The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)

i -v-WW- DAILY PALO ALTO TIMES, JUNE PAGE FOUR It 1917. Dali? palo BUo Stmes Red Cross Campaign to Be Conducted Next Week Only One Slacker in'" Santa Clara County CHEMIST TELLS WHAT FOOD IS For Rent June 1, modern 4-room rurolshed flat, sleeping porch. Adult only. 4S7 Kipling atreoL 5-84-tf-dh For Rent Throe rooms, all tunny and well furnished. Phoae Pate Alto SUM.

S-S-U For Rant Furnished l-room house; sleeping porch, garage, 5. 811 Lincoln av. Ph. 78IW For Rent Nice, large tunny furnished housekeeping rooms; every convenience. 5S4 Emerson street.

SS-tf Tor Rent Flat of 4 room sleeping porch; modern convaa-lenca Enquire 5S8 University av 4-18-tf For Rent Large sunny furnished room suitable for 1 or running water. Rent reasonable. 684 Emer eon street. l-l-tf-db For Rent 4-room cottage with bath. Channlng and Webster.

Inquire 171 Bryant street Phone 111. C-ll-tf i i Professor Swain Gives First of Series of Talks on Nutrition Performs Experiments Showing the Composition of Digestible Substances What food la and what it la mado of formed the anbject matter of the first of Professor E. Swains series of free lectures last Wednesday afternoon. How it I digested, something of dietaries, and aomethlng of the properties of food as It come Into the kitchen will be treated In the remaining two lectures, he says. More than a hundred women gathered in the Red Cross headquarters to hear the lecture, and a war-time cast was glren to the occasion by tbo considerable number of women who continued to aew on surgical pada during tbe talk.

Professor Swain made Ms talk extremely Interesting not only by tbe dear and simple manner In which he expounded his subject, but by the chemical experiments that he performed to Illustrate some of his points. For Instance, to show that sugar is formed front starch cheml- rally he produced a quantity of corn syrup." doing on small scale exactly what to done on an lin-! men He srale commercially. And to show that fats are split Into two: siihKtances by chemical treatment aa In dlgeMtion he proceeded to produce Wliy ItaMMit Oust or Soap flu Down? That why the price of fata lx going up. he remarked. "Fata are being umd to produce immense! quantities of glycerine, the substance that la ordinarily a component of cosmetics, but now used aa an Ingredient of explosive for the destruction of human lives.

1 "Soap hasn't gone down In price," he continued, "but It ought to If price were regulated by the laws of supply and demand alone. There 1 an Immense over-production of soap. Wliat Food Is and Is Not. Food," Professor Swain said, Is any substance that will promote growth of tha body and repair lames, and In moderate amounts will not hurt digestion. This definition heal kolfcbjn at Kract, tbs TIMES PUBLISHING bunt 1 COMPANY.

Mi AM Cab HAIL SUBSCRIPTION BATS. (PajraU ia a4recsj Olf xMf a Sis IfoMtho Addrcw ad aaaiaMiteadaaa la THE DAILY TIMEST PIo Alto. CaL Now Pelo 5le or Sunfon. people mywWre tha SwVwPcM. THE TIMES ropoa-ihle lor Ja apMoai ot eorreepeoOemta.

tic lea aat be aifaed by the Uae aa riMr. aat for bat aaa ot good faitb. Notbma aj Bbtjoaa nature will be pAlUil BELLY FRIDAY, JUNE 5- W7- Notice to Subscriber The circulation department of The Time la constantly endearoP-tag to make the dellrery eerrlce of The Time aa near perfect as poaal-hie. Subscribers are requested to report any poor or Irregular delltery Mrrtce promptly by telephone. Subscribers who do not recele Ihelr copy of The Times by 6:80 p.m.

may phone Palo Alto III, between 6:80 and 7 oclock and a copy will Be delivered by special carrier. Subscribers who more are re-guested to send both tbelr former aad present addresses to The Times TIMES forecast for tomorrow: Generally clear; cMHinueil possllily model- I Od by seabreeae, Temperature yeMmtay, June II: Maximum Ml (a year ago 76). mini mam 41 (a year ago 4). ObeenratioiiM at a. ni.

aad aooa today were leepertlvely: Barometer 30.12, 3O.0H lie lie; tliermometer OO, 80 degree; hygrometer 86, 68 per cent; wcwtlier May, liug; wind nearly calm, north. The distribution atp 'pressure was such today that the bwted air from Nevada and Idaho swept In full force across the Santa Clara valley to the Pacific. While It will be quite warm here tomorrow, there; are a few signs of cooler weather for Palo Alto. The depression In Saskatchewan may draw soma of the boated air, Into Canada, and the California-Arizona depression may draw in sea air, moderating tha warm wave In this district Much cooler weather prevails la the middle west; the fall In temperature In Chicago was tea degree (48 degrees at 7 a. la Kansas City alx degrees (54 degree) and twelve ddgrees cooler in St Louja (54 degrees).

The weather la unsettled on tho Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida. Very heavy rain ha fallen in New York city and Washington, D. respectively 8.88 and 8.68 Inches la tha part twenty-four hours. It was still raining at observation Umo In Boston, hut only .01 of an inch had fallcta up to 8 a. m.

Tho center of tbe eastern storm (88.85 Inches) was off tho coast near Washington, D. C. eeeooeeeeeoeoetooboeooooew Palo Alto Calendar ooeoooooooooooeoeeeeooeeoo Rat unlay, 16th Tha Fldeliter Club dance. Fraternity Hall; good music. Sunday, 17th Palo Alto New Thought Center Evening' aervlcct at 8 o'clock In Ramona Hall; address by Mrs.

Ilodges. Public cordially Invited. Monday, 1Mb First of series Monday evening lectures by Rev. Robert Whitaker of Los Gatos, Remoua Hall, p. subject, Freedom of Soul, IIow to Get and How to Keep It.

Everyone Invited. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FOR SALE A well-built house of nine rooms, besides attic, basem*nt and outbuildings; large comer lot 185 feet on each street, within five minutes' walk of postoffice; beautiful oaks, fruit trees, berries and all kinds of vegetables, flowers and lawn; honae has all modern conveniences, running water, hot and cold in each room, electric lights, gas; street work all done. Will he sold at a sacrifice, aa owner la leaving town. Will sell furnished or partly furnished, If desired. Address BOX Times office (Continued from page 1) let Brandenstein, John MacBaln.

Perry Eyre. Selah Chamberlain. Timothy Hophlns, Clarence Walter. James Flood, The plan la for those committeemen each to select teams of which they will bo captains In the weeks campaign. Last evening the cont mltteen met to discuss and perfect their plana.

Purposes of the Fuad. The function of the War Council which 1 calling for the from tho nation la shown by the proclamation of President Wilson on May It creating It. "lie lays stress on tho fact that tha relief work caa be beet carried on by centralising the work la tho hands of a single experienced body and calls on all dtlsens who can give money for tho relief of distress brought on by tho war to make their contributions to tho Rad Cross. 1 have today," be aaya ia hla proclamation, created within the Red Cross a War Council to which will he entrusted tho duty of responding to the extraordinary demands which tho present war will make upon the services of tho Red Croaa both In tho field and In civilian relief. Tho best way ia which to Impart tho greatest efflclenry and energy to tho relief work which this war will entail will be to concentrate It In the hands of single experienced organlxatlon which has been recognized by law and by International convention tho public Instrumentality for such purposes.

Indeed such a concentration of administrative action In thla matter aeema to me absolutely necessary, and 1 hereby earnestly call upon al those who can contribute either great sums or small to tho alleviation of the suffering and dla Irena which must Inevitably arise out of this fight for humanity and democracy, to contribute to the Red Cross. It will be one of the first and most necessary tasks of tbo new War Connell of the Red Croat to raise great sums of money for the support of tho work to bo done and done upon a great scale. I hope that the response to their efforts will be a demonstration of the generosity of America and the power of genuine practical sympathy among our people that will command the admiration of the whole world. Among the uses to which this fund will be put are the care of tho United States troops at home and abroad the provision for civilian relief In thla country, the protection of the dependents of soldiers and the relief of distress arising from the war In Europe. Including the rehabilitation of homes and communities destroyed ee In the reconquered portions of France.

The sum, Immense as It Is, Is Inadequate for these tremendous ne4ls, of rourse, hut tho fund will be administered with judgment and ability. Thla Is assured by the composition of the War Council, which Is aa follows: Cornelius N. Bliss, Jr, Hdward N. Hurley, Grayson M. P.

Murphy, Churlea D. Norton, William H. Taft, Eliot Wadsworth, Henry P. Davison, chairman. There Is a special War Council finance committee also, of which William H.

Crocker la a member ia San Francisco. Official Central Agency. The Red Cross la the agency with the authority of the national govern ment back of It for the relief of all kinds of suffering and distress brought on by the war, and It ha proved Ita capacity for thla work and gained experience In many suc-ressful efforts In the past. Ita organization la so complete for tbe task, and Ita means of acting effectively so thoroughly ensured by the standing given It by the President that no doubt is entertaiued that the fund will he raised In the time set. Definite allotments have been made to states and communities throughout the nation, and local committees are organized In worjr section to rarry the campaign throngh.

In some communities extraordin ary methods of campaign have been arranged, but the character of the people of Palo Alto and the surrounding country Is such that the rommlttees reel that tho 125.660 called for will be raised merely by calling tbe attention of the citizen to the need of the money. OPPORTUNITY. "Opportunity Mmsa," said the eld proverb, with fast sf wmL treading soft." Ysu must have ti-o Instinct of an artist foe the approaches ef this geed gsnius. Yeu must listen for it. Samuel Johns n.

Conatable Patrone of Morgan Hill Only Officer to Make an Arrest Only one alack has been found, la Santa Clara county, according to Sheriff Langford, who was in Palo Alto this morning with the San Jose roundup boosters. This slacker was a half-witted man who was picked up by Constable Patrone of Margon Hill. Not single arrest has been made in San Jose or In any other town In the county. Chief Noble stated today that hla search for slackers had been fruit leas, and he has about reached tbe conclusion that every person of military age In this city has registered San Jose Roundup Men Invade City (Continued from page 1) bit abashed ot his garments. Then here was Louis Oneal, the attorney, resident of the Roundup Assodu tlon, looking for all the wqjrld Ilk a 'owpunclier just off the plains.

Tbe excessive waistlines of several of the narctaera, however, refused to he 'oncealed by the cowboy outfits, hut tui-k out prominently all The stop at Palo Alto consume! about twenty minutes, and then the roundup men re-embarked on their aiwclal train for San Franclwo. President Oneal was emphatic In hla statement that the roundup this year would he bigger than ever, and also that it will be the beat on the Pacific coast, barring none. Many of the boat riders In the west are arriving for the roundup, and they will ride some of the wildest horses America. When Lafayette Was In Jail. After our Kevohitkinary war.

while Lafayette was trying to rescb Holland to escape enemies at home, he was etsed by the Austrian government and Imprisoned a a dangerous etas meter Ilia wife also was Imprisoned at Parts during the reign of terror, but succeeded In getting to Vienna and pleaded with the emperor for her husband's release. I-afayette' friends In this country did what they could In his lie-half, and finally, on tho 25th of August. 1797, ha was set at liberty after five yearn' confinement In a dungeon. Due prisoned. Hecssa Have Quick Ears.

The hone la really one of tho beat listeners In the world, no la always on tho alert for sounds which concern or Interest him. When be looks at anything be turns hla ears toward It to ok servo the better whether any sound comes from IL If a hone la particularly Interested In your driving of bliu ho away turns hla eara backward ward you, but ir bo has do concern on that subject or If ha aces anything ahead that Interests him ho beeps his ears pricked forward. A hone hears tbe whinny nr another hone at a greater distance than tbe avenge man can hear It-Bouton Transcript. hla solid fat, which la cotton seed 11, treated with hydrogen rommer-lally and put on the market under -arious trade names, Into two sub-tances, only In digestion we do not et soap, hut a fatty arid. Protein to an eztremety rompll-ated hut it is the only no that contains nitrogen In the orm needed for animal subsistence.

Then milk curdles you see protein the curds; you see It when you oach an egg: you see it when In ho kitchen you cover lean beef with 0(4 water to. make soup and then wing the water to a boll. The long -hreda that form are the protein. reU are valuable on account of he protein they contain. The vltamines are recently ecognized and not fuHy understood, tut they are essential to a complete ood.

They are found In the hull rlcci for Instance. In an ordinary varied diet we need pay little to them, but if they are otally excluded the results are seri-m The next subject in the order of mr outline of this subject Is diges-lon, and I do not know a more fee-lnating story than that of the dt-reel Ion of food to study the course if a bit of food as It to taken Into he mouth and the instant and marvellous changes that It under-' Toes to bo absorbed Into the arstemj to maintain life. 1 Wanted Seamstress for 4 hours day for I months, beginning Jane IS, In exchange for room and board. Write Box 1, Timas office. g-14-lt Wasted Four copies of The Dally Times of June I Times office.

l-14-tf Wanted Baby buggy la good shape; reasonable. Box W. C. Times office. d-T-tf Wanted Work by the say, housework, cooking or care of children.

Ctt or write to 141 Washington aL Mayfield. Mr. Annie Mailer. 4-ll-4ta We remodel hate to lataat itfla Experience count. A trial will convince yon.

Solaraa. Phoae It. Wanted -Young men to learn machinist's trade. Apply Bodeu Auto-matis Hammer Factory. 6-15-lt Wanted Young woman Ilk to get say kind of work by the hour except washing and cooking.

Experienced with children. Box M. 0., Tlmea office. E-81-tf Wanted An experienced woman for general housework by week or month. Apply 111 Cowper street.

l-15-4t Wanted Position by good experienced Japanese cook; will do housework. Refs. Ph. 785W. 7SS Ramona.

Wanted Residence work In and around Palo Alto. Manicuring, hairdressing, scalp-treatment and maa-fcage. Phono 1168. MS-lw Wanted Position by middle-aged woman to do cooking, ordering and making menus; good references. 6-18-lw Wanted Position as regular gardener by Japanese man; 56 to 76 per month.

M. Miyake, Los Alto. 6-18-lw Compart our work at 56 per cent lets. Yon pay for firm's name. So lares, quick cleaner.

Phone 86. FOR SALE. For Sale Furniture by the piece at 713 Bryant; reasonable. Call 764 Bryant for particulars. 4-14-lw For Bale Furniture, coal range, (able, beds, etc.

327 Addison avenue. Phone 316. C-15-St For Sate Cheap, a good semd riding pony; gentle, safe for eollr dren. Phone 617R. 4-11-tf For Sale A bargain, on acre In Kunnymede.

See owner, corner Cooley avenue and Cherry street. 6-13-4t For Sale Two young colts, 3 yrs. old. Address Mrs. Rose Murphy, Palo Alto avenue, Mayfield.

6-13-t For Sale Two second-hand Dodge curs and one 8tudchaker. Address 526 Alma street. 6-ll-tf For Sale pedigree, avenue. Flue Persian cat with Apply 639 University 6-7-tf For Sale Mans, bicycle, very cheap for cash. 842 Homer ava 4-11-lt LOST Lost Diamond brooch between campus and Palo Alto.

Phone P. A. 58. Reward. 6-15-3t Dodging a Difficulty.

"Are you going to send the Sparkler girl a wedding present?" No. Old Sparkler aad I had a squabble yesterday." "That's too 'bad. What was the cause?" "I realty cant afford hla friendship. He baa five marriageable daughters." Cleveland Plata Dealer. eeeeeoeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeee $1300 beautiful valley laud lu Oregon at 825 per acre, one mile from railroad and hlgh-power electric line; grain or hay.

Good dairy proposition. BENTLEY TELEPHONE SM Ml Emerson Street. Palo Alto. eeeeeeeaoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee would tag this Imprisonment two American exclude drugs, alcohol and other. frtaldl Ufayrtt-Krancl K.

Unger substances that are sometimes claim- charleston. H. and Dr. Eric Boiled to bo food, man-made a daring attempt to Uber Food may be classified as animal him. for which they both were Im- 0) 3) For Rent 5-room cottage.

Pacific Grove; rent reasonable. Apply 786 Cowper street, Palo Alta Ph. 716M. 6-15-lw For Rent Modern 5-room cottage, sleeping porch and garage, completely furnished; 85. 544 Byron 8-15-lw For Rent Nice single room and 8-room suite; also a 8-room suite, first floor.

All clean, pleasant and furnished. 454 Hamilton. Ph. 488W. For Rent Attractive summer cottage, vicinity of Los Gatos, near Wake Robin Inn.

Inquire Slocum A Stratton. 6-1 8-1 For Rent During summer, completely furnished up-to-date 5-room bungalow; sleeping porch, garage with bedroom, garden; $50, water lucludad. Box 3, Tlmea office. 6-15-tf For Rent or Sale 4-room house, 484 Fulton street. Terms.

Phone P. A. 543R before I a. m. or after 8 p.

m.Lela C. Tate, 830 Cowper street 6-4-tf For Rent Completely furnished apartments for housekeeping. Call at 764 Bryant street 6-8-lw For Rent 8 furnished bungalows 5 and 6 rooms aad garage; also furnished apt. Inquire 846 Bryant 5-15-tf For Rent-f-Nlre Iront single bed room, mo. Including bath.584 Emerson street 6-Sltf-dh.

Iter Rent Furnished front room (nputalru), with or without housekeeping privileges. 437 Kipling at 5-21-tf-dh MISCELLANEOUS. Conscientious objectors may enroll names by mall with American Union against Militarism, Munsey Washington, D. C. Or Palo Alto branch 611 Gilman at 6-7-tf Money to Loan On Improved Palo Alto property.

P. O. Box 148, Pate Alto. 5-Sl-tf Quick service, steam, scouring or French dry cleaning. Hats shaped to suit your face.

Soleras. Phone 26. Free List Bargains, Upper Santa Clara Valley." M. J. Wright Real Estate Broker, Sunnyvale, CaL 6-ll-lt Our prices are not 36 per cent more.

Yon pay for firms name. Boleros, reasonable cleaner. Phoae 26 Palming, tinting, paperhanging Now la the time to have your homa beautified. We do first-class, neat dean work, use tha boat or materials. and our prices are moat reasonable.

Phono us. Estimates free. D. K. Grant Company, 275 Hamate avenue.

Phono S44J 2-18-tf FARM LANDS The governemnt needs termers aa well aa fighters. Two million throe hundred thousand acre ot Oregon A California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested In United State. To be opened for homesteads and ante.

Containing tome of boat land loft In United 8 tales. Large copyrighted map, showing land fcy sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall elevation, temperature eta, counties. Postpaid 81. Grant Land Locating Box 610. Portland, Ore 6-Sl-8m Kuuie kinds of antelope ran make a can of tlilrry-Mts feet lu length ami re feet in lielglit.

i i I. i 1 1 and vegetable. The plant organism la fundamentally Important. Animal life depends ultimately on plant life. So the solution of the food problem begins when the farmer plants hla seed.

Chemistry comes Into the food question here, because all substances may he broken down by the chemist Into simple components. There are about eighty of these simple substances, called elements, hut only about eighteen go Into plant growth, and only alx are present In considerably amounts water, mineral sub stance or ash. carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and the recently discovered hut very Important vltamtnes. Problem Water Make. Of these water composes a large part of food substances.

From 70 to 80 percent of living tissue, with all Ita marvellous properties. Is made up of water. This brings up an Interesting problem that we shall consider further later on. Potatoes contain 78 percent of water: rice only 18.3 percent. With potatoes at 4 cents a pound, the dry substance coats 18 cents a pound.

With rice at 7 emits a pound, aa It Is by the hundred pound, the dry substance. costa only 8 cent a pound Mineral substances are always present and are absolutely essential to a complete food for human subsistence. Men cannot live without salt, for Instance. The carbohydrates are made np of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Sugar are Important examples of the carbohydrates, and all 4are broken down Into sugar In digestion.

Fats For lleat. The fats are also composed of exactly the same elements, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Oils In cot ton seed, olives, peanuts, butter, lard and other familiar examples are "arbohydrates. They furnish beat to the body. Oleomargarine Is a neglected food that we shall want to touch on later.

Ia digestion the fate are broken up into two substances. Just aa by rhemtstry we break up eeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .1.

The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.