305 Office, Qerkal 325 Automotive 315 fetail 332 Health Care 600 ft Supplies 600 rets ft Supplies page TUESDAY 43096 Professional, Technical Smaii okkm railroad manw- rurer tooting tor aesf stan for assemt-ty work sui wf product desman. Help run business Computer expen-ence a plus Z22 W1. Julie HOUSE MANAGER SUNDAY'S Manager for Men aOOa Halfway House Hours of shift are Sundaay 8 tJO a m. so Monday loo im. Meats ana steeping factlioea provided Duties Include atcattatfQruQ testing of residents, supervt skm ot reoenis nouse ou ues.
and rnjumsttntng CBJtf licensing standards. CnvninaJ back around check required Call George at 255-5922 tor uwfiruauon ana appticsaiosi. AAtw. Employer MANAGER TRAINEES Go with a winner! FuR benefits, excellent starting pay with super aovancement opportunities! 4-year business degree required. Apply in person or mall resume to: Store Manaoer 6401 Coppfl Ave.
Monona. WI 53716 8115 Mineral Ft. Rd. Madison, WI 53719 2700 Fontiac PI. JaitesvUte, Wl 53545 Equal Opportunity Employer OPTICIAN besseftta.
wmemttm. ORJON, 2502 Waiifa Lam 277-077T Ext. 121 Processor Service Technic ia Delta Medical Systems. Inc is currently accept ina resumes for the position of Krocessor rieta service Tech nician Madison office. The position duties include per forming scheduled preventive maintenance and demand service on x-rav Film Proces sors in tne central Wisconsin area.
The position reouires an A.S. Degree Is Electronics. mecnanicBi aotnry ana oooa communication stems. Delta Medical System, inc. Is a arowinq.
oroaressive com' pany offering excellent pay and benefits. For consider tton. please forward your quaiincauons ana wont nisto-ry to: Delta Medical Systems, Inc. Attn: Service Manager N27 W23727 Part Road Pewaukec, Wl 53072 No pnone calls will be accepted PROG RAMMER ANALYSTS TECH SUPPORT OPENINGS TDS COMPUTINO SERVICES Phone: 6O8-828-860O Fax: 608-828-8598 Web: httpvwww. teldta.com Email: CareersaTekJta Com Equal Opportunity Employer TELEMARKETING Help fight against Republican rute.
me state senate Democratic Committee is tookina for telemarketers. We offer a competitive wage package, flexible scheduling fit a fun atmosphere. Calf 284-0 303 for more information. VETERINARY TECHNICIAN Harlan Sprague Dawiey, a world-wide supplier of lab oratory animals, is seeking a tun time eninea person in a feline production area. General animal care and monitoring of animals raised In clean barrier environment.
Will maintain health records, administer medications, vac cines, and conduct laboratory diagnostic tests are required nnay assist in otner special projects. Some weekend work required. Excellent benefits, including sick, vacation, holiday pay. medicaldental coverage. 40i(k).
Apply at or send resume to 2826 Latham Drive, Madison. Wl 53713. Equal Opportunity Employer CALL 246-6906 FOR MATC JOB OPENINGS. Message updated weekly. 332 Health Care MEDICAL ASSISTANT Pull-time position In aualltv- onented office setting.
Unique opportunity to com Dine clini cal and clerical skills for an ambitious person with desire to warn. Competitive salary and bene- nt pacnage. Please send resume to: P.O. BOX 362 Beaver Dam. Wl 53916 PHYSICAL THERAPIST St.
Joseph's Hospital's arow ing Rehab Department Is searching for a state licensed Physical Therapist to Join a happy and enthusiastic team of professionals. The full time position includes work primarily in home health, as well as experience with Inpatient therapy and outpatient pediatric services. If you are interested In a challenge, a place to grow, and a caring atmosphere along with excellent pay and benefits, please sena your resume in conn dence to: Susan Gllllg Human Resources St. Joseph's Hospital 2661 County Road I Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 An EOE Affiliate of HSHS 330 lfcstaiirani Ear FRONT HH MAhAuHi fur popuaar upecswe ivssu ne dtning serv.ee. some bnenaing and wine know eoge.
exceuent peopat ana Wwlersrtip sfcjtt Send resume wnn work history 10 8U7sw Madison Newspapers, Boa 805. Madison 5 3 TO HOST STAFF Part time needed. weeSusays oniy Apfxy ar raw Original Pas. rare Hot 320 h. Mtdvate Arvd PIZZA CHEFS Duties Include supervising stan.
product quality ance, product production maintaining store cJeaniiness ana equipment. Complete paid training program provided Salary based upon previous experience and ability to learn. Good fringe nenerns. riexiote scneduies You must possess a aood titude about life and a strong WUTKv CALL 221-6777 to schedule your Interview appointment or send your re sume to. PIZZA FIT 4253 Argosy Ct.
Msdisoa Wl S3714 WAIT STAFF, PART-TIME Flexible hours ws benefits Apply tn person: 5 E. Wilson The Madtson Club. WAIT STAFF Part time, nights, weekends Apply at our south location 2952 Fish Hatchery Rd. or call 274-1425 TAVERNS WAITSTAFF Looking for fun-loving, energetic, well -organized people Apply tn person: ISIiH WATERS 702 N. WHITNEY WAY COLLEEN'S BAKERY A DELI has openings for the following positions: PART-TIME BAKER'S ASSISTANT for baking, doughnut frying, general bakery duties.
3-4 hours per day, hours flexible. DELI ASSISTANT for food prep and counter help, hours no evenings, no weekends. Salary baed on experience Kt-ierences required. Colleen's ten aakery 273-3352, Tom Dell HELP! Apply at Madison Sourdough. DELIVERY PERSON PRODUCTION SANDWICH PREP Full-time to very part-time.
Apply in person: 2224 Evergreen Road MkMleton Business Park 340 Building. Grounds Apartment Resident Manager Fttchburg location. 80 units. Live on property available tor wont in anernoons required. Show apartments, tenant relations, bookkeeping Send letter of work experience to victor Property Man agement.
P.O. Box 45170, Madison, 53744-5 1 70. CLEANER Pull time position for Mad I son apt. complexes. Must have vehicle and be reliable.
Bene fits, vacation 6 paid holidays. Please apply in person at rtorrnanoy Apartments, 4711 Sheboygan Ave 233-5393 CLEANERS: Need experience responsible cleaners to clean apt. turnovers on first and last day of month be on can tne rest ot tne month Must have all supplies equipment. Please send letter 01 interesi to ru ikix Madison, WI 53744-5170 COUPLEPAIR experienced in an pnases or apt. manaoe mem for 84 units on West side of Madison.
One person must be on site during the day. wages commensurate wun amies, sena resume to R3039. co Madison Newspapers PO Box 8056, Madison. Wl 53708 GROUNDSKEEPER Seasonal full time person needed to help maintain our residential and commercial properties. Fax resume to: The Alexander Co.
258-5599 Attn: property supervisor LEASING CONSULTANT immediate ooenlna for a part-time person with good marketing skills and outgoing personality to help lease apartments in our new east siae apartment community Call Ann to set up an Interview. 223-1 140. Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE HELP Pull. time summer help clean ing, maintenance and groundskeeping. Must have own transportation.
Grace at Hiiidate Towers 274-7053 335 fri-fcr Very FnendA loves kids. Nice Nnx C9T BJio 8318277 FERRETS. 2 MALES. wun cage Neutered ft SfSO 73 3532 FRfc HUSKY COLLIE MIA TO OOUO HOME mo old 8H-02f2 GERMAN SHEPHIRD 7l Sve if SrhHlti ipoitl FH German Import, large totac. oe mm zingo ao suae.
rea acnHl eauseuera compan am prowcoon 800 833-4441 German sbepnerd ouooies i4 10 weeu oa enou. parents imponra m-A. tcnuununo titled 81OOO ea M-i2i2 GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies AKC. 2 SOttO mack. 1 biarfc ft tan $225 ea.
Parents on site Mornings mi eves w-ir4-7l4J G1RMAN SHFPHERD PUPS 131. parents im worung lines. S3UO. oa-742-oa GFRMAN SHtPHtRD PUPS, AKC (41 famtly pet $250 (1st shoo Ready for you ftoa-423-3049 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups Biack tan. shots 1 maie Si5o.
1 female $200 767 3W 3 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Ml German working lines. AKC. OF A. Healthy, playful, happy, social pups S5O0 424-3261 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC regis- Females 4 UO ea. Males ea.
44-041) eves GOLDEN RETRIEVERS AKC registered Lxcclleni hunting bloodlines. first shots, wormed at deu daws removed Ready April 27. 2 males left $275 75b 2725 GORDON SETTER PUP PY: ton bloodiine. excel lent family dog. (ou of hunt ng potential.
13 SO. 715-842-9786 GREAT PYRENEES AKC 6 wks. parents on site, guaranteed $400. 798 3227 GREAT PYRENEES PUP, Male. AKC.
big. friendly, all shots Si deworrned. $3UO. 414-443-4926 HIMALAYAN KITTEN. fluffy, affectionate, 8 WkS, ShOtS.
$125. 764-8277 IRISH SETTER Puppies (51 AKC, shou. wormed, both parents on site 300 6O8 372 5656 ERS: female. 2 males. $450 ready 426 849 8768 Jack Russell Terriers: Shots.
wormed, 4 weeks old. black tk white S400 8 37-9412 KITTENS 5 domesuc. 8 wks. Utter trained $30ea 608-987-3569 KITTENS: part Hi mala yan Si blue pt Siamese. 8 wks old.
6 males. $73 3 females. too. shots, very lovable 6 playful. Utter trained, siam ese, I yr old maie.
u. 3 yr oki rem air HIMALAYAN, $73 Call after 2pm, 753-2556. JohnIrene Kittens: white Si colors. friendly, shots. 6 at 1 10 ea.
pardeevllie 608-429 3176 LAB Chocolate AKC pups: 5 mates. 1100 ea dew claws. 1st shots, ready 428. 608-429-2159 A. LAB PUPS: 2 yellow males, AKC.
ofa, dew-claws, wormed, shots. $300. Ready 53- 6os-63 5-3265 or 608-764-5682 LAB PUPS (4). AKC field champion sired, chocolate black ($350, males. Excellent pedigree, shots, wormed, dewclawed, hips eyes guaranteed.
(608)524-8777 LAB PUPS: AKC. black vel low, dewclaws. shots, worm ing. 276-2499 or 839-5206 LAB PUPS. AKC Registered; Excellent pedigree hunting oacKurouno.
1 Yenow Maie S375. 3 Black Males $323. ea 6 weeks old. Dew claws removed. wormed, shots 608-879-9452; 608-879-2 378 a LAB PUPS: Black.
AKC. ofa, candiewood sire, excellent field trial hunt background. 2 females $400 ea. 3 males $350 ea. 60B-846-976Q.
Ready May 24 4. LAB PUPS: Chocolate, 1 male, 1 female AKC. good hunters, $300'ach Ready Now 271-2673 LAB PUPS; Field champion Sireo tAINULfcWtJUD, AKC OFA. EXCELLENT! 3 Black Females, $500. 2 Yellow Males.
$450. 1 Black Maie. S4UU. 008-04 3-7819 a LAB PUPS13): AKC, black yellow, males, shots, dewclaws, ready now. $200 608-643-5273 or 643-6809 LAB, YELLOW: I yr Old male.
needs lots of room to run. FREE to good name. trvs-4004 LABRADORS: AKC, 3 males 1 female, white. 8425. 3 males.
3 females, chocolate $375. Large parent 1. Great nunters. Horn 327 319-243-1159 LARGE BIRD CAGE: For Mccawco*ckatoo. used only 3 moi.
Clean. Like New BrassBiack. S3 50. 246-0926 MALTESE female male puppies. Pomeranians.
$300 up. tan aenver. el RANCHITO, 608-385-413I MALTESE PUPS; 2 mates. AKC. shots.
exam, $450 ea. 414-885-2685 l. PARROT. Meyers. Hand wtarge cage 61 toys.
$225. PEKINGESE: 2 year old Drown maie. J5u. 833-6533 a PEMBROKE WELSH Corgi Puppies: Great with kids, AKC registered. latsuuea.
can (bUB)348-4i83 ZaSfiZS LjLwiaS Buildint 4V Grounds UAItaTFtvAtwi i(4kiB La 9 apt. ttaog needs tne-r ri tan rata aw aUalsn an taJ 10 Carpenter Apt. PO mm MMiKm. wi 3 i iT MAINTENANCE Fur time person needed 1 nandie mB pnaaes of tolas rriwnance tor targe apt otaa in downtown area am rfiu Appfy in person at vnT SKsTtssde asms, out at Frances St. 25O-30I3 MAINTENANCE Larae apt cornmuruues nnV full ume indrvtoua.
10 asstsi witn an pnases of bug maintenance. Benefits must nv vehicle Apply tn person ats. 4711 231 533. MiMNTENANCE PERSON Entry level maintenance post non at lab production racttiry Ouatifted candtdaies need ex penence in basic building irvsunnwK'v tnciuoina electri cal. MumtMng.
and remodel ing. wmc overtime required with on-call responsibility on rotating oasts uceiient ertts Good starting oav Apply at 26 Latham Drive. 14 K. Mon Fri EOE PART-TIME LEASING CONSULTANT 24-32 HoursWeek Leading management co de sires a motivated, dependable inamouai to lease luxury weststde apartment homes ust nave a mind for de tails, excellent pnone skills, and strong customer service background 24-32 hrs wit nc ludtng weekends Insured vehicle valid drivers license required. Hourly plus bonus Reply to: R31M BVo MsNftaon Nwppor P.O.
Boa nose Madiaon, Wl 63708 RESIDENT MANAGER Light duties: maintenance, rent tree. 30 units, now. izz-iot 1 346 Day Care Wanted Wl ST MIDDLETON Pan ume child care needed for 7 it yr. old. In our home.
My nexiDte schedule can accomodate yours Rtl-Qnfti 350 Employment Wanted PLEASE NOTE This classification Is Intended for people seeking a position with a single employer. Tne words "One Employer" must appear in ad texL Those people offering a service may not run fn this classification. RESUME SERVICES For help in preparing your resume, see the companies advertised In Classification 351-Kmployment Services 351 Eroptyment AIRLINES ALL POSITIONS 0O hr HIRINO NOW NO EXP NECESSARY! For Information 800-500-0666 xt aQ843 600 Pets Supplies 3 Shlh Tzus AKC 6 months. papers, snots, wormed ea. dob 75 gal.
AQUARIUM complete magnum pumps it hood, handcrafted honey oak base 400 27B-8907 ADOPT A HEALTY PET No-kill shelter estab. 1981 Same day adoption. Vet rec om mended 608-647-3753 AIREDALE TERRIERS male, AKC, 7 yrs. old female. 7 vrs.
old. SlOOea. (608)781-5187 akita AKC female must sell; all shots 1300 or make offer 608-592-7243 BEAGLE pups AKC. 2 femjilea tffUM Fitl- ient nunting or wa-643-47ll eves. Suction- AKC.
Shots, 8 Wks, 3 gins. 1 bov I4O0 ea 608-437 58T8 BOXER PUPS AKC (3) males, fawn. Excellent temperament. $350ea. 6Q8-58 3-2375 CATS Bailey: shy young male, gentle, agouti fur: Turbo: 5 yr old male, striking markings; Sheba: sleek, young tortl female; Lady: 13 yr old tabby, declawed.
All rescuea, altered, neattny. snots, i-eiv-neg. 920 ea. do-natlon requested. 274-8287 CHESAPEAKE PUPS: 3 AKC.
guaranteed, 1st Shots, $350. 608-929-4913 CHOW CHOW 2 males born 22996. I black, 1 cinnamon, S250 ea. 608-523 4457 co*ckER Pup: Bold bred for temperament, par ents on site. J250.
849-6180 co*ckER PUPS: 4 AKC. guaranteed. 1st shots. $175'J225. 608-929-4913 COLLIES.
Labs. Dalmatians springers. Water Spaniels, Rat lemers, fit umtK BREEDS. GERLAD' SCHULZ 414-526-3512 DALMATIAN PUPS; AKC. 4 males.
ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS (5); AKC, males, liver white, S250. Champion blood lines, pet or num. ouo-00-004 CHAIR: Broyhfll forest green check. BRAND NEW! Paid S298. sell for $100.
258-8182 ADMIRAL DEHUMID1FIER. 25 pint, only 3 yrs old Asking 81QO. 271-3825 SOFA SLEEPER, Queen $60. Antique pink glass lamp $50. 835-9772 2 TVS 12" color, very yuua conaiuon S3UCB 42-85b4 ANTIQUE BED With nearly new mattress pox spring.
zw. ZZZ-V438 TAN SOFA $90. Solid wood desk, 7 drawers, $70. Electric Stove. $40.
233 2703 TUB. TOILET. SINK WITH countf.rtop. light blue i ihidcji oner. oub-84o- 3 1 no FISH LOCATOR EAGLE, Supra, Pro ID portable, NEW.
$135. 833-8277. HUFFY 26" 10 speed, men's like new, not a mountain bike. $80 firm. 244-1892 SEGA Genesis 3 games.
1 u. oooKcase, 4U 251 BVJ3 STAINED GLASS Hanging LIGHT $60: BASSINET eyelet cover $35. 829-3166 BORDER COLLIE FREE TO GOOD HOME! 1 YEAR OLD. 221-8457 Or 222-09B6 3 glass display cabinets wstnraae drawers. all 256-2970 WASHER Si GAS DRYER $50 ea.
256 2970 CHILD TRAILER. Winchester, holds 2 kids, perfect condition $175 833 9692 DINING ROOM TABLE. 42' extends to 60" with leaf, and 4 Chairs. $123. 873-2036 WATERBED-Klng.
2 yrs Old. It oak. mirrored bookcase headboard, upgraded heater semi-waveiess, paos, excenenr $l75best. MUST SELL' 252-6379 work276-8335 eves FREE 1 YR OLD FEMALE BORDER COLLIE MIX. NOT SPADE, 849-7306 Tonneau cover aluminum frame, fits Ft 50 extended cab $ho; Coleman 3 burner camp stove 1 ju; tr 1 SEGA GENESIS ft 2 GAMES $70.
Radar Detector, $30 233-99IO METAL CABINET 6 MT high 3' wide. 1 tT deep 4 tneivet. stuu lui.f. ukaw ER Cabinet 37" high ZT wide 20" deep, drawer neignt 3 ib. 1 1 drawers $lUO 831-3989 BRASS FOOT RAILING: solid brass foot rail.
4 sections. 36 feet total. $125 831-3989 Black leather motorcycle pants, mens size 32, worn 3 times. Hni 242-3344 340 MEDICAL RECORDS SPECIALIST Job Snare position wul wttt comnstos. to lua-nfne wxthn 2 years, aJiowtedge of computers rCD-9 codtng and tiwf03y oenents.
send resume a saiary history as: FottV Wmdl Maxasjr, IxtC. AUK Pass 30) fninfc: 3tftnom St. vmtaa, wl jjj) NURSING STUDENT' NURSES AIDE For quatdraptegic Part tttnt. Weekend 6 evening hours. 89 SOmr.
a 3 3-4726 RM SUMMER BOrS CAMP Near aineiander, wi June io Aug. 18 DO VOU ENJOY KIDS ft AsCttva. Outdoor Recreation? if you are enthusiastic, would ute ao meet t. wont with others own all over tne world, call 800-713-3130 RN 'Vail ttrne. day shift, every other weekend only.
SUN PRAIRIE HEALTH CARE CENTER 228 W. Man St. Swa iratrte, Wl 53590 08 25I-H7I (608)837-5959 THERAPY AIDE Looking for dependable tncrapy aioe sor tast Maoi son skilled nursing facility Experience preferred. 35-40 nrsWK. can dco 6Oa-242-SO20 Mon-Prt.
8-4 MJ CARE, INC. EOE Call the DEAN JOB SOURCE (60SU52-5354. Your telephone connection to our current openings. Dean Mecucai center oners careers in the areas of nursing, med teal and laboratory technl cians, office clerical and ncHiseceepingy laundry. EEOAA 333 Dental DENTAL HYGIEN1ST DesttaJ Health Associates has a full-time positions available at our Wests ide office.
Please call Monica at 829-1711 or send resume to: Human Resource office 7017 Old Sauk Road Madison, Wl 53717 DENTAL HYGIENIST Our team needs a 3rd hy-gientst for our beautiful new office, we offer Ideal time wun patterns, pleasant environment, and full benefits, if you've always wanted to be pan of a great practice call Edte at 222-3403. Dr. Rudy Knutson, Monona. 335 Restaurant Bar ASSISTANT CHEFS S22.000-S2S.UO0 Henrtclf Management Corp has opening In Its high volume Janesvllle it Rockford Hoffman House Restaurants Send resume to: Manager. i-ionman nouse Restaurant 3431.
Milton Ave. Janesvllle WI 53545 BANQUETMEETING SETUP, nights 6 weekends. Holiday Inn Select 4402 fc. Washington Ave. BARTENDER -DAYS Apply In person or call for appointment, wiggiet iwi Aoerg J4I-0544 BARTENDER work Sats.
Suns. I0am-6om. Call 255-7998 be fore lOam BARTENDER Experienced. 40 hours, 87.00 nour to stan. Benefits.
Avatia bie Immediately. Apply In utrrsun. Avenue Mr, liza K. Washington Madison. CHEFS 30.
ASSISTANT CHEFS S25.CKS30.0OO If youre looking for an opportunity dom pass this one up. Send resume to R03161, co Madison Newspapers u. box ao56, Madison, wi 53708 COOK WANTED Full time, experienced, must work weekends. Good waaes. pleasant surroundings, on the lake.
Stan ASAP. Monteilo area, call days 586-5282, eves. 587-2214. roosts Excellent pay with bonus pian. txpenence necessary.
Apply In person at: IRISH WATERS 702 Whitney way Madison, Wl 53705 HOULIHAN'S. Houtlharrs is professional, fun and definitely not your average casual restaurant were bring ing together a team who can excel fn our fast-paced setting and who are committed to cus tomer satisfaction In all areas of restaurant operations. We are currently hiring ror all positions at our brand new West side location. Learn about our recipe for success. Apply in person at: 1262 John Q.
Hammonds Dr (acrosi from thf Holiday Inn west) EOE 510 Livestock LLAMA: Honey grey, weanling age male. Intact, Magneto. S800. 608-588-2106 eves HIP COW LIFTER CATTLE OIL BACK RUBBER 837-6506 LLAMA; Stud quality or as pet. registered.
Asking $400. 414-495-4926 HOLSTEIN COWS (561 Herd Average 21,300, SCC 170 Pick 50 ror $1200. 798-3868 Fresh and springing cows. Milking 385. Top quality.
Also bull carves. 836-8764 SHEEP LAMBS, various ages colors, $50 ea. or best offer. 837-2312 530 Farm Equipment Parts CROWN NIEMEYER TWIN ROTARY HAY RAKE; good condition, good painL 1 500 or best offer. ALLIS CHALMERS 3 BOTTOM PLOW, snap coupler, like new.
$300 or best offer. CALL 423-4301 IH686, $7000. CASE 1H8350 Hay Bine, 3 yrs. old, $7500 Rake. 1 000 Throw Rack a Gehl Flail Chopper, $500.
Best offers accepted. (608)424-3641 or (608K24-6269 INTERNATIONAL Farmall Cub Lowboy: Hydraulics. snowbiade, disc, plow, mon mower, carry-all fast i tc Excellent condition! $4300. 608-254-7325 after 5pm BOLENS 1 250 Hydrostatic tractor front end loader, blade. 48" mower deck.
wheel weights tire chains t-xcenent condition. 32250 best offer. 608-655-4965 1940 FARMALL Ex celient condition. Si650offer. Ask for Vern, eves 249-2940 AC 180 Diesel Tractor: $4500.
AC 4 bottom plow $500. Rock picker Siooo Call after 6. 414-484-3756 ALLIS WD45 Loader3 poiniPTO-narrow. Runs strong. $1500 firm.
414-484-6150 Columbus area. 180 MASSEY: Diesel $4000 702 UNI; wtage sheiier $2000 608-742-6814 FORD 34O0 Diesel-loader. 3 point, wheel weights. $5400orfer. 846-4248 FORD 80O Utility Tractor Good shape.
$3300besi offer 845-91 IO FORD 9N UTILITY TRACTOR 3 pt, good condtlon, $2200 oe oner. OOB-74S-43U2. ford 8N Tractor, nice shape $2BOOVbest offer. PTO override coupling $50. 608-837-3509 cqe Farm Services, J0J Repair FRITZ SPRAY PAINTING Painting farms, farm roofs metal bldgs.
08-222-9791 war mate, 1 rr $150 or ofter 837-056I POMERANIAN 2 Ikeauuful pups inota m4 24- POtrfHf Pup A AC. rrufMature kcd. Mate Trained 9 oo boa 274 4 1 77 Poodle pups Mini AKC, snots wormed I male aMh Txu pup. AKC 004 4i )220 PCXJDLE PUPS Standard. apncoL Akx.
3 wk $500. OA 238 2734 1 PUG RAT Temer pups weej old $125 ca. 7fT Pt'PPItS 7 8wk od Cat mum. Great markings $50a PUPtPlfc Aussie. Bnnany.
co*cker. Cc4- ooiaen art never rtuuey. Lab. Lhasa. Safnoyeds.
Shep- o. si BernarCaS. Many more mixes $75 up lack i iu-s'u noroiaaae Lab 300 American Bulldog $4 50. Bichori $KMj Free De- ivery Coiurnbus os-6-)i)5 QU ALIKE DOG kennel. 4X12x6.
S2UO 2 Dog Houses. $75, Porta Kenned $40 Radio Fence Contain. merW system. $00 831 2412 RABBIT BRIEDEJI SELL-Otrr 20 rabbits 14 breedsi. cages guards, leaders a.
pans. tross riains. mm tw imm Rat Temer Pup $IOO 5 Rat Temer cross Pups: I TO 608 583 2t07 Rottweiler 4 AKC -OFA duds, bv Karl Von Tern. Excel lent temperaments, family raised. $400 ooa-624 3624 ROTTWEILER PUPS AKC (91 Excellent disposition, quality bloodlines, family-raised Both parents on site )o ea.
60A-847-6S5I SCHNAtlfFR mlruaturc. AKC. black, mate, lova ble. 8 wks. Housebreaking 3 1 sal iru tel DB SHELTIE Home raised.
AKC, dew claws. 1st shots, 1 male 8250. 1 female $3IO. 414-394-9340 SIAMESE a BALINESE Oong haired Siamese! (9L Kittens tt aduiis. CFA.
registered, all snots. FeLV-FIV-, healthy, friendly companions IW3-JU ill IIB1 SIBERIAN HUSKY fe- male. 3 vrs old. AKC. 4H obediance trained Gentle, giod kids.
lOxvoffer. 6OB -985-7962 SUNIKX.S DOO OBEDIENCE CLASSES Start Sat a May 4 Professional Family Dog Training l-BOO-74 3-72 81 WEI ARAN ER PUPS AKC. OFA. A I disposition, parents on-site. $500 414-324 )997 YELLOW LAB I yr old male.
1 5cvoffer. 6x8x4 kennel Included. Call 249 204 2 after 5pm 601 Auctions "A AUCTION SERVILE EstateHouse hold Appraisals Auctioneer Larry Howe 24 W7 SCHRAEPFER AUCTION Barvtca Real Estate LTD, 1-523-4778, anytime Auction Associates Professional Auction services Toll-free. 1-800-242-0920 AUCTION SPECIAUSTS Mineral Point 987-3300 Stoughton 873-7791 Auctioneers Realtors GAVIN INC. 808-024-6418 COL.
"7FKE" GARTHWAITE AUCTIONEERREALTOR 1-523-4849 GEORGE AUCTION SERVICE Since 1934 (60S) 882-571 Hawteys Auctaoneerino Speciaiiiing in household and antique auctions 437-4650 603 Gara ast 2622 E. DAY I ON indoor SALE! Old household Items, crocks, dishes knick knacks, adult Infant clothes, toys other misc. Fn. sat a-4 610 Kiddie Korner Rainbow Play System. redwood.
Comparable to Sunshine castle package III at $28994- tax $1500. 244-6776 eves or wknds LITTLE TIKES LARGE Tropical Playground; 1 VT. Old $123Offer 244-7098 con Prints Frames PRINT; LEE CABLE, "His Divine Presence signed 377'500, unframed. $700offer. 249-1434 Wll til IFE fm UECTPBKI prints.
Bateman, cale. Bama. and nvire Call ve for appt 238-2785. 621 Antique Collectibles PAT ANDERSEN'S COLLETIBLfi SHOW Sunday, May 5. 9am -2pm Country Inn Hotel 2810 Golf Waukesha Admission: $4 00 Featuring: Dept.
56. p.m.. Bears, Hallmark, Barbies, Disney, and more. InfoKathy 4 14-774-1 772 TOY SHOW Antique ft Collectible Sat may 4 (ioam-4pm) 1 DANE CO. EXPO CENTER 1 504- Tables of Treasures Admission $3, Kids UI2 free INFO: Zurko, 713-526-9769 snipping charge).
GAZEBOS BOOK lOO-page book ilhn- I trates and describes 55 different gazebo designs, 13 yard structures (swings. sandbox, picnic table). 7 I arbors. 18 bird feeders and ornately styled birdhousea. .19.95 plus $2.50 State: Zip: I .1 304 Skilled Trades PLASTERERS Experienced in fciFS.
wigw tsenefits up to $23 tend won nisiory PO Bob 772 MWftSOn. Wl 53701. EOEAA PLUMBER Pntrnbfng contractor of resident! nemoartt-tg ticensed journeyman pHimbec. Wc offer com-nrnorve wage, 401k. insur ance, profit sharing, pawl vacation, uniforms, modern fa cility and truck fleet, ftepty to Btnjamm Plumbing, Inc.
5 396 King James way Madison. Wl 9)719 6O8-271-707I QUAUTY CONTROL OPERATIONS ronciete products manufac turer has a quality control and operations management position open. Individual must possess practical and relevant msnuiariunng experience tat related industry Must be computer literate and possess excellent written and verbal communication skflts. uegree prererreo tease send resume In conn dence to: Nontiwind Concrete Products 4633 Prairie HiH Rd. South Betoit.
Wl 61060 SUPERVISOR Painting Foreman: average hourly earning Benefits plus 40iK) after trial period, vehclle and phone necesary. rrtenoiy ex perienced people only. Year TO una traniun imu eti-zvyy ESTABLISHED PAINTING company needs competent, reliable subcontractors em pioyees. Carpentry skills help- nil Large volume ot imrnor-exterior work must be com-pleted! 608-255-4333 Growing company looking for ruu time experience! STAINLESS STEEL WELDER FABR ICATOKS. MUSI Oc Ot- oendabie and willing to trav el.
Full benefits Including hearth and 40tK. Wages based on experience. Contact Becky. Wine hell Welding P.O. Box 37, Eiroy, Wl 305 Office, Clerical ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE Small Insurance agency needs managers assistant.
Accurate typing data entry customer contact skiiis required. hour week. Send resume 6 salary requirements to: Manager Stark Insurance Agency 717 John Noten Dr. Madison, Wl 53713 Administrative Office Post tlons with Madlson'i best employers. Drake CO.
297-2411 Apartment Resident Manager FUchburg location, bo units. Live on property available for wont in afternoons re quired. Show apartments. tenant reiauons. DOOKxeeping Send letter of work experience to Victor Property Man aqement.
P.O. Box 45 1 70, Madison. 53744-5170. ASSISTANT MANAGER Personable Individual who deals well with the public needed for large apartment community. Responsibilities inauoe puoik relations, mar keting and administrative skius.
sena resume to: Anchor Property Management O4oi uaana ko. suite Madison, Wl 53719 Attn: Barbara CASHIER immediate opening for a cashier with New York stock Exchange finance company. Full benefits Included. No ex perience needed. Please apply in person or oy rax: Mercury Finance 4512 E.
Washington 16 Fax 242-5 5 SO. EOE Clerical positions available! Call EDS 221-4746 or apply in person. EEOAA. CLERICAL SUPPORT TYPIST RESEARCH ASSISTANT Downtown Madison research company has full time oosi tton assisting our rapidly growing researcn department. This person will be responsi ble tor completing various clerical functions Including telephone orders, microfilm printing, responding to customer inquiries and proof reading.
Candidate must be deiall oriented with strong telephone skills to provide support services ana Clerical assistance. Basic computer keyboard experience a plus. Qualified candidate must type 55 wpm with spelling proficiency. This entry level position offers a friendly, com fortable and smoke-tree work environment. $6.50 per hour Mon-Fri.
Call for interview 255-OS24 ask for Julie. CLERICAL DRIVER Responsible, safe driver, needed to help operate our cus tomer courtesy shuttle and assist wnn ugnt clerical duties in our Service Department. Pull time position includes benefit package. Contact John Neck 274-5100 MADISON MAZDA MITSUBISHI Customer Service Opportunity As a member of a self- directed work team, duties are to perform reception duties including greeting customers, selling merchandise, and answering external internal calls at a console. Ad ditionally, will sell classified ads over the telephone and to walk-In customers, make changes In ads and accept payments.
A high school diploma or the equivalent required. Must iype 35 wpm accurately, have excellent spelling, grammar and verbal communica tion skills and be able to handle tasks while being Interrupted frequently. Six months previous customer service experience wun Demonstrated ability to be customer focused Is necessary The ability to work as a member of a self directed work team is key. The hours are: Mon thru Ff1.ii:oo a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Please complete an application at our office or send us your resume with cover letter. ft Madison Newspapers, he 1901 Ftsh Hatchery Road P.O. Box 8056 Madison. Wl 53708 AWImattw AnnrvEquM otfwnwny Impkvf MARKETING SUPPORT West side home warranty provider needs person to assist in their growing marketing department. Strong phone skills and desire to work hands on in marketing doing mailings, etc.
Full time, days, temp to hire, business casual environment. $7 75 to sa.somour. call adtec Staffing to apply at 231-3210. Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Medical setting Full-time opportunity for bright, articulate, seif-mottvat-ed individual with leadership and organizational abilities Computer skills, knowledge of Insurance and coding a necessity. competitive wage and benefit; package.
I Please send resume to: Dr. Mary Grote 30I-A S. Roosevelt Dr Beaver Dam. Wl 53916 RECEPTIONISTCASHIER A highly motivated energetic person Is needed to fill the position of receptionistcashier in a fast paced work environment. The person we are looking for must enjoy greeting customers by phone In pe rson Other ut les are to fnel.
cashiering, filing other office related duties. WordPerfect 6 0 Is a plus Health fr Dental benefits along with a 40IK plan Is offered. If this position interests you please send resume to: Truck Country Attn: Gary PO Box 8687. Madison, Wl 53708-8687 60B-249-1090 Mdion Crcai ConnecuutL Lonfl "erm. start term.
one or perm. wne only a phone cam awaa 7-2775 Office Administrative Positions PARK WLST PERSONNEL 3 3-4022 246-2137 ask for Nancy RECEPTIONIST CLERICAL Pan-Ui 1 nf-ult-Bme puiKMwu available answering a line nmcheoanl. arreting customers and asitumg with clerical dube. Some Saturday and evening hours available 2 yean (witch-board experience preferred. Drug screening required, appucadon taken at.
FOBD im w. taa Hwy. wi Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST EVEREH securtttes. an employee owned national securities brokerage firm has excellent opportunity for a full time receptionist- Duties irciuoc. greeting visitors.
swenng Dhones. makino dmh. deposits. distributing mail im maimaining Drancn logs MUSt know Microsoft Wnrrt Professional and friendly. Fun working environmenL Send lesumex to: EVEREN Securities, inc.
4 7 A Vllnainna IV Madison. Wl 53719 EOE RECEPTIONIST Friendly 4 mature individual needed 10 answer multi-line pnone. other dunes Ind. greet ing and assisting customers typing, filing, and various tieri cal tasks. For an Interview ptease call Paula ai 604 241-4101 SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Full Time) we currently have a full-time opportunity In our Customer Service Department.
In this position, you win be respon si bie for accent) no and sell. ing classified advertising over the phone, taking ad cancellations, changes and obituaries, and assisting newspaper customers with their sub scriptions. Customer service duties in clude answering Questions. responding to comments and complaints, and advising our customers on the features ana oenetit* ot our products. Qualified applicants must type 35 worn minimum have previous experience in a customer service or sales role, and possess excellent communication and spelling kiiis.
starting salary: 18.78 00 per hour, depending on experience. The hours are: Mon. Thurs. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. By May 3. 1996, complete an application at our office or submit a cover letter resume to: Human Resources Dept SS Rep 1VU1 MM HA I LntKT KU. P.O.
BOX 8056 MADISON. Wl 53708 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer SALES, OFFICE MANAGEMENT 6t DELIVERY Join our company which fea tures natural and organic cheeses, honey, and other foods. Contact Rock Cheese CO. at 60S-223-6272 SUPPORT TYPIST OFFICE ASSISTANT Downtown Madison research company has permanent pan time position. Qualified candidate must type 55 wpm with proficiency.
Strong telephone skills and basic computer keyboard experience a plus Training for data entry, legal document prep, microfilm printing and report process Ing. $6.00 per hour, Call for interview 255-0524 ask for Julie. 306 Banking LOAN OFFICER Position available In Madison office. No experience needed nut saies oacngrouna neiptui Must be personable and en ergetic and enjoy working in a tast paceo aimospnere. Flexible schedule, wages based on hourly rate plus commission, lease sena re sume and salary history to: First Security Financial 404 S.
Banrtow Ste. 1 EAU Claire, Wl 54701 Attn: Steve 310 Domestic, Household CARE GIVER Responsible person needed to wont pan time in a smaii group nome ror ine eiueny. Duties Include: caring for res idents, cooking, cleaning and other misc. tasks. Flexible hours and some weekends.
231-2321 HOUSEKEEPER: Live-in. Start 61. Room, board wages. Smoker ok. Call 244-6733 NANNIES: Live-In.
Desperately needed. NYCT families. Sala ry: Agency: 1-800-932-2736. 315 Retail CASHIERS SALES POSITIONS FULL AND PART-TIME Our starting pay scales will reward you tor your out standing customer service skills. Premium pay for week end hours, we are seeking trtendiv.
neiptui. Ktnoiy canai dates for our immediate hir ing needs. Come apply In person at West Mineral Ft. A Beltllne East Hwy. 31 A Belt line Equal Opportunity Employer Wrm COUNTER SALES Vsfl mornings, ml approx.
25 hrswk. Please apply In person: RAVELS f*cktVER, I INC 2947 University Ave. Madison FRAMER fi Flexible. Experience SBM preferred out win train Apply In person. creative expressions 1906 w.
Behitne Hwy. JCPenney JCPenney west Towne has 1 full-time and 1 Part-time po sition available for immediate employment in our MEN'S Department. Also available for part-time employment: Mtm accessories Coats ft dresses Lingerie Women's accessories Family shoes Home lines we Offer Paid training Generous store discounts Flexible schedules Friendly atmosphere Apply In person JCPenney West Towne EOE MANAGER NEEDED Position available Immediately ana oners competitive saiary. benefits and insurance. Must be energetic, self-motivated.
customer service oriented. Ap ply in person at: uti at East Towne Mall, which now Includes a plus size dept Stock Delivery Position Full'part-tlme days. Miller's Mantel, wu n. t-aircnua STORE MANAGER Great wage opportunity for self motivated individual. Experience required.
Call 414-271-8776. n-Wi-woa. TUE FuS tame aoartiosi for saie tsf wun wo reiasea stems our West stde store. Training pnmaia. Benefits tnciuae va canon, notioays.
group health insurance. 4011KJ pian oppomimues PET ITOKE Putt part time positions Experience prcleiiad. but will tratn. Apply person at east 222-445) ntnng tor ail bosiuoas: ashiers. Baggers.
Retail t- lencs. Service Counter Clerks, Pood Service Clerks ana Stackers. Customer serv ice experience a plus; benefits nciuoea. A pot -canons may be obtained in person between the hours of 12-6 pro. Monday through Friday.
4V49-53 si4 uraversjn Avenue. Surte C. Madtson Q9H PUBLISHERS NOTICE This classification contains ads for employment as well as for work as an Independent contractor. An Investment may be required. Advertisem*nts must not offer or appear 10 oner work on a wage or salary basis when remuneration Is on a corTUTusston basis.
Ads must state the type of product or service to be sold. A company name which indicates the nature of the product or service If acceptable. ASSISTANT MANAGER SALESPEOPLE The ID Boutique, WestTowne Man, is looking tor an experienced Manager. Salespeople will enjoy part time dav or evening, flexible hours. Apply 111 pciwn.
AUTO SALES Male or Female No experience necessary Will Tram Great Commission Plan Large Inventory Great Products Company Support Make Great Career Choice! Call MR. DELLO 274-5100 MADISON MAZDA MITSUBISHI 6509 ODANA ROAD AUTO SALESPERSON Make 1 1 500 per week. Must be 18 years or older. No experience neces sary, women encouraged to oppw- ask tor Lfon. 221-7300 BUSINESS SALES we are a successful staffing company searching for a proven (we want the best') sales and marketlna person to call on area companies to runner expana our ousiness Our business has flrown tre mendously over the past three years and we want you to be part of the future.
The successful candidate will have proven sales ability and sue cess record. Startlnd com pen satlon package Is negotiable but will consist of base, com missions, and expenses. Ben efits include health, life and dental, cafeteria plan. 40i(k) and more. Please submit a resume with salary require ments (no resume wilf be considered without this) to p.u.
box 2508, Madison, Wisconsin, 53701. Commercial cleaning YOU ARE 1 Guaranteed initial business from $1500 to $30,000 monthly Commercial Accounts In your area Complete Equipment and supply package Comprehensive training program Financing Start was little as 1 TOO down COVERALL 1-SOO-566-OOI6 COUPLES Who enjoy meeting people, working together, as little as $199 gets you started in a ousiness or your own We assist. Phone local AM WAY DISTRIBUTOR and get the whole story. Call 414-5yO-OUU FINANCIAL firm has excellent sales to management opportunity available. Potential urst year commissions $30,000, 3-5 years 100.000.
Resume to: PO Box 620741, Middleton, WI 53562-0741. Hair Replacement Company in Minneapolis netting $40K monthly! Complete training. $399K. 612-924-2371 HOT TUB WHIRLPOOL SALES Weekends and 2 eveswk Approx. 20 hrswk.
Hourly plus commission. Leisure Concepts, Inc. 257-420O or 8OO-B09-9111 SALES: Full-time help wanted Call Wally for Interview. RUSk Gun Shop 274-8740 SALES MERCHANDISER Anderson is one of the fast est growing wholesalers of music, dooks, ana vraeo in the U.S. we are seeking sales merchandisers to service our clients, the nation's largest re tailers nere in tne Wisconsin area and near regions of the u.s.
1 year mercnandistna experience Is a plus. Recent college grads encouraged to apply. Some travel required during the 4 to 6 week train ing period. Benefits inciuoe medical and dental. 401 expenses, opportunity for ad vancement and competitive compensation package.
If you enjoy books and video this Is tne career tor you. Please sena resume to: Ann: District Manager Ejnar Chrtstensen 421 E. 34th St. Amarillo. TX 79103 or for more information call I -8OO-999-09O4 ext.76600 SALES FINANCIAL PLANNING FIRM IS SEEKING INDIVIDUALS FOR INSIDE TELEPHONE SALES.
if vou have good communica tion skills you can earn as much as $15hour plus benefits. pan-time, ruii-ume, nex-ume available. Send resume to: FILBRANDT COMPANY P.O. BOX 44718 MADISON, Wl 53744-4718 SALES: Full-time permanent positions available at our east Madison location for responsible, customer service oriented salespeople. Hourly plus commission with 25 guarantee.
senents inciuae neaitn, tire and dental insurance. 40 1 and paid vacation. Evening and weekend hours required Apply at Bensen's, 2905 W. Beltllne Middleton. Wildlife Conservationist well Sort of! We sett WI Vaca tton Lands and Log Homes Hey.
Irs a Great Job, blue jeans, independence and Bucks. Commission income to $90,000 Wisconsin Land Company 1-800- 505-5263 ATTENTION INSURANCE AGENTS Future Benefits of Wisconsin Is seeking licensed Agents to rep resent various companies specializing tn the Senior Market place, we offer leads and a very competitive compensation program. For more informa tion, call 608-752-8765. Equal opportunity Employer 325 Automotive AUTO TECHNICIAN We are currently accepting applications for entry-level and semi-skilled technicians, we are a progressive dealer- snip wun continual growtn and advancement opportunities. If you are looking for a change or would like more information, please contact chuck Howarth at 608-27I- 602 ext.
540 or apply in person to: ZIMBRICK Honda 0F MADISON a OMRoa a aw, sic I601 W. Beltllne Hwy, Madison, Wl 53713 KA.a. ana Advancement ppry person or send resume so Mats Paaxe testjkajAxasacMi Ae flAHaXW aCMfiQHf tkHNMf BHlSflfg BODY REPAIR TECHNICIAN Permanent. Putt nmc Experience necessary. HWr- 4uaury.
high volume shop l4-inr oua-jo-i225 CAR DETAJLER LOT PERSON Patrick Ford Mercury. I day work avek. daytime position. Insurance benefits. wutanRt, 401k.
health av turancc Apply kt person IK MM Scan Patrick Equal Opportunity Employer OETAILERS used car cleanup wages negotiate. Madxaoa a mo Trtav lac aot a. Raiasoa Ave 257-IOI9 PARTS COUNTER PERSON someone General Motors pans: anyone experienced In other automotive parts may apply We offer the following benefits: 401(10 irtHerneiit program Group health insurance 5 day work week Paid vacation Plus many other company ue ileum Apply In person to the Parts uept. aam-4pm Mon-i-n. THORSTaD CHEVROLET 1702 S.
Park SI Madtson. Wl 46081 256-028I Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE ADVISER Suburban Madtson Dealer Looking for a Team Player. Chrysler Experience Helpful. if you enjoy working with peopie, possess strong communication skills, have basic computer and keyboard skills. we wouia tine to spew wun you.
This full-time post 1 ton offers excellent waaes and per formance benefits for the right applicant, ror connoenuai interview contact Greg Pernot. O8-25I-0162 Halts Chrysler Ford Mlltwy Stoughtoa. Wl TECHNICIANS WANTED All skill levels. Business growth finds us In need of service teens, excellent opportunity for persons eager to grow with us. Full benefits.
can: JOHN NACK 274-5100 MADISON MAZDA MITSUBISHI 328 Cosmetology COSMETOLIG1STS: Openings at E. Towne Mall. Great benefits. $1200 Signing Bonus until May 31 CAPTAINS CHAIR 221-7)40 Hairdresser Wanted Full or part-time. Days or eves.
dub-v-5iiv 329 FloralLandscape LANDSCAPE SUPERVISOR laborer needed. CDL preferred. Barnes, Inc. 233-8425 330 Professional, Technical OMEGr, HORLDTWrU Corporate Travel Consultant Omega World Travel, one of tne top 10 agencies in the industry, is accepting resumes for a Corporate Travel Consultant In our Madison, Wl office. Position requires 2 years experience, worldspan knowledoe a Plus.
Competitive salary benefits, including 40 ik. tease tax resume to 608-255-6678 or contact Jennifer or Tina at 257-1161. Equal Opportunity Employer APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN Entry level-to clean, check repair large appliances. Full time, benefits. St.
Vincent DePaul processing Center. 1 109 Jonathan Dr. 278-2920 ASSISTANT TO THE CREDIT MANAGER Customer service and credit experience required. Comput er skills (word processing and spread sheet) a must. Full time with fringe benefit program.
Apply In person or sena resume to: iwautz ramt Co. 939 East Washington Avenue. Maoison. wi vvuj Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Needed Immediately to fill entry level position. Degree required.
Excellent starting saiary. cor more into can 414-256-1774. EOE COMPUTERS: Window data base professional to create aataDase applications ror rapidly growing Madison com pany, internet experience a pi us. izi-zwz. June.
Customer Service Representative Madlson-based commercial primer has an immediate opening for experienced Cus tomer service Representative. This person must have experience In printing, paper, job planning and computers Knowledge of 4-cotor process. Job flow and pre-press helpful. If you are personable, deal well with customers, both Internal and external, reply In confidence to: adtec Lithographies Attn: HR-CSR 2 501 Todd Drive Madison, Wl 33713 Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTINGCAD Michael F. Simon Builders, a construction Industry leader, is seeking qualified applicants for a full time po suion.
Applicants must nave hands-on experience In drafting and CAD operations as they relate to the residential and light commercial industry. Michael F. Simon Builders, offers excellent benefits and a professional, non smoking environment. Wage based on experience. Send resumes to Mlcnaei F.
Simon Builders. 81 7 S. Divi sion St. waunakec. Wl 53597.
East-side Property Management Company looking for experienced Business Manager. huit-time, cnaiienging professional position. 9-5. R3143 co Madison Newspapers, Inc O. BOX 8U5b Madtson, WI 53708 ENGINEER Concrete products manufacturer has immediate need for degreed engineer.
Prefer 2 years experience tn the Industry. Duties Include enalneer- mg taxe-ons ana customer menace. Must be computer literate and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills. Please send resume in confidence to: Nortnwtnd concrete Products 4633 Prairie Hill Rd. South Belolt.
Wl 61080 HOUSE MANAGER I n.in quarter AO da house. Respon Jiui'iwi tnciuue aiconoi'arug testing of residents; supervision of residents house duties, and maintaining CBRF licensing standards. Room and board plus stipend included. Criminal background check required. Call George at 255-5922 for Information and application.
aaeoc Em piourr nk. ja. cr a Fanners Market Corner .4 jejE KiwmmmkZ tit If you have (ho desira for an outdoor retreat wriera you can relax and read the paper or chat with friends, a oazebo maksa an attractive possibility. The pitched roof here la supported by 4-by-4 posts set In cement. Lattice panels and ran parts are easy to cut and fit between the posts.
Floor construction la similar to an outdoor deck. Pressare treated lumber is specified tor all parts that contact the ground. Distance between the aidea is 12 enn Farm Help DUU Wanted FARM HELP individual to operate mechanical stone picker. Must have farm experience provide references. S7 50 nr.
846-4142 Help needed on dairy farm. Some experience. Room board 83I-56O0 Horses. Stables WWJ a oi ivmp-iucut 8 YR. OLD tri-color paint gelding.
Great for youth or oiuer nuers. snown 4-m oy yr oia. vroKe to anve. J2500. Dun quarter gelding.
16 age 7, broke quiet. S150O. 2 older Belgian mares, well-broke 1 500 ea or best offer. 608-675-345! 5 YR OLD BUCKSKIN Geld ing. Friendly, quiet, great for trail S1700 2 Yr Old HACK- ey pony Broke to ride.
friendly, pretty $900 608-647-2691 eves. 87 TRAILETTE HORSE TRAILER: 74" high, extra wide, all aluminum, dressing room, ramp, great shape. S4500orter. 873-6358 eves. or 873-5867 NICE 2 HORSE TRAILER, bumper pull, electric brakes, ramp, tack storage, newer tires floor.
IU50. 833-3026 or 833-1117 17" Jump saddle $675 7" Regent ait purpose sad dle S475. Leather Irons tnci. 274-9328 CENTERED RIDING CLINIC May 4th-5th, main event. Sauk City.
Auditors, $20. Riders. SI20. Presenter, Elite Jensen. Info.
798-1904 Horses for lease to experi enced horse person. Also stall boarding Indooroutdoor arena. 837-9412 QUARTERHORSE. 1 yr. old Filly.
Bay with Star. no papers, 850offer. Call days 6Q8-884-98Q8. Mtninature Donkeys, 32" Spotted Jack S400. 2 Yearling Jennys.
I brown. I spotted, SBOO ea. 877-Q274 not broke. Needs skilled handler, 1650offer 4I4-32b-50H9 Calnes Saddle Shop. 255-4577 where value and quality are priority! Reaistered Quarterhorse Mare 4 yrs old, sorrel, great dispo sition.
Musi see WO-JJB-JJVTt MARE 16 years old SQfKVoffer 4I4-4S4-3044 510 Livestock 1 1 HEAD registered TX long horn i. lots of big horns 6 colorful. Low cholestorai meat. S4800 for all. 608 675-3451 MINIATURE DONKEY; Approx.
registered, great personality, 2 yrs old. Asking $400. 414-495-4926 i. plus Z.50 i Giving Away a Per? Get adopters references, and check them. Then deliver the animal In order to make sure Irs a good home.
38x78" Rnllaway Bed wmattress. 30 cash. Can deliver. 643-6445 BENCH SEATS, gray middle St rear from 1 996 Dodge Caravan. $50 ea.
276-8039 Pair END TABLES $5 Pair LAMPS $10 Like new LAWN MOWER $75. 241-8764 after 10am L. BOAT HOIST SI 50 Call for Info. 241 2941 Entertainment center Excellent condition. Dark Oak.
$150. 249-2993 after 5 pm. ADULT PICNIC table, new, painted redwood color $42. Child's table i)0 Will deliver 60B-04 3-4056 twin BED, Headboard, box spring, mattress 6: frame tULtLLtNl! S15U. H4V-OVVO ANTIQUE GAS STOVE: 2 burnersoven Darling cream, sage black.
Use or display. $73 243-8443 Curved Glass Display Case. Black, tall, narrow, corner. Slow best offer. 243-8443 PFALT2GRAFF Dishes.
Wyndham pattern, set of 8 wserver set. $75offer. 849-8561 COUCH LOVE SEAT, navy floral print. $200 for both 837-4140 WASHERGas Dryer. $50 ea saoooin.
urop teat tame. 2 chairs, bench $60. 873-3532 SOLID OAK TVVCR Cabinet Brand new. $175. 221-0779 2 boys 16" bicycles, $23 ea 1 26" 3 $50.
$25. 831-2412 Bath sink cultured marble 55" $IOO. Typewriter IBM Selelectric II, $ioo. 849-843(1 Microwave Tappan $75. Bike, Boys 24 10 $25.
Swiv el desk chair. $20 849-8438 TIRES (4) 15- 4 wheel drive, $175 or best offer. 251-9134 LAWN BOY MOWER EXCELLENT CONDITION! 1st $150 takes It 244-5017 Sail board. Complete $ioo Upright piano, free for the taking. Weight lifting equip $20 Mens io spd.
$10 Toaster oven. $10. Dehumidi-fler, freeparts. 274-5497. eves ANIMAL CAGE $35 Oak hanging plate rack $35 Hall tree, $35 Computer posture chair $43 Planters nut Jar $75 Craftsman Belt sand er $70 250-1919 CRAFT PATTERNS Home Workshop, Dept.
MA 3545 Stern Avenue, St. Charles, IL, 60174 1692 Garden Gazebo Plan $10.45 2006 Gazebo Plan Packet wd imhu BJ550O Gazebos Book. $1 2.45 96 -bu Can Make It" Catalog $4 00 (Shows over 500 do-it-yourssif plans plus 00 rabata oner) It Residents add 6.5 tax Prices Include delivery charges Name: Address: CJQG.