides the users with a summary of the potential risks and their criticality with the ability to add actions and comments.
Change Tracking
As modifications are made to the network and the updated configuration files are imported, the changes are logged in the Change Tracking table.
Segmentation verification provides the Networking Team and Audit Team with capabilities that allows users to:
- Assess correctness of network segmentation
- Identify risky network connectivity paths
- Understand exposure of vulnerable assets
Network Segmentation Accuracy
NP-View be used to verify the accuracy of your network segmentation.
The connectivity matrix which is available from the device info panel can be used to verify open ports between devices.
Inbound and outbound connections can be verified for each network using the highlight paths function.
Identifying Risky Connectivity Paths
Using industry best practices, Network Perception automatically identifies potential risks related to network configurations. Using the Network Perception Connectivity Path analysis, the user can review each of the highlighted risks and make a judgment on action.
Exposure of Vulnerable Assets – Vulnerability Analytics
NP-View provides your security team with a single pane of glass for reviewing network vulnerability exposure. With the addition of scanner data or data from a vulnerability data service, vulnerabilities can be tracked across your network.
Topology Display of Vulnerabilities
When scanned data has been added to a workspace, and a topology view is built that also includes that scan data, nodes on the topology of that view will be marked with a shield indicating the presence of vulnerabilities.
These shields can be toggled on and off using the topology settings menu.
Device Panel Display of Vulnerabilities
Firewalls, Gateways, and Hosts may contain vulnerability and service information imported from scans. Clicking on any of these nodes in a View that contains vulnerability information, will display it in the info panel that opens over the main menu.
Clicking on the Vulnerabilities link will present a pop out with the vulnerability details.
Performing a regular review of your compliance metrics is important for your organization. Performing the review manually is time consuming and tedious. Audit assistance provides the Compliance Team (Auditor, Compliance Officer, Compliance Analyst, and Consultants) with capabilities that allow users to:
- Verify compliance with cybersecurity regulations and best practices through Policy Review.
- Seamlessly store evidence for compliance review with Change Tracking.
- Easily prepare compliance reports using the Audit Assistants listed below:
Workspace Report (Standard)
The Workspace Report assistant is available within each workspace and will generate a report for a specific view that includes detailed information about configuration files that were imported and parsed including:
- Configuration assessment report including risk alerts
- Ports and Interfaces
- Access rules
- Object groups
- Path analysis
Industry Best Practice (Premium)
The Best Practice assistant requires a license to activate. This report is available within each workspace to generate a report for a specific view that includes the following topics:
- Parser Warnings and potential misconfigurations
- Unused Object Groups
- Access Rules missing a justification
- Unnamed nodes
- NP Best Practice Policies on access rules and CiS Benchmarks that have identified potential risks
- ACL’s with no explicit deny by default rule
NERC CIP Compliance (Premium)
The NERC CIP assistant requires a license to activate this function and guides the user through the steps required to create a report covering CIP-005 requirements. The NERC CIP audit assistant is only available within a NERC-CIP workspace and allows audit teams to classify BES cyber assets as High, Medium, and Low based on the standards. We have added a category for untrusted (Internet, Corp, etc.) to tag non BES assets. NP-View allows compliance teams to collect and report evidence related to the following requirements:
- CIP-002 – BES Cyber System Categorization; impact rating and 15-month review
- CIP-003 – Security Management Control; cyber security policy
- CIP-005 – Electronic Security Perimeter; remote access management
- CIP-007 – System Security Management; ports and services
- CIP-010 – Change Management and Vulnerability; configuration change management, configuration monitoring, vulnerability assessment
A demo workspace for the NERC CIP audit assistant is included with the software. To see the audit assistant in action, follow these steps:
- Click on the demo workspace to build the topology.
- Create a custom view by selecting all of the firewalls, right click, Create View from Selection and give it a name.
- Once the view is generated, select Manage Zones from the left manu and click on the Auto Generate Zones button.
- Red zones represent your high criticality assets.
- Orange zones represent your medium criticality assets.
- Yellow zones represent your low criticality assets.
- Gray zones represent your untrusted assets.
- On the left menu, select Summary Reports and the NERC-CIP Compliance Report
- Click through the wizard, the defaults will represent the selections suggested by the auto group function.
- Click Generate Report to view the report in a new tab.
Feature Documentation
Performing a regular review of your compliance metrics is important for your organization. Performing the review manually is time consuming and tedious. Audit assistance provides the Compliance Team (Auditor, Compliance Officer, Compliance Analyst, and Consultants) with capabilities that allow users to:
- Verify compliance with cybersecurity regulations and best practices through Policy Review.
- Seamlessly store evidence for compliance review with Change Tracking.
- Easily prepare compliance reports using the Audit Assistants listed below:
Workspace Report
The Workspace Report assistant is available within each workspace and will generate a report for a specific view that includes detailed information about configuration files that were imported and parsed including:
- Configuration assessment report including risk alerts and warnings.
- Device Information (Routes, Interfaces, and NAT Rules)
- Access rules
- Object groups
- Connectivity paths
Industry Best Practice
Your license key will determine if The Best Practice assistant is available. This report is available within each workspace to generate a report for a specific view that includes the following topics:
- Parser Warnings and potential misconfigurations
- Unused Object Groups
- Access Rules missing a justification
- Unnamed nodes
- NP Best Practice Policies on Access Rules and CiS Benchmarks that have identified potential risks
- Topology summary and connectivity
NERC CIP Compliance
Your license key will determine if the NERC CIP assistant feature is activate. The NERC CIP assistant guides the user through the steps required to create a report covering CIP-005 requirements. The NERC CIP audit assistant is only available within a NERC-CIP workspace and allows audit teams to classify BES cyber assets as High, Medium, and Low based on the standards. We have added a category for untrusted (Internet, Corp, etc.) to tag non BES assets. NP-View allows compliance teams to collect and report evidence related to the following requirements:
- CIP-002 – BES Cyber System Categorization; impact rating and 15-month review
- CIP-003 – Security Management Control; cyber security policy
- CIP-005 – Electronic Security Perimeter; remote access management
- CIP-007 – System Security Management; ports and services
- CIP-010 – Change Management and Vulnerability; configuration change management, configuration monitoring, vulnerability assessment
A demo workspace for the NERC CIP audit assistant is included with the software. To see the audit assistant in action, follow these steps:
- Create a demo workspace using the system menu (upper right corner of the topology)
- Open the demo workspace to show the topology.
- Create a custom view by selecting all of the firewalls, right click, Create View from Selection and give it a name.
- Once the view is generated, select Manage Zones from the left menu and click on the Auto Generate Zones button.
- Red zones represent your high criticality assets.
- Orange zones represent your medium criticality assets.
- Yellow zones represent your low criticality assets.
- Gray zones represent your untrusted assets.
- On the left menu, select Summary Reports and the NERC-CIP Compliance Report
- Click through the wizard, the defaults will represent the selections suggested by the auto group function.
- Click Generate Report to view the report in a new tab.
System Logs
Record of operating system events.
System Logs can be accessed from the main menu. Press L on the keyboard to open the system logs.
- Data: The System Logs Table shows a detailed sequence of tasks attempted and completed.
- Use: The System Logs Table is primarily used for system debugging and contains information, errors and warnings derived during system operation.
- Filters: The System Logs Table has three views
- Workspace
- Displays all system actions for the open workspace
- Available to the Administrator and Workspace Admin
- User
- Displays the actions taken by the current user on the open workspace
- Available to the Administrator and Workspace Admin
- System
- Displays the overall operation of system across users and workspaces
- Only accessible by the Administrator
- Workspace
- Each view can be filtered to show only
- Information
- Errors
- Errors are generated when a system operation fails to complete
- Warnings
- Warnings are generated during data parsing and when policy / requirement infractions are identified
- All
- Display all events.
Network visualization via The Topology Map is the most powerful feature of NP-View.
Once you:
- Create a workspace
- Import configuration files
- Import supporting meta data
NP-View’s visualization engine will process your information and create a dynamic, usable network diagram, starting you at the Home View. Workspaces are broken down into views, which you can read more about here > Manage Views.
Topology Map
Based on your imported configurations, NP-View will create a map to connect and display nodes of the following types:
- Firewalls (physical and virtual)
- Routers (physical and virtual)
- Switches
- Host-Routers
- Networks (subnets)
- Hosts
- Gateways
- Border Gateways
- VPN Tunnels
- Unmapped Hosts and Networks
Details: Each node is represented by its own individual icon on the map, and when clicked will open a details panel with information about the selected node. From each details panel devices can be assigned a category (colored text tag) and criticality (colored ring).
Risk Display: If a device has active alerts, the number of alerts will be displayed as a red circle on the device icon.
Unmapped Gateway:
- Unmapped hosts and networks indicate IP addresses that are external to the topology and could not be connected to primary networks.
- For a given networking device (e.g., a firewall), primary networks constitute the IP ranges defined by its interfaces.
- In other words, all the networks a device faces are called primary.
- Nonetheless, the device’s ruleset can refer to arbitrary IP spaces, not necessarily those within primary ranges.
- Consequently, NP-View identifies those external/unknown IP spaces as hosts, networks, or ranges, as defined in the config, and places them behind the Unmapped gateway.
Organizing the Map
On the Topology Map, users can rearrange any object or group of objects on the canvas by simply selecting and dragging a device to a new location. Device locations can be saved with the “Save Topology” button which can be found in the top center of the screen.
- Multiple devices can be selected by holding the shift key down (the cursor changes to a + sign) and dragging the mouse to make the selection.
- The Ctrl key can be used to select / deselect individual devices.
- Once selected, the devices can be assigned to a common category or criticality.
- Alternatively, the devices can be segmented into zones. See more info on zone creation.
Save Topology: When objects are moved on the topology map, the ‘Save Topology’ button will become active. Multiple objects can be moved prior to saving the topology.
If the user attempts to switch views before saving, a notification will be presented as follows:
The user can proceed to the selected view without saving by clicking “OK”, or they can choose “cancel” to go back and ‘Save Topology’ .
Other Topology Functions
Settings: Opens a panel with user preferences that can be set for the map. See the section below for more
Pin/ Unpin Topology: Selecting this, moving one device will cause the map to auto arrange. This can be helpful if when importing a large number of devices, the topology map initially displays with overlapping devices
Collapse/ Expand Topology Nodes: Some Topology Maps may become visually overwhelming depending on how many nodes are present. This setting will hide end points and only display Primary devices and networks
Night Mode: Sets the map to a different color scheme
Highlight Paths: Opens the Highlight Paths menu item. See the Paths article for more.
Manage Views: Opens the Manage Views menu item. See the Manage Views article for more.
Center Map: Centers the map on the screen
Topology Settings
NP-View provides a settings menu specifically for the topology. This menu can be used to show as much or as little information as you desire on the topology map. This keeps the topology map at a level of organization that suits your use.
The topology settings menu is easily accessible from the menu in the bottom right of the topology map by clicking on the gear icon.
This will open the topology settings dialog and allow users to show or hide different types of information on the fly.
- Highlight Verified Assets – this setting enables or disables the verified assets feature.
- Collapse Nodes By Default – this setting toggles the behavior of whether or not nodes on the topology map are collapsed when the topology is rendered.
- Show Gateways with NO IP – this setting toggles the display of gateways (white gateway icons) that are defined but have no IP address assigned. The default behavior is to hide them.
- Show Networks with NO IP – this setting toggles the display of networks / interfaces (white cloud icons) that are defined but have no IP address assigned. The default behavior is to hide them.
- Show Only Bridge Groups - Some devices define bridge groups that show up as Networks with NO IP. If a bridge group is identified in the Interfaces table, this selection will allow for the bridge groups to be displayed while the rest of the NO IP networks are hidden.
- Show Topology Elements – this setting toggles the display of topology elements that the user may wish to selectively hide for viewing or screen shots.
- IP Addresses - Any IPaddress on the topology, even if it is the device name.
- Names - Any device name that is not an IP address.
- Categories - User assigned categories.
- Criticalities - User assigned criticalities.
- Vulnerability Shields – Icons that show vulnerabilities on nodes when scans have been imported into the workspace.
- Risk Bubbles - Red risk bubbles that identify the number of risk alerts associated with each device.
- Zones - User defined zones
Users & Groups
For NP-View server, each user will be assigned to one of three user groups:
- Administrator
- Can create, view and edit workspaces
- Has access to all users’ workspaces – including other administrators
- Can share, transfer or export all workspaces
- Workspace Admin
- Can create, view and edit workspaces
- Workspace Admins have access to their own workspaces, and to ones that are shared with them.
- Can share, transfer or export their own workspace workspace and export workspaces shared with them.
- Viewer
- Viewers have no authoring capability and can only view workspaces that have been shared with them by Administrators or Workspace Admin’s
For local authentication, the group assignment is made when the user is created.
For Active Directory / LDAP, the assigned group is made in the authentication server.
For Radius, all users are assigned to the Administrator group.
Supported Devices & Data
The following table is a comprehensive list of supported devices. The instructions provided in the table can be used to manually extract data from the device for import. While we do our best to support the below devices, it is impossible for us to test the parsers with every possible device configuration combination. If errors occur during device import, Network Perception is committed to working with our customers to resolve their specific parsing issues.
Note that Network Perceptions device support policy follows that of the manufacturer. When a manufacturer ends support for a product, so does Network Perception. End of support devices are not removed from NP-View but will not be upgraded if issues arise.
Supported Devices with Vendor Partnership
The devices in this list are actively tested in our lab to support the most current versions of the manufacturer software. Network Perception has an active partnership with these vendors for software and support.
Vendor | Type/Model/OS | Configuration files needed |
Check Point | R81 / R81.10 / R81.20 including Multi-Domain Security and Virtual Router support (VRF) | We support the database loading using the NP Check Point R80 Exporter (PDF documentation, video).Zip File Shasum:5d22b182d773c020fd2a58838498b8be8221468eExporter Tool Shasum:cc3131da37362da1291fa4a77cd8496fcb010596 |
Cisco |
| For a Cisco IOS device, the sequence would be:
Fortinet | FortiGate Firewall, FortiSwitch(FortiOS 7.0.x, 7.2.x) | To get a config capture from the CLI using Putty (or some similar SSH) client, here is the process:
Palo Alto | Next Gen Firewall (PanOS 10.x, 11.x) including multiple virtual firewalls (vsys) and virtual routers (vrf).We do not support SD-WAN | See additional instructions below |
Supported Devices with no Vendor Partnership
The devices in this list are actively tested in our lab to support the most current versions of the manufacturer software.
Vendor | Type/Model/OS | Configuration files needed |
Dell – SonicWall | SonicOS (5.9.x, 6.5.x) | “From GUI, Go to Export Settings, then Export (default file name: sonicwall.exp)”see additional instructions below |
FS | Switch (FSOS S5800 Series; Version 7.4) | show running-config Note that FS configs are Cisco like and not tagged specifically as FS so these switches will display as Cisco devices in NP-View |
pfSense | Community Edition 2.7.2 | Diagnostics > Backup & Restore > Download configuration as XML |
Schweitzer | Ethernet Security Gateway (SEL-3620) | SEL Firmware: from “Diagnostics”, click on “Update Diagnostics” and copy the textOPNsense: from ‘System > Configuration > Backup’ export .XML backup fileNote: IPTables from OPNsense are not supported in NP-View. |
Siemens – RUGGEDCCOM | ROX Firewall RX1000-RX5000 (2.x) | admin > save-fullconfiguration. Choose format “cli” and indicate file name |
Historical Devices
The devices in this list were developed based on customer provided configuration files. We are no longer actively developing these parsers but they are supported for break/fix and require customers sanitized config files to assist with the debug of issues.
Vendor | Type/Model/OS | Configuration files needed |
Dell | PowerConnect Switch | console#copy running-config startup-config (instructions) |
Nokia | Service Router (SR7755; TiMOS-C-12.0.Rx) | admin# save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./1.cfg |
↳Alcatel-Lucent | Service Aggregation Router (SAR7705; TiMOS-B-8.0.R10) | admin# save ftp://test:test@192.168.x.xx/./1.cfg |
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) | Firewall (Open, Free and Net; 3 series) | ifconfig -a > hostname_interfaces.txt See additional instructions below |
Extreme | Switch (x400, x600; XOC 22.6) | save configuration |
Hirschmann | Eagle One Firewall (One-05.3.02) | copy config running-config nv [profile_name] |
HP / Aruba | ProCurve Switch (2600, 2800, 4100, 6108) | show running-config |
NetScreen Firewall (ISG, SSG) | get config all | |
Juniper | Junos Firewall SRX-V (20.x)NetScreen Firewall (ISG, SSG) | For JunOS, the command should be:
Linux BSD IP Tables | Firewall | iptables-save See additional instructions below |
NETGEAR | Smart managed Pro Switch (FS/GS-Series; 6.x) | CLI: show running-config all Web UI: Maintenance > Download Configuration |
Siemens | ROS Switch (RSG2-300; 4.2) | config.csv |
↳Scalance | X300-400 Switch | cfgsave |
Sophos | Firewall (v16) | Admin console: System > Backup & Firmware > Import Export |
VMware | NSX Firewall | GET https://{nsxmgr-ip}/api/4.0/edges/ (XML format)Learn more about vCenter and VSX |
WatchGuard | Firewall (XTM 3300, XTM 850) | Select Manage System > Import/Export Configuration |
Additional Instructions
Collecting Data from the Device Console
Collecting configuration information from the device console can be an easy way to get the device data.
Following the below rules will help ensure success when importing the files into NP-View.
Note that not all data can be retrieved from the console. Please review the section for you specific device for additional instructions.
- Run the command from the console.
- Copy the text to a plain text editor. Do not use Word or any fancy text editor as it will inject special characters that we cannot read.
- Review the file and look for non text characters like percent encoded text or wingdings like characters. These will break the parser.
- Save the output of each command in a separate file and name it after the device so that NP-View can properly attribute the files. For example: firewall1_config.txt, firewall1_arp.txt, firewall1_route.txt
- For Palo Alto files, there are specific naming requirements, please see the Palo Alto section for additional information.
- Some config files contain very long strings. Line wrapping due to the window size of the terminal will break the parser. If using a terminal like Putty, please ensure the terminal is set to maximum width.
config system console
set output standard
Finally, if you encounter a parsing error when loading the files and want to upload the files to Network Perception using the portal, please sanitize all files at the same time so that we can keep the data synchroized across the files.
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
BSD has three firewalls built into the base system: PF, IPFW, and IPFILTER, also known as IPF FreeBSD
- Packet Filtering (PF): Rules located in file /etc/pf.conf
- IP Firewall (IPFW): Default rules are found in /etc/rc.firewall. Custom firewall rules in any file provided through # sysrc firewall_script=”/etc/ipfw.rules”
- IP Filter also known as IPF: cross-platform, open source firewall which has been ported to several operating systems, including FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris™. Name of the ruleset file given via command ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.rules
- Packet Firewall (PF): Rules located in file /etc/pf.conf
- NetBSD Packet Filter (NPF) for Packet Filter (PF): Rules located in file /etc/npf.conf
- IP Filter (IPF): Use /etc/ipf.conf to allow the IPFilter firewall
BSD and similar systems (e.g., Linux) will use the same names for interfaces (eth1, eth2, em1, em2, carp1, carp2, etc.). The parser might be confused if the user imports interface files and packet filter configs from different systems at the same time resulting in a combined system instead of individual devices. To prevent this, the user should group all files by host, making sure to name the ifconfig file after the hostname (i.e. host1_interfaces.txt).
Free BSD Example
Below is an example of a 2 host FREE BSD system containing FW1, host1 and host2. The user should import the files in each section as a separate import. fw1 – first data set import (all available files imported together)
- pf.conf (required file) (note, can be named differently, e.g., FW1.txt’)
- obsd_fw1_interfaces.txt (required file) (note that the parser keys on the “_interfaces” string”. Text before “_interfaces” will be used to name the device. In tis example ‘obsd_fw1’)
- hostname.carp1
- hostname.carp2
- hostname.hvm2
- hostname.hvm3
- hostname.hvm4
- table1
- table2
host1 – second data set import (all available files imported together)
- pf.conf (required file) (note, can be named differently, e.g., host1.txt’)
- host1_interfaces.txt (required file) (note that the parser keys on the “_interfaces” string”. Text before “_interfaces” will be used to name the device. In this example ‘host1’)
- hostname.em1
- hostname.carp1
host2 – third data set import (all available files imported together)
- pf.conf (required file) (note, can be named differently, e.g., Host2.txt’)
- host2_interfaces.txt (required file) (note that the parser keys on the “_interfaces” string”. Text before “_interfaces” will be used to name the device. In this example ‘host2’)
- table1
- table2
The only required files are the config file (can be named something other than pf.conf) and the ifconfig file. hostname files are optional (unless they contain description of interfaces not in the ifconfig file). Table files contain a list of IP addresses that can be manipulated without reloading the entire rule set. Table files are only needed if tables are used inside the config file. For example, table persist {, ! }
Legacy Fortinet Support
Support for Fortinet through 6.2 ended September 2023. Please note that no upgrades to these parsers will be made.
Palo Alto Panorama & NGFW
If Panorama is used to centrally manage policies, the access rules and object groups can be retrieved from these devices in XML format (we do not support the import of unstructured text files). If using the Panorama connector, the required files will automatically be downloaded:through 6.2 ended September 2023. Please note that no upgrades to these parsers will be made.
The Panorama file will only contain centrally managed access rules and object groups.
Locally defined access rules and object groups cannot be retrieved from Panorama and must be retrieved from each NGFW. Please follow the instructions below to export directly from the Next Gen FireWall using API.
Palo Alto Firewalls will ALWAYS have a V-sys even if one has not been configured it will default to vsys1.
The “mapping_config” file is required which can only be retrieved through the API using the “show devices connected” command. The name of the file is “named_mapping_config.xml” where the named prefix needs to match the device name as shown in the UI when the running_config.xml is imported alone. All files should be imported at the same time. Please see instructions below:
The below links are to the Panorama documentation for the required commands with examples. The links provide you with commands to run directly in the Panorama CLI. The images we provided are for using Postman or web browser use.
Get Panorama and device bundle Configuration
Once both the “<panorama_server>_running_config.xml” and <panorama_server >_mapping_config.xml” are gathered, please import them together in NP-View.
Next Gen Firewall (NGFW)
If using the PanOS connector is used to download files, the required files will automatically be downloaded:
The configuration information from the NGFW may be contained in several .xml files, <device-name>_merged_config.xml and <device-name>.vsys(n)_pushed_policy.xml. There can be one vsys file per virtual interface. The naming of these files is important for the parser to merge them during import. All files from a single firewall must be imported at the same time and in .xml format (we do not support the import of unstructured text files). If any of the files are missing, improperly named or formatted, an error message will state that ‘File parsed but ruleset and topology were empty, aborting’ meaning they could not be linked to the other associated files.
An example of properly named files is below:
- Chicago-IL-100-FW1_merged_config.xml
- Chicago-IL-100-FW1.vsys1_pushed_policy.xml
- Chicago-IL-100-FW1.vsys2_pushed_policy.xml
NOTE: If the NGFW is an unmanaged/standalone Palo Alto device it will not have a pushed_policy file. In this situation, the configuration .xml file can be downloaded directly from the firewall and loaded into NP-View. The file name need not be changed when loading the file from a standalone firewall.
To manually export configuration files from an unmanaged firewall:
If the NGFW is managed by a Panorama, the API will be required to secure the necessary files:
Get PANos Firewall full configuration
Get Managed Firewall configuration
Virtual Routers (vrf) – Experimental Support
Virtual router (vrf) is a software-based routing framework in Palo Alto NGFW that allows the host machine to perform as a typical hardware router over a local area network. NP-View has added the experimental capability to detect Virtual Routers from Palo Alto devices (NGFW or Panorama) and present them in the Connector or Manual Import device selection screens. Virtual Routers will be treated the same as physical routers and will require a device license.
This feature is disabled by default and must be enabled prior to importing configurations containing virtual routers.
To enable the feature the NP-View Server admin will need to make a change to a system variable.
- Stop the NP-View Server application.
- in the docker-compose.yml file, change the enableVirtualRouters=False to enableVirtualRouters=True in three places within the file.
- start the NP-View Server application.
For Desktop
- Close the NP-View application.
- In the file C:\Users\<username >\AppData\Roaming\NP-View\config.ini add enableVirtualRouters=True
- Restart the NP-View application
Once enabled, the user will be presented with the option to select virtual routers from the connector in the device selection or upon manual import.
Legacy Palo Alto PanOS Support
Support for Palo Alto PanOS prior to V9.1 are no longer supported. Please note that no upgrades to parsers will be made for unsupported devices.
Legacy Check Point R77 Support
Support for Check Point R77.30 ended in May of 2019. Please note that no upgrades to this parser will be supported if it fails to operate as expected. Below are the instruction for manually exporting R77 files.
Check Point R7x version store configuration information in flat files on the management server’s filesystem. The file location is different when using a multi-domain environment.
When using Checkpoint R77 management server, the required files can be found here:
- /etc/fw/conf/objects_5_0.C
- /etc/fw/conf/rulebases_5_0.fws
- /etc/fw/conf/identity_roles.C (optional)
Load all of the retrieved files at the same time into NP-View.
When using a Multi Domain environment, the required pairs of objects and rule base files are typically stored in: $MDSDIR/customers/
If you have trouble locating the files, you can use the command: find / -name “rulebases_5_0.fws” -ls to locate the files.
All configs in these 3 locations are required (not just one)
- One Global Database, located in directory: /var/opt/CPmds-R77/conf
- One Multi-domain Server (MDS) database, located in directory: /var/opt/CPmds-R77/conf/mdsdb
- The contents of the Domain Management Server databases (DMS), located in directory: /var/opt/CPmds-R77//CPsuite-R77/fw1/conf/ which include:
- object
- rulebase
- /object
Load all of the retrieved files at the same time into NP-View.
Legacy Check Point R80 Support
Support for Check Point R80 through R80.40 ended April of 2024. Please note that no upgrades to these parsers will be made.
Cisco FTD
NP-View supports Cisco FTD through the output of “show running-config”command. However, it is important to note that Cisco FTD includes network filtering policies documented outside of the running configuration. This section explains where to find those policies.
As of version 6.1, Cisco FTD includes a Prefilter Policy feature that serves three main purposes:
- Match traffic based on both inner and outer headers
- Provide early Access Control which allows a flow to bypass Snort engine completely
- Work as a placeholder for Access Control Entries (ACEs) that are migrated from Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) migration tool.
The feature has 2 primary use cases:
- For use with Tunnel Rule Types
- For bypassing the Snort engine
These prefilter rules are part of the FTD configuration and are displayed via the “show running-config” command on the FTD. They manifest in the NP-View Access Rule table as a Permit IP with:
- Source = any
- Destination = any
- Service = IP/any to any
As a result, the NP-View Rule Policy engine flags these rules as a high risk alert.
In the operation of the FTD, if a packet meets the prefilter policy, it is then evaluated by a secondary set of rules in the Snort engine or applied directly to the tunnel. The Snort rules are not part of the output of the of the “show running-config” output from the FTD. These rules are established, maintained and viewed on the FMC (management server), but are not readily available via the FTD CLI interface.
In the context of an audit during which evidence around these prefilter rules is requested, we recommend documenting that these rules are a default configuration for the system and we also recommend generating a FMC PDF Policy report to explain the flows of traffic within the FTD configuration. For more information, please refer to the Cisco FTD Prefilter Policies documentation.
We support .exp files as the default SonicWall file format for v5.9 and v6.X of the SonicOS.
The main UI allows for export of the encoded .exp file as such:
To extract the file via command line, then the command to export is
export current-config sonicos ftp ftp://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[FTP IP/URL]/sonicwall.exp
Where the username/password/FTP IP or URL must be changed. The file “sonicwall.exp” will then be saved at the FTP location. As this file is encoded, there’s no way to echo or cat the data.
Requesting Support for New Devices
The above list of supported hardware has been lab and field tested. Newer versions generally work unless their is a major platform or API upgrade. Please contact if you wish to get more information on parsers, request support for a particular device or are interested on co-developing a solution.
NP-View includes a utility to automatically retrieve network device configuration files on a schedule. The connector types supported in NP-View Server are below:
Configuration Managers
For retrieving config files from network management systems. For each connector, the user can select the devices to be uploaded for monitoring.
Manufacturer | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Fortinet | FortiManager (7.0.5, 6.4.8, 6.2.10, 6.0.14) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials | HTTPS + optional SSL server verification |
Palo Alto | Panorama (10.x, 11.x) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentialsSee device selection section below for additional information | HTTPS |
SolarWinds | Network Configuration Manager (Orion Platform HF3, NCM HF1: 2020.2.6) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials | HTTPS |
Direct Device Connection
For retrieving config files directly from the network device.
Manufacturer | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Check Point | R80.x/R81.x | Hostname or IP address plus login credentialsSee device selection and service account sections below for additional information | HTTPS + optional SSL server verification |
Cisco | Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials, enabling password and optional context | SSH |
Cisco | Internetwork Operating System (IOS) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials, enabling password and optional context | SSH |
Fortinet | FortiGate Firewall and NGFW | Hostname or IP address plus login credentialsNote: SCP should be enabled in the configuration (instructions) | SSH |
Juniper | JunOS Firewall | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials | SSH |
Palo Alto | NGFW (PAN-OS) | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials | HTTPS |
Volume Shares
For retrieving config files that are uploaded to a common collection repository.
Platform | Connection | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Windows | SMB Share w/ Folder Recursion (Samba) | Hostname or IP address, share name and device name.Optional: Root folder path, recursive search, name filter and a PGP key can also be provided if the files retrieved have been encrypted. | SMB/CIFS |
Linux | SSH Share | Hostname or IP address and folder path. Optionally a white list and black list can be defined. Optional. A PGP key can also be provided if the files retrieved have been encrypted. | SSH |
Asset Managers
For retrieving asset related information from asset management systems.
Manufacturer | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Claroty | CTD | Hostname or IP address plus login credentials | HTTPS |
Experimental Connectors
Support for the following device connectors are in various stages of development and are provided for field testing purposes. Using these device connectors may or may not work for your specific environment or configurations. If you find issues with these devices, please provide your feedback to
Cloud Providers
For retrieving VLAN and services configurations from cloud providers.
Provider | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Amazon | AWS | AWS API Access Key, Secret Key and Region to monitor | Boto3 (HTTPS + OAuth2) |
Google Cloud Platform | GCP ID, Service Account Credentials | HTTPS + OAuth2 | |
Microsoft | Azure | Azure Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret, Subscription ID, and Resource Group Name | HTTPS |
Configuration Managers
For retrieving config files from network management systems. For each connector, the user can select the devices to be uploaded for monitoring.
Manufacturer | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Infoblox | NetMRI | Hostname or IP address plus login credentialsNote that NP-View will discontinue support for NetMRI in 2024. | HTTPS |
Legacy Configuration Managers
These devices are no longer supported by NP-View. While the system did support these devices in the past, the vendor no longer provides support to external developers and these devices have been removed from active support.
Manufacturer | Type/Model | Configuration Information Required | Connection Type |
Forescout | Enterprise Manager | Install of the NP-View Plugin for ForeScout into your ForeScout Enterprise manager. See this document for details and the additional instructions section below.Note that NP-View will discontinue support for Forescout in 2024. | Java based plugin for Forescout |
Tripwire | Enterprise Manager | Hostname or IP address and login credentials plus a tripwire policy rule to invoke.Note that Tripwire has cancelled their development partnerships and support for Tripwire will be discontinued. | HTTPS + optional SSL server verification |
Additional Connector Instructions
Service Account
The use of service accounts is a recommended best practice when connecting to devices through connectors. The service account can be read-only and must have API privileges. When entering credentials related to an Active Directory domain, it is recommended to enter the username using the format
instead of domain.xyzaccount
as the backslash can cause unexpected issues.
For R80, we recommend creating the service account in the SmartCenter (not Gaia) ensuring the account provides access to the Web API.
The fields required for the AWS connector can be found at:
The services on AWS we currently support are:
- Virtual Networks
- Network Security Groups
- Subnets
- Network Interfaces
- Virtual Machines (EC2)
The fields required for the Azure connector are:
The services on Azure we currently support are:
- Virtual Networks
- Network Security Groups
- Subnets
- Storage Accounts
- Network Interfaces
- Virtual Machines
NP-View connects to the Claroty CTD (cloud or on premise) through the API. NP-View will extract the following fields of data and map them to NP-View:
Claroty | NP-View |
name | Name |
ipv4 | IP Address |
vendor | OS |
mac | MAC Address |
protocol | Service |
Device Selection
CheckPoint and Palo Alto network management systems provide files with multiple devices. The connectors for these systems allow for the selection of individual devices to load into NP-View. The user can input the names of the devices, one per line, or select the “Retrieve device list” button to be provides a selection list.
If Forescout is truncating the data imported into NP-View, use the following command on Forescout to extend the size of the retrieved file: fstool set_property YYYY where YYYY represents the number of lines to import (e.g., fstool set_property 25000)
Google Cloud Platform
The fields required for the GCP connector are:
The services on GCP we currently support are:
- Firewall rules (`gcloud compute firewall-rules list –format=json`)
- Instances (`gcloud compute instances list –format=json`)
- Subnets (`gcloud compute networks subnets list –format=json`)
- Routes (`gcloud compute routes list –format=json`)
- VPN Gateways (`gcloud compute vpn-gateways list –format=json`)
- VPN Tunnels (`gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list –format=json`)
Network Perception suggests the following when setting up the SMB connection.
- Create a read-only user in Active Directory or on the SMB server.
- Determine the available share (Get-SMBShare” in Windows PowerShell) or create a new one.
- Share the SMB folder containing the Configuration files with the read-only user. For example:
- If using the date folder and recursive search feature, clicking “See Current Date Folder” will retrieve most recent folder, in YYYYMMDD format, in the “Current Root Folder” f field. For example:
Optional fields:
- Path to Root Folder – Directory you want to be the root folder relative to your default SMB root folder.
- Recursive Search – Whether or not to search recursively starting at the connector’s root folder.
- Name Filter – Filters file/directory names based on given regex statements. Any file/directory that fully matches ANY given regex statement will be included in result.
- File Decryption Key – a PGP key can also be provided if the files retrieved have been encrypted.
If during the connector test, access is denied, the following settings should be verified and may need to be changed for the SMB to work as expected.
Running PowerShell as administrator
Input command Get-SmbServerConfiguration
Verify that EncryptData is set to false
If set to true, run command “Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EncryptData 0”
Verify SmbServerHardeningLevel is set to 0
If not set to 0, run command “Set-SmbServerConfiguration -SmbServerNameHardeningLevel 0”
Microsoft recommended default is off (0). More information about these settings can be found on the Microsoft website.
SSH and Samba for HA Groups
NP-View has the ability to handle HA Groups.
As a best practice, if using SSH shares, it is best to erase the entire folder and replace with the config files from the current active devices. It is also a best practice to name the HA devices similarly for comparison. For example:
For Samba shares, a similar method should be used but, the SMB connector has an extra feature of navigating date labeled folders.
Refer to the Samba section for details.
If you have a system for which you need a connector or if you encounter a technical issue, please contact
Connectors automate the secure retrieval of configuration files from firewalls, routers, switches, and network device configuration managers. NP-View Server can host one or more connectors that securely retrieves configuration files at the specified frequency. By default, connectors are accessible through HTTPS on port TCP/8443 of the NP-View server and is isolated for security purposes.
The first time an administrator accesses the connectors (+Import Data -> New connector -> Manage connectors), they are required to define a Connector group name and a secure passphrase. The Connector group name will be used to create the encrypted connector file store. Connector information is encrypted at rest and in transit using a passphrase protected PGP key. Only the connector owners know the passphrase and the passphrase is never stored. Once initiated, connectors run in the background collecting network information. If the NP-View server is restarted, the connector owner is required to re-authenticate and restart the connectors. Connector owners can create multiple connector groups and each will require their own login. Once created, the user can select from the list of available connectors when logging in.
The connector page contains five main options.
The buttons from left to right are:
- + Add New Connector
- bulk start all connectors (see bulk start parameters below)
- bulk stop all connectors
- delete the connector (user must be logged into the connector group to delete)
- exit the connector group.
Add Connector
To add a new connector, select “+Add New Connector” button and a list of available connectors is presented. Connector options are: Cloud Providers, Configuration Managers, Direct Devices and Volume Shares
Upon selecting the Connector type to add, the user is requested to fill in connection information. Connector information varies by vendor. The connector configuration for a Palo Alto device is as follows:
The user must enter a Connector name (no spaces), host name, and credentials. The user can then verify the credentials are correct with the “Test credentials” button. The user can setup the polling cycle and provide the workspaces to deliver the resultant information.
Polling Cycles are:
- On demand
- Daily
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
Configuration Management Systems
For Configuration Management Systems and file Shares, additional information may be required. The user can retrieve a list of files from the device and filter the results. To include specific files, put them in the include list field. To exclude files, put them in the exclude list field. If both lists are used, include list filter will be applied first and the exclude list filter to the results of the include list filter. If the share is PGP encrypted, a PGP Public key will be required.
Workspaces must be added to the connector for data to be transferred and displayed in the workspace. If workspaces are added after a connector is setup, data will not be sent to the workspace until the next scheduled import and a configuration change is identified. Creating workspaces before connectors facilitates faster visualization of data.
Connector Tile
Once the connector is added, a tile is added to the connectors home page.
Connector tiles are sorted by the characters in their names using standard Linux conventions:
- whitespace
- integer
- special char
- uppercase [A-Z]
- underscore (possibly other special chars)
- lowercase [a-z]
From the tile, the user can:
- manually activate the connector for a one time data pull
- run / pause the connector
- edit the connector
- copy the connector
- delete the connector.
The tile banner will show in three colors:
- red – connector failed
- blue – connector scheduled to run
- gray – connector paused
Click the start / pause button to restart a failed or paused connector, note that a connector may take several minutes to change the banner color.
Connector for Forescout
The Connector for Forescout 8.1 and later enables integration between CounterACT and NP-View such that network device configuration files managed by CounterACT can be automatically imported into NP-View and aggregated into specific workspaces. Currently, Cisco switches are supported through the Forescout Switch Plugin.
- Download the Forescout Extended Module for NP-Vie from
- Start your Forescout Console and login into Enterprise Manager.
- Then open “Options”, select “Modules”, and install the fpi.
To request additional support for this connector or to request support for other devices, please contact
Connectors + Samba (SMB) Access Error
This error can be caused by two communication scenarios between Linux and Window. Either SMB encryption is enabled on the Server or SPN target name validation level is enabled (or both). To check which of these features is causing the issue, Run PowerShell on the Windows Server as administrator and run the following command:
If EncryptData = True, it can be disabled using:
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EncryptData 0
If SmbServerNameHardeningLevel is set to any value other than the default of 0 run:
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -SmbServerNameHardeningLevel 0
to restore the default.
Connectors fails to initiate connection to outside devices
In some instances, the Linux distribution is preventing the connectors (Docker) from initiating connections to outside devices. The solution is to update the firewall settings on the Linux distribution using the following commands:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# systemctl restart docker
Configuring Read-only Access to Cisco
The NP-View Connector for Cisco uses a read-only SSH connection to collect the output of the show running-config
command. It is best practice to create a dedicated read-only user on your Cisco devices when configuring connectors. Here are the commands to only give the minimum permissions needed for this user:
conf t
aaa authorization command LOCAL
privilege show level 2 mode exec command running-config
privilege cmd level 2 mode exec command terminal
username $USERNAME password $PASSWORD priv 2
Bulks Start Parameters
To help balance the processing load of managing multiple connectors and improve user experience on the topology map, the bulk start function can be scheduled to off hours using system parameters. The docker-compose.yml file contains two parameters for the bulk system start function in the monitor: environment:
# defines the start time for the connectors, format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds, 24 hour clock.connBulkStartSpread=00:15:00
# defines the connector start stagger, format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds
Deleting Connectors
Connectors can be deleted by entering the connector group name and passphrase to gain access to the connector. The connector can be deleted by selecting the trash can in the upper right corner.
If the passphrase is forgotten, the connector can be forcefully deleted by the Linux Admin by removing the connector file from the folder
NP-View can import auxiliary data from third party systems to enrich and augment the analysis. The data files listed below are supported and can be manually imported using drag and drop or through a shared network drive connector. We recommend importing configuration files first or at the same time as the auxiliary data files or a system error may occur. If auxiliary data is input after configuration files are processed, the auxiliary data will need to be added to a new or existing custom view(s) to display the data.
Hosts can be identified from multiple sources including configuration files, network scan files, ARP tables and hostname files. Once network device configuration files have been imported, one can import additional files to add metadata to the workspace. A hostname file is a simple text file with two columns: IP address and hostname separate by a tab.
Aux Data Loading Example
This example applies to the loading of any Aux data file but is specific to creating and loading a host file.
First, load a firewall into a workspace and create a custom view with the firewall.
Notice that four hosts are not named. Next, create a host file, hosts.txt, to enrich the information. The host file will add a name tied to each of the hosts and also includes hosts not currently displayed. Alice Bob Wendy Sam Carl
Make sure any hosts added to the file do not conflict with firewall interfaces or they will be merged into the firewall.
Save the host file, drag and drop the file into the workspace (or use the +Import Data function).
Click upload and the file will be imported into the workspace.
Once the file has been uploaded, it will parse in a similar fashion to config files.
Once processed, proceed to the “Manage Views” menu and select a new or existing view to add host data. Click the Auxiliary Data checkbox and then the “Save View” button. The view will be regenerated with the data from the host file.
The updated assets will be displayed on the topology and in Asset inventory.
If for some reason a device has multiple names retrieved from multiple different file types, the additional names will be displayed in the Alias column.
Next, update the Host file again. In this scenario, we rename “Carl” to “Carly” and “Sam” to “Sammy”. The updated file is as follows: Alice Bob Wendy Sammy Carly
Load the file into the workspace and the custom views where auxiliary data has been applied. This will update the workspace.
Host data can come from multiple sources, also hosts can appear and disappear from the network. Host data is treated as replacement data for adding and deleting hosts over time.
Network and vulnerability scanners
The output from network and vulnerability scanners can be imported into a workspace to add CVE information, hosts, attributes, and port information to the topology map. We support version 1.0 <?xml version=”1.0″ ?> of the below scanners:
- Nmap – Use command
nmap -oX
- Rapid 7 Nexpose,
- Tenable Nessus – Export the .nessus scan in XML format.
When exporting the report, it should be saved using the XML format to properly import into NP-View. The data extracted and imported depends on the scanner used and the data available on the network. Below is a list of data NP-View attempts to import.
- hostnames
- addresses
- interfaces
- local interface IP’s
- local interface names
- mac
- domains
- parent
- operating systems
- vlan
Multi-Home Hosts
Multi-Home hosts are endpoints that have multiple network interfaces. If NP-View identifies hosts with multiple interfaces, the host will be duplicated on the topology with each IP address. For example, the host called 'dual-homed' can be seen three times on the map below.
To resolve this, a 'multi_home_host.txt' file can be manually generated and loaded into NP-View as auxiliary data. The file must be named 'multi_home_host.txt' and be of the following format: dual-homed dual-homed dual-homed
Where the first field is the IPaddress and the second field is the name of the host.
When importing the 'multi_home_host.txt' and adding it to a view, the hosts will be connected as follows:
Note that the file can be named as *_multi_home_host.txt where *_ is anything preceding multi_home_host.txt. For example:
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
ARP files can be used to add hosts as well as MAC addresses for the hosts. The following formats are supported:
Use show arp
to export the ARP table. The file format will be as follows:
<hostname># show arp
outside d867.da11.00c1 2
inside 000c.295b.5aa2 21
inside 000c.2933.561c 36
inside 000c.2ee0.2b81 97
Cisco ARP Example
Using the data set from the Hosts example, a simple ARP table has been created in the Cisco format.
Distribution# show arp
inside d867.da11.00c1 2
inside 000c.295b.5aa2 21
inside 000c.2933.561c 36
inside 000c.2ee0.2b81 97
inside 000c.2ecc.2b82 95
Loading this data into NP-View will add the MAC addresses to each host which is visible in Asset inventory.
Use arp -a > arp_table.txt
to export the ARP table. The file format will be:
Interface: --- 0x6
Internet Address Physical Address Type 88-3d-24-76-49-f2 dynamic 50-dc-e7-4b-13-40 dynamic 1c-fe-2b-30-78-e5 dynamic 8c-04-ba-8c-dc-4d dynamic
Use arp -a > arp_table.txt
to export the ARP table. The file format will be:
? ( at 02:42:ac:12:00:03 [ether] on br-d497989bc64d
? ( at 00:0c:29:f6:47:bb [ether] on ens160
? ( at <incomplete> on docker0
? ( at 00:0c:29:f3:e2:6b [ether] on ens160
Palo Alto
Use show arp all
to export the ARP table. The file format will be:
maximum of entries supported : 2500
default timeout: 1800 seconds
total ARP entries in table : 3
total ARP entries shown : 3
status: s - static, c - complete, e - expiring, i - incomplete
interface ip address hw address port status ttl
ethernet1/1 00:0c:29:ac:30:19 ethernet1/1 c 295
ethernet1/2 00:0c:29:d7:67:09 ethernet1/2 c 1776
ethernet1/3 00:0c:29:b9:19:c9 ethernet1/3 c 1791
Route Tables
Route files are a special case in that they provide ruleset-specific enrichment data whereas the other auxiliary files listed above provide topology-specific enrichment data.
Route table – Cisco
The output of the command show route
on Cisco devices can be imported into NP-View with associated configuration files. For VRF’s, use the command show ip route vrf *
. Cisco route files are handled a bit differently than the rest of the aux data as they are integrated upon import and are not considered as aux data when creating a view. Naming of the route files are not important as long as they are unique. The first row of the route file contains the <device name># command to link the route table with the correct device.
Claroty CDT
NP-View connects to the Claroty CTD (cloud or on premise) through the API. NP-View will extract the following fields of data and map them as endpoints in NP-View.
Claroty | NP-View |
name | Name |
ipv4 | IP Address |
vendor | OS |
mac | MAC Address |
protocol | Service |
Below are the currently known issues in NP-View along with the available workarounds. These issues will be addressed as part of the upcoming release. If you are experiencing an issue not covered in this document, please contact Technical Support at:
1. Typing into a field in NP-View Desktop doesn’t register any text
Reset window focus (This may not always work)
- Alt+Tab out of the application
- Alt+Tab back into the application
Login to NP-View Desktop via web browser
- Open a web browser (Chrome/Edge) with NP-View still running
- Type “localhost:8080” in the address bar to load NP-View in a browser window
NP-View is licensed on an annual basis. The cost of the license depends on the number of configuration files imported from primary network devices (firewalls, routers, and switches).
How Licensing Works
When importing devices (manual or automated), a reminder notice is provided stating: “Importing new devices requires available licenses. Devices are activated in the order they are imported. If the total license count is exceeded, importing of additional unlicensed devices will be prohibited.
To determine the available number of devices licenses, see the summary at the bottom of Licenses and Terms.
Supported Devices and Connectors
The knowledge base contains a list of actively supported devices (link) and connectors (link). These lists change over time as manufacturer end of life support and as we add support for new devices. These lists are referred to in our terms of service and used to define what is in scope of the NP-View license agreement. Network Perception reserves the right to alter this list at any time without customer notice.
When Device Licenses are Activated
Device licenses are activated when a device is first imported. When the device limit is reached, import of additional devices (manual or automated) will be prohibited and a message will be issued in the help center and system logs.
Device licensing is permanent. Once a license is allocated to a device it cannot be re-assigned to another device.
Palo Alto NGFW and Virtual Systems (VSYS)
Virtual systems are separate, logical firewall instances within a single physical Palo Alto Networks firewall. Rather than using multiple physical firewalls, IT departments can use a single firewall and enable virtual systems on them to independently separate traffic.
The default is vsys1. You cannot delete vsys1 because it is relevant to the internal hierarchy on the firewall; vsys1 appears even on firewall models that don’t support multiple virtual systems.
When using multiple virtual systems, if a configured vsys has an interface with access rules, NP-View will represent the vsys as a separate firewall and a device license is allocated. If a vsys has no interfaces or access rules and is used only for object management then NP-View does not display the firewall and it requires no license.
FortiGate and Virtual Domains (VDOM)
Virtual Domains (VDOMs) are used to divide a FortiGate into two or more virtual units that function independently. VDOMs can provide separate security policies and, in NAT mode, completely separate configurations for routing and VPN services for each connected network. If a VDOM has no interfaces or access rules and is used only for object management then NP-View does not display the firewall and it requires no license.
Hiding Devices
If a device is no longer required in any workspace, the Administrator can hide the device from all workspaces by unchecking the “Visible in Workspace” check box and selecting the “Submit” button.
The licensed device will remain in “license and Terms” and displayed as follows:
The data is not deleted from the workspaces. If the Administrator wishes to restore the device to all workspaces, they can by importing new data for the device or by rechecking the checkbox and clicking “Submit”.
Note: NP provided demo devices in the demo workspace are excluded from display in the license manager and device counts.
User Deleted Devices
If the user deletes a device from all workspaces, the device still remains licensed but as it has no system association will not be displayed in License and Terms. The device can be restored in the future by importing new data for the device into any workspace.
Expired Licenses
When the license expires, workspaces for all users will be disabled along with manual data imports. A message will be displayed stating that the license has expired and to contact sales to renew. Connectors will continue to collect data and deliver the updates to workspaces and demo workspaces will continue to function.
License Downgrade
If a customer downgrades their device count, the Administrator will need to select the devices to remain active after inputting the new license key. If the Administrator does not select the devices to remain, the system will allocate the devices in the order they are used. All remaining unlicensed devices will be removed from all workspaces.
Compliance Module Downgrade
If a customer downgrades their compliance module license, all workspaces associated with that module will be disabled. The user can manually delete these workspaces.
Existing Customer Upgrades
For existing customers upgrading from a previous version of software to version 3.1.0 or later, devices that are imported and active in the license manager (check box marked) will remain licensed. Devices that are unlicensed (check box unmarked) will be removed from all existing workspaces. If a customer needs to replace one or more devices, please contact support.
Auditors and NP Certification
Auditors and NP Certification members working project style engagements using NP-View Desktop are provided with a special feature to reset the system to its original state after an engagement so that no customer data is retained.
Adding a license to NP-View Desktop and NP-View Server
- Step 1: Create an account on the Portal website
- Step 2: If you don’t see an active license in the Portal home page, select “Request License” or contact
- Step 3: Once a license key has been generated for you, make sure the format is correct. It should be a JSON structure similar to:
"email": "email address",
"type": "License type",
"expiration": "date",
"max_rulesets": "purchased device",
"max_users": "purchased user",
"module_np": if purchased,
"module_nerccip": if purchased,
"key": "secret key"
- Step 4a: For New Installations, upon system installation, the Administrator will input the NP license key into the setup screen which will set the maximum limit on the number of devices that can be imported (manually or automated) into the system.
- Step 4b: For existing customers, launch NP-View and select “License & terms” from the user menu (top right corner).
- Then scroll down and select “Upgrade or renew your license” followed by “Input license manually”. You can then copy/paste the license JSON structure (including opening and closing curly brackets) into the text field area.
- Note: the licensing function is available only to the Administrator role in NP-View Server and the must logout and re-login for the license to take affect.
HA Device Licensing
NP-View Professional server support the licensing of active / passive high availability (HA) groups for firewalls. HA Group definitions are only required if the device name of the primary and secondary devices are different. Once the active firewalls are loaded into NP-View, the HA definition file can be exported using postman or a tool of your choice using:
GET /license/ha-groups?file-export=true
and a file will be downloaded.
The file export will be a text file. Column 1 will be the HA Group name and will be initially empty. Column 2 will be the firewall name.
HA Group Name, Device Name
, asaDMZ-fw1
, asaUCCtoBA1
, asaUCCtoSub-A
, asaBA
, firewallSub
The administrator will then update the text file to add unique group names as well as the name of the passive firewall. The updated file can look as follows. Devices without group names will remain as individual firewalls.
HA Group Name, Device Name
A-Group, asaDMZ-fw1
A-Group, asaDMZ-fw2
B-Group, asaUCCtoBA1
B-Group, asaUCCtoBA2
C-Group, asaUCCtoSub-A
C-Group, asaUCCtoSub-B
, asaBA
, firewallSub
Once the file is updated, the file can be posted using postman or the tool of your choice:
POST /license/ha-groups
When new firewalls are added or groups need to be redefined, the above GET / POST process can be repeated.
HA Groups will share one device license. If firewalls are ungrouped and there are not enough free device licenses, the user will be asked to remove firewalls from NP-View that are to be unlicensed and deleted from the system.
NP-View has a series of shortcut keys to quickly access commonly used functions. This section describes some of the frequently used shortcut keys. Note the the list of shortcut keys is available from the upper right menu or by using the “K” key
A | Show the Asset inventory |
B | Show the Search bar help |
C | Show Track changes |
H | Show the Support center |
I | Show the Import data panel |
K | Show the list of available shortcut keys |
L | Show Logs |
O | Show the Object Groups |
P | Show the Connectivity Paths |
Q | Return to the home page |
R | Show the Access Rules |
S | Save the topology |
T | Show Background tasks |
M | Show Policy Management |
V | Show Custom topology views |
W | Show Risk & Warnings |
Z | Show Manage zones |
SHIFT | Hold SHIFT key, then click and drag to draw a rectangle to select multiple nodes from the topology |
Ctrl | Hold Ctrl key, then click to select / deselect individual nodes from the topology |
Help Center
The Help Center can be found on the system menu on the upper right corner of the topology.
The Help Center will display warnings or errors identified during the import of device files.
The information in the help center is designed to provide information for the tech support team to help diagnose the issues.
There are many types of possible errors including:
- Invalid file formats (e.g., .gif or .png)
- Improperly formatted files (files exported as text but loaded into a word processors where extra characters are added before saving).
- Incomplete set of files (many devices require more than one file for import this includes Palo Alto and IP tables)
- Misconfigured files where rules or objects are undefined.
As every customer has a different environment and possible device configurations are endless. We sometimes run into a situation where the parser cannot handle the device as configured. When this happens, we request the customer to sanitize the config file on the NP Poral and upload the file for debug purposes. Support from our customers is important for us to quickly remediate parsing issues unique to a device or specific file.
The Help Center provides a download for the error log which can be submitted to technical support through the support portal.
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