The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)

A-8 The Evening Sun Friday, October 19, 1990 CARROLL CARROLL ROUNDUP Bond sale called competitive BALTIMORE Although the economy appears to be slowing, Carroll officials held the most competitive bond sale in its history this week. Four companies bid on the $15.52 million in 30-year bonds offered by the county. Alex Brown Sons a Baltimore-based corporation, made the lowest bid with a 7.2164 interest rate. Carroll County General Hospital will borrow almost $12 million from the bonds for its expansion project and will be responsible for repaying that sum. The remainder of the bond money will be used for fire department loans, expansion of the Carroll County Detention Center, continued improvements at the new Carroll Community College campus and for public school construction.

According to Gene Curfman, county director of finance, the county received the low interest rate because of its excellent bond rating and conservative management policies. "We are very pleased," Curfman said. The county has an AA bond rating, according to Moody's financial rating service. The best available bond rating is AAA. County to tax illegal drugs WESTMINSTER Just when various excise taxes are being seriously questioned by the public, the county commissioners might levy a new.

one- on cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and other illegal drugs. The commissioners held a public hearing this week on a new 50 percent tax on the sale or use of controlled dangerous substances. The county isn't expecting anyone to step forward and pay the tax. According to County Attorney Chuck Thompson, it's mainly a drug enforcement measure another crime that can be charged to the drug felon. "The tax would be 50 percent of the estimated street value," he said.

"It can be assessed against the assets of someone convicted of a drug offense. "You can look at the example of Al Capone. He wasn't arrested for the bad things he was alleged to have done. He was arrested for tax evasion. It's the The commissioners will keep the record open for writter comments on the ordinance until Friday, Oct.

26. City sponsors teen dances WESTMINSTER, Md. The Westminster City Recreation De- Evening Sun Photo by Debby Finkner Concert planned Young musicians Micah (left) and Philip Ceary of Uniontown will be two of Carroll County's 120 pianists performing in the "Monster Concert" this Saturday at 4 p.m. in Alumni Hall at Western Maryland College. The concert, free and open to the public, is part of the 1990 state convention of the Maryland State Music Teachers Association.

partment will sponsor several teen recreation dances at the Longwood Municipal Center. The dances will be open to students in grades 6, 7, at East Middle School, West Middle School, and St. John's. The admission price will be $2. The dances will take place on the following Saturday nights: Oct.

27, Nov. 24, Dec. 29, Jan. 26, Feb. 23, and Mar.

30. For more information, call City Hall at 848-6962. Endowment fund established at CCC WESTMINSTER, Md. To celebrate the move to a new campus, Carroll Community College is launching a special Founders' Endowment Fund. To take advantage of the opportunity to be a Founder of the College's first endowment, a commitment of $2,500 is necessary.

A new program initiated by the 'State of Maryland will match donations to endowments of community colleges dollar for dollar. A dedication ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 21 will honor donors to the fund and the names of donors will be placed on a plaque placed in the Great Hall of the Community College. All donations are tax-deductible and only those made by Oct. 19 will be recognized at the dedication ceremony.

For more information, call the LARGE 2-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GLASSWARE BOOKS COINS TOOLS BUILDING ITEMS Having collected and accumulated for over 50 years the undersigned will sell at public auction located from square in Gettysburg, PA go West on Route 30 1-block to North Washington Street (rear of first block) signs posted on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 at 11:00 A.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 at 9:00 A.M. Auctioneer's Note For over 50 years Mr. Olinger has collected antiques, collectables and items from almost every field and having divested himself of several large en storage buildings all items will be sold, plus 1000's more not a advertised, due to buildings being packed. One must attend sales to see what we uncover.

Sale Days Inspection Only Sale under tent. Watch Paper For Very Nice Future Sales For Mr. Olinger Terms: Cash Refreshment Rights Reserved GEORGE W. OLINGER OWNER C. David Redding Auctioneer PA License No.

742-L Gettysburg, PA Ph: 717-334-6941 PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saturday, November 10, 1990 at 11:00 A.M. Located 2 miles West of Spring Grove, PA along Rte. 116, North Codorus Twp. (near Ambau), the undersigned will offer at Public Auction on the premises the following: 1:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE 1:00 P.M.

A nice ranch style, home having a area pine cupboards, full living room, 3 hardwood floors. This property has a cement basem*nt, oil fired hot air heat, macadam drive, 2 carports one being attached. To inspect this fine home, close to Spring Grove and Hanover, call 225-4296 or 225-3368. Terms: Down, Balance within 60 Days. ANTIQUES Oak 4 pc.

bedroom suite, dove-tailed blanket cherry gate leg drop leaf table, Singer treadle sewing machine, oak china closet, oak buffet, library table, wooden butter cast iron frog, butcher forks, pressed and other assorted glassware, Pfaltzgraff Derby Dan cookie jar (1949) and laundry sprinkler (1951), books, marbles, 1915 Toronto beadwork souvenir, Niagara Falls souvenir cup, nice 7' mortise top bench and other misc. items. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Admiral no frost, Westinghouse elec. range, Maytag auto. washer, MW elec.

dryer, Zenith console color TV, 2 pc. LR suite, goose neck rocker, other chairs, stands, table and floor lamps, bedding, cookware, dishes, kitchen utensils, galvanized rinse tubs, buckets, assorted lawn and garden tools and many other items not mentioned. Terms: Personal Property Cash or Approved Checks Lunch Wagon Lora S. Myers Owner Jeffrey C. Bortner Attorney William Hoover Auctioneer (AU1080L) Teachers threaten suit WESTMINSTER, Md.

The Maryland State Teachers Association says it will sue the state school board for its new "resident teacher certificate" program unless the board repeals its decision. Claiming the program lowers teacher standards, the 36,000 member association says it will seek an order from the Circuit Court blocking the program's execution which changes entry requirements for new teachers, according to a formal notice delivered to the board. "This new regulation of the state board licenses unqualified persons to teach our children. It overturns the recommendation of its own Professional Standards Advisory Board and provides a graphic example of why the standards board should be made autonomous and independent of the politicians," said MSTA President Jane R. Stern.

MSTA charges the board with violation of the open meetings law, which requires advance notice of actions to be taken. The regulation adopted by the board contradicts the meeting notice, she said. "We could have alerted parents and teachers to appear and voice their disapproval of this fraud on the public if the board had given notice of its intent," said Stern. In her letter to the board, Stern says the program is not an alternative to the standard degree route, but a destruction of teacher certification in Maryland. "It's like licensing college graduates to perform surgery without taking a course in medicine.

This badly drafted regulation would also allow anybody, even a student, to supervise a new teacher er since it sets standards for mentors." CARROLL RECORD DArea fires City police Westminster, New Windsor, Pleas- MOWER STOLEN College's Community Relations office at 876-9639. Clovers hold workshop TYRONE, Md. Progressive Clovers 4-H Club held a demonstration workshop at the Oct. 8 meeting. Demonstrations included pop-up cards by Travis Hibbard, feeding calves by Dustin Derr, leaf sandby Angie Kniss, painting by Lauren Harris, and hermit crab care by Alison and Angie Kniss.

The club reported on its exhibit for National 4-H Club Week displayed at Northwest Middle School. The annual Halloween party will be held Saturday, Oct. 27, at 7:30 p.m. at Amy and David Miller's barn. A club craft workshop will be held Nov.

24 at 1 p.m. at Baust Parish House. Unit completion workshops will be held Nov. 19 and 26 at 7 p.m. at the Miller's Home.

The next meeting will be held Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Baust Parish House. Teen pregnancy campaign launched BALTIMORE (AP) The advertising campaign against teen pregnancy in Maryland has broadened its focus to encourage young men to support the children they father. Play, You Pay" is the theme of the latest series of public service ads prepared by Campaign for Our Children, the non-profit organization that developed the widely aired television spots that urge teen-agers not to have sex.

The new effort uses images ranging from chickens to wide-eyed babies in an attempt to shame young fathers into paying child support. want to make sure that the young men understand their responsibilities," said Hal Donofrio, the Baltimore advertising executive who heads Campaign for Our Children. "'There are laws that say if you have a child, you have to support that child even if you're a kid. The group released five posters carrying that message Wednesday. One features a chicken wearing tennis shoes and asks, "What do you call a guy who makes a baby and flies the coop?" The posters will be hung on state buses and trains as well as in public schools and health clinics.

Television and radio spots with the new theme have not yet been developed, but probably will follow. Murder at the Havilah-Hayes Dinner Theatre! Agatha Christie's Chilling Mystery Towards Zero Every Friday and Saturday Evening and Sunday Afternoon in November In the Big Pipe Creek Park in Taneytown, MD. Tickets available at Sharon's Black Eagle in the Westminster Shopping Center or by calling 301-875-2296. Group rates available. November 10 and 17 performances are Sold Out.

AD NOTICE TO BID Sealed bids will be received at Carroll County Office Building, Room 300A, 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, until 10:30 A.M. local time, on November 7, 1990 and will be publicly opened and read immediately on the same date, at said place, for Electrical Contract at Carroll County Sports Complex for Lighting, Littlestown Pike and John Owings Road, Carroll County, Maryland. Envelopes containing the bid shall be addressed to the Carroll County Commissioners and shall be clearly and distinctly marked Lighting Design Drawings, Specifications and other documents constituting the Contract Documents may be examined without charges at the office of BASCO Associates, Architects-Engineers, 611 West Market Street, P.O. Box 15040, York, Pennsylvania 17405 and the Purchasing Office of the Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street, Room 02, Westminster, Maryland. Bidders may obtain bidding documents at a non-refundable cost of $30.00 per set.

Sets will be available at the Carroll County Purchasing Office, 225 North Center Street, Room 02, Westminster, Maryland 21157, on or after October 17, 1990. Subcontractors and material suppliers may obtain only full sets of bid documents. Al bidding documents must be returned. Subcontractors and material suppliers may obtain a list of bidders by contacting the Carroll County Bureau of Purchasing, 857-2181 or 876-2085, ext. 2181.

Bidders must file prequalification forms furnished by Carroll County Department of Public Works not less than five (5) days prior to bid opening. Bidders are advised that a Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM on November 1, 1990 at the Carroll County Sports Complex, Littlestown Pike (Rte. 97) and John Owings Road, Carroll County, Maryland. All bidders are requested to attend this meeting. Any and all questions pertaining to the Documents or the proposed work will be entertained.

No proposals may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the date set for the opening of bids. The Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County reserve the right to waive informalities or irregularities and to accept any bid or to reject nay or all bids. This Contract will be subject to liquidated damages. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CARROLL COUNTY By: T. F.

Crum, Purchasing Agent ant Valley, 6:04 a.m., fire alarm, Stone Chapel Road, out 25 minutes. Mount Airy, 7:53 a.m., fire alarm, Main Street, Damascus, out 20 minutes. Lineboro, 7:58 a.m., electrical fire, Black Rock Road, York County, out 20 minutes. Mount Airy, 11:42 a.m., house fire, Glissans Mill Road, Frederick County, out one hour. Gamber, Winfield, Sykesville, 1:52 p.m., house fire, Bartholow Road, out one hour.

Taneytown, Woodsboro, 2:18 p.m., tree on fire, Bruceville Road, out minutes. Reese, Hampstead, Westminster, 4:35 p.m., apartment fire, Shirley Manor Drive, Reisterstown, out 15 hours. Westminster, Pleasant Valley, 7:35 p.m., house fire, Johahn Drive, out one hour and 30 minutes. Sykesville, Bethany, West Friendship, Ellicott City, 8:27 p.m., electrical fire, Ridge Road, out 30 minutes. Carroll County fire companies responded to 13 emergency ambulance calls and eight automobile accidents involving personal injury.

OBirths Born at Carroll County General Hospital: A to Walter Groomes and Mildred Fleming of Westminster on Oct. 16, 1990. A son to Billy and Yvette Rippeon of Westminster on Oct. 16, 1990. Twin sons to Christina Schneider and Richard Utz of Manchester on Oct.

17, 1990. A son to Ryan and Thonda Kephart of Westminster on Oct. 17, 1990. A son to Todd and Randi Hedrick of Finksburg on Oct. 18, 1990.

William H. Green of West Main Street in Westminster reported that someone removed a red and white Toro SelfPropelled Lawn Mower from the back of his truck while it was parked on Carroll Street. Total loss was estimated at $800. PROPERTY THEFT William Morrissett of East Main Street reported that someone entered his locked vehicle on South Church Street by unknown means and took items valued at $260. State police COVERS STOLEN Norman Woodrow Weber of East Main Street in westminster reported the theft of four wheel covers from his vehicle.

Total loss was estimated at $200., THE SHRIMP FEAST That's GOT 'EM TALKING Every Monday from 2:30 until 10. All You Can Eat Farm Fresh Endless Salad with Chef Robin's Own Dressing. Hot Steamed Shrimp, co*cktail Sauce. Can You Believe ONLY $695 Bitner, Rt. 140, Finksburg, Md.

861-8797 EVENING AUCTION MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1990 at 4 P.M. 'Farrell Auction Barn, 435 Sullivan Road, Westminster, MD 21157, Off Rt. at Hardees Restaurant Approx. 1 mile. ANTIQUES; HOUSEHOLD; OAK MAH.

FURNITURE; CARNIVAL, DEPRESSION PRESSED GLASSWARE; TOYS; LINENS, OFFICE EQUIPMENT; BRASS NAT'L. CASH REGISTER; BOOKS RECORDS; NEW TOOLS; 6 LONG GUNS; COINS; BASEBALL CARDS; STAMPS; COSTUME JEWELRY; PICTURES MIRRORS; 200 BOX LOTS Starting in the front and back rooms at 4 P.M. Starting at approx. 6 P.M. Tools, 20 Lots of Coins, 196 Lots of Baseball Cards, 75 Lots of Stamps, Costume Jewelry, Pictures Mirrors in that order.

Front room at 8 P.M. Guns Showcases. Furniture at 9 P.M. Art Deco DR suite: wal. 6 chrs, dec.

buffet, dec. china closet server; Art Deco dbl. bed, wardrobe, dresser vanity Art Deco BR Suite: dbl. bed, dresser wardrobe; Wal. BR suite: dbl.

bed warrobe, dresser vanity bench, str. chr; Mah. BR suite: dbl. bed, dresser vanity chest of drawers; Mah. Duncan Phyfe dr.

leaf tbl. leaves, 1 arm 5 str. slip seat chrs; Pine dr. leaf tbl; East Lake style rect. marble top tbl; Sheraton style spinet desk; Mah.

tier tbl; Pr. pine end tbls; Pr. wall tbls; Mah. magazine racks; Mah. inlaid record cab; 2 Oak arm rockers; Oak desk; Oak cane seat str.

chr; Glass top octagon tbl. chr; Game tbl; Mod. drysink; "Little Potts" kitchen cab. tray; Porc. top tbl chrs; Formica tble chrs; bookcase; Mod.

cedar chest; Sq. trunk; Pool tbl; High chrs; Childs' desk; Maple crib; 2 Blond Mah. BR suites: dbl. beds, chests, dressers Lots of sofa chrs; Iron bed; Boudoir chr; Floor lamps; Sev. tbl.

lamps; Mantle clock; Coo-Coo clock; 3 Sect. mirror; Va. Rose platter; Pressed cruet; Etched pitcher 9 glasses; Dep. glass; 2 Carn. gl.

dishes; Carn. gl pig bank; Blue hen on nest; Stieff Rose nut dish; Sterl. candlesticks; Approx. 30 pcs. candlewick; Pressed punch bowl cups; McCoy planter; Apple peeler; Old bottles; 3.

wooden shoe racks; Cherry seeder; Crocks jugs; Photo album; Rayo lamp; 2 Sausage stuffers; Cider press; Lots of early high top shoes; Hats; Velvet evening wrap; Pen knife; Buttons; Harvey Bankard Son straw fan; Planters' jar; Character Reading penney scale; Dolls; Metal kiddie car; Metal truck; Doll carriage; Childs' metal kitchen set; Stuffed animals; Bicycles; Guardian Service triangle pan; Maytag wringer washer; Kenmore auto. washer; Kenmore sew. Singer oak sew. Stereo; Records books; Luggage; Porch swing; Saddle; Folding drying rack; 2 elec. adders; 2 Elec.

typewriters; 2 File cabinets; Brass "National" Cash Register; Rigid pipe vice bender; 2 Heavy Duty Hydr. jacks 15T, 2 stage 9" lift; Craftsman 10" Corn sheller, grinder motor; Elec. fence; 2 Rolls of snow fence; Wheelbarrow; radial arm saw; Craftsman 10" mitre saw; Craftsman 5" joiner plane; press; Chicken 2 Hand garden plows; tire pump; mti. lawn chr; Enamelware; Barb wire; hammer drill; Lincoln 225 amp welder; 4 Railroad jacks; Hydr. pump tank 55 Gal.

drum pump; Platform scale; Buckeye; Foley sharpener; 2 Rolls of chain link fence; Motors; Clamps; Alum. step. ladder; Scoop snow shovel; Costume jewelry; Pictures mirrors; GUNS: Gq. Single shot Meriden Fire Arms Riverside Arms Co. model 520 12 ga, pump.Ser.

Remington model 550-1 22 Cal. Marlin model 100 22 cal. Micro ground bold action; Winchester model 55 nickel steel 30-WCF Ser. Sears Ted Williams model 53 30- 06 S.PRG bolt action Williams scope; COINS: 20 Lots incl. 1890-91 Morgan Silver Dollars; 1911 Liberty nickel stamped rejected Full list BASEBALL CARDS: 196 Lots incl.

many, many Stars Commons; Wax box sets; Stickers; Yaz, Rose, Palmer, Aaron, Carew, R. Jackson, just to name a few Full list STAMPS: 75 Lots incl. U.S., Foreign Worldwide, First Day Covers, Full list avail. Come EARLY TO VIEW COINS, BASEBALL CARDS STAMPS. TERMS Cash or approved check on day of sale.

MD. Retail Sales Tax to be collected. Visa and MasterCard now accepted. INSPECTION of sale. 12 Noon day Property of VARIOUS CONSIGNORS For Information Contact: T.

R. O'FARRELL INC. I 'Farrell, Whitson Conover, Auctioneers AUCTIONEERS Appraising Auctioneering 435 Sullivan Westminster, MD (301) 848-5533 (301) 876-2333 (301) 848-1423 REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE.

The Evening Sun from Hanover, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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